
Legal Disclaimer: Serene Colony is an 18+ role-play simulation. We do not allow simmers younger than eighteen into the game. By continuing this process, you are stating that you are over eighteen and that Serene Colony assumes no legal responsibility if you lie. Anyone found to be underage will be removed immediately.

Please note: While we allow 18+ content, this is not an Adult Game. More on this here.

At Serene Colony, our primary focus is on role-playing the lives and adventures of our characters, with missions and academics having an important supportive role. Personal posts have an equal value to professional ones, and we refer to our missions as episodes. We are telling stories within a story.

Each player is responsible for developing their character. The sim is more or less a playground for this. The command team will provide one or two missions and/or stories every episode, but considering the size of this sim, there wouldn't be something for every character every time. If you ever need help figuring out an idea for your character, we'd be happy to help.

We expect all Starfleet staff to help the sim keep the premise of a working Starfleet Starbase, colonist a developing Colony, and for the Campus, Academic Instruction in the background.

We want everyone to feel welcomed and have fun, but unfortunately, anyone not writing after a month has gone by and not communicating why we'll deactivate from the sim.