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Tue Feb 5th, 2019 @ 9:23pm

Ambassador Geminik Odar

Name Geminik Odar

Position Gateway Project Director

Rank Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Joined Trill
Age 52
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year May, 2336
Place of Birth City of Leran Manev, Trill
Marital Status Married
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 2" (188 cm)
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Graying light brown
Eye Color Hazel Blue
Physical Description Tall graying man, with a trimmed beard, medium brown Trill spots, and in good fit shape.


Spouse Samantha Fraiser Odar
Children One on the way.
Father Jayvin Talris
Mother Lirisse Talris
Brother(s) Jirin Talris
Sister(s) Bethan Wekna (married)
Other Family Nephews and nieces.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Geminik is decisive and strong-willed. He is also dynamic, idealistic, and charismatic when in a leadership role; leading by respecting those who work under him, and giving them room to grow. However, Gem has shown at times to be reckless and stubborn, and can be a bit gruff. He is often very thoughtful and introspective; at other times, he can be just a bit eccentric. He possesses a fierce temper that can lead to occasional explosive outbursts of anger. Yet, he tends to calm quickly and he usually demonstrates a cheerful and upbeat personality.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Decisive and strong-willed
+A strong leader, a team player
+Thoughtful and introspective
-It's rare, but has at times been reckless
-Explosive temper (calms quickly)
-Stubborn and at times, can be a bit gruff
Hobbies & Interests • Likes to go for daily walks
• Exercises almost daily with a program similar to pilates
• Composing music
• Is a collector of Historical and Cultural Art
• Loves to read the classics
• Enjoys Old Earth cartoons
Languages Knows various languages

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level ALPHA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4 (double check)


Personal History Geminik was born on the Trill homeworld and grew up in the city of Leran Manev. The first-born child of a physicist, and a former Guardian, Gem was considered a prodigy, developing skills at levels far beyond the norm for his age early on.

Outgoing and confident, Gem grew up in a very strict yet loving home. He revealed a strong desire and ambition to be joined early in his youth and began his preparations, applying to the Trill Symbiosis Commission for joining at the age of twenty-one when his University studies were complete. He became an initiate under the supervision of a field docent, a joined Trill who evaluates the prospective host's suitability for joining. A recommendation was made to the Symbiosis Commission, and a decision was made. It would be another three years before he was to be joined with the symbiont Odar.

Odar is an ancient symbiont, and extra considerations were made for who would be the next host. Young and impatient, yet honored, Gem's patience was tested as he was to wait for his joining.

The current host for Odar, Taulin was in his final years. Geminik was introduced, and the two formed a mentor/mentoree relationship. Geminik took it hard when he was told it was time, that Taulin was dying. He said his final goodbyes, with Taulin reminding him he would always be with him.

Bittersweet, Gem was joined with Odar at the age of twenty-four and to be the final host, whereupon his death, if at all possible, Odar is to retire to the Symbiont pools of Mak'ala.

Meanwhile, Gem entered the Trill Diplomatic Service at twenty-one and served for many years, eventually becoming a member of the Federation Diplomatic Corps. He firmly believes that learning is a lifelong process, and he continued his post-graduate education when the opportunities were there.

Throughout the years his responsibilities as an Ambassador have included negotiating trades and agreements between Federation worlds, occasionally representing the Federation to non-Federation worlds interested in or considering trade, and/or becoming members. Having taken a break for two years to teach at Starfleet Academy, he continued mentoring Academy interns whenever available.

Highly respected by many and enjoying his work, (need to fill).

Feeling a bit ambivalent, he accepted the position.


Other facts about Gem, some would be known publicly, some private:

• Having nothing to do with physical drive, Geminik use to have the same mindset as most joined Trill when it comes to romance; felt it was a nuisance, meant only for the young, and only indulged in it on occasion. Although Odar had married and raised children several times in past hosts, Gem had planned on remaining a bachelor throughout his life. That began to change when Samantha Fraiser entered his life.

• Plays and is very good on the keyboard and violin and also composes Trill classical music which has become known among those who enjoy the same type of music.

• He HATES bureaucracy but expresses that behind closed doors, to only specific individuals.

• Because of his sensitivity to Retinax 5, Gem needs old fashion reading glasses.

(more to come...)


Past hosts as they are thought of:

Taulin Odar - former Starfleet Counselor who had retired on the Trill homeworld.

Service Record • With the Trill equivalent of a Ph.D, with degrees in Political Science, Communications, Sociology, Xenobiology, and Federation Law, Geminik Odar rose through the ranks of the Trill Diplomatic Service to the rank of Ambassador, and became Trill Ambassador to the Federation.

• Adding to his post-graduate degrees, attended the Diplomatic and Exocultural Relations College at Starfleet Academy.

• Accepted as a member of The Federation Diplomatic Corps, keeping his diplomatic rank of Ambassador.

• Assigned to (to be filled in soon)

• Offered the position of Director of the Gateway Project, and accepted.
Major/s (Specialization/s) (coming)


Friends Close friends with Deveron Raziel
Romance Having nothing to do with physical drive, Geminik use to have the same mindset as most joined Trill when it comes to romance; felt it was a nuisance, meant only for the young, and only indulged in it on occasion. Although Odar had married, raised children, several times in past host, Gem had planned on remaining a bachelor throughout his life. That begin to change when Samantha Fraiser entered his life.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A