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Sat Sep 23rd, 2017 @ 11:23pm

Lieutenant Julianna O'Brien

Name Julianna Anya O'Brien

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 6 in
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Dark Auburn
Eye Color Light Brown
Physical Description Slender and petite build w shoulder length wavy auburn hair and dark emarald green eyes. She has a unique heart shaped birthmark behind but hers is behind her right ear. Quite often on duty, she wears it in a elegant updo, but usually prefers to wear her hair down around her shoulders. She keeps herself in good physical shape by working out and running several miles per day. Has light freckles across her nose and cheeks as well as a small heart shaped birthmark behind her left ear.


Spouse None
Children Daughter- Claire (Stillborn)
Father Captain Michael O'Brien
Mother Commander Anya O'Brien
Brother(s) Michael Jr (38), Sean (35), Jacob (32)
Other Family Uncle Sean Gallagher (Mother's brother),
Cousins-Daniel (32), Aiden (27), Tomas (25) & Rachel (19)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Julianna is soft spoken though has her moments where she can be loud if she feels the situation calls for it. She is generally calm under pressure and has the ability to think on her feet when the situation calls for it. She has a good sense of humor and loves to laugh, thought she isn't fully open with someone when she first meets them. Is extremely protective of family and friends as well as be a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to her duties, occasionally getting angry with herself if she doesn't get something right the first time.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Fair
+ Honest
+ Open
+ Dedicated
+ Loyal
+ Protective

-Opinionated (at times)
Ambitions To one day become Chief Medical Officer at Starfleet Medical on Earth and to one day have a family of her own.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies
-20th Century Novels & Poetry books (particularly authors like Robert Frost, & books like 'To Kill a Mockingbird')
-Playing the Piano (something she's very good at)

-Working Out
-Playing the Piano
-Horseback Riding
Languages She speaks fluent Gaelic (Irish) and English. As well she is able to speak French and German.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level DELTA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 3
Awards & Commendations Awarded over at the original Magellan Campus sim:

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Academy Service Commendation -
Awarded for her loyalty and commitment to SF Academy Magellan Campus for two years in a row.

Episode awards -
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My Place In This Universe

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The First Step...


Personal History Born on June 18, in Belfast Ireland, Julianna was the 2nd oldest of four children but being the only girl she was doted upon by her father and furiously protected by her brothers. Intelligent from an early age she was reading by the age of 4 and had learned to play the piano by the time she was 8 years old. Rather than sending her to the local public school, she was sent to a private school in Belfast where she excelled at her studies until she graduated at the age of 18. At 17, she took the entrance examination for Starfleet Academy and passed with flying colors, impressing all the test administrators.

When she was 18, she took and passed the entrance examination for Starfleet Academy. During her four years at Starfleet Academy she made numerous friends but the closest was Sara Williams, whom became her best friend. The two became thick as thieves as they were both studying Pre-Med and planned to become doctors. Doing quite well at all her courses, she surpassed any expectations her instructors had for her, graduating from Starfleet Academy with honors.

She continued her education at Starfleet Medical Academy where she took more advanced and focused courses directed at sharpening the medical skills she learned at Starfleet Academy. Once again, she excelled in her studies, receiving a commendation for her excellent work in her studies, graduating after 4 years.

When she was serving on the USS Hood, she met a man by the name of Miles Kilpatrick,one of the security officers and the two hit it off over drinks. Before long the two were inseparable and became very much romantically involved. Six months later he proposed and the two started planning for their wedding. Just a few weeks later Julianna discovered she was 6 weeks pregnant. However, just two months before the wedding was to take place, Miles was on an away mission that went horribly wrong and he was killed. Julianna took his death very hard but managed to get through it with some help from the Chief Counselor. Just when she seemed to be making progress and doing much better emotionally she got another shock when two days before she was to deliver her baby (a daughter as it turned out), the Chief Medical Officer was unable to find the baby's heartbeat. This new shock devastated Julianna and she spent months on a leave of absence while she dealt with her grief following the birth of her daughter, whom she named Claire Aingeal. She was induced and delivered her daughter just hours after the news. Shortly after she transferred to the USS Atlas where she served for four years, slowly returning to her old self, though she still has pictures of her daughter, one of which is in a small locket she wears around her neck always, tucked under her uniform shirt when shes on duty.

She received her surgical internship at Starfleet Medical where she worked closely with the Chief Medical Officer there, who held her in the highest regard for her excellent care of patients, and her comforting bedside manner. He highly recommended her for her first assignment as Junior Medical Officer on the USS Hood where she would serve for the next three years before being promoted to Lieutenant JG.

She then transferred to the USS Atlas where she was given the position of Senior Medical Officer, serving there under Captain Miller for the next four years with distinction.
Service Record 18 - 21 yrs old - Starfleet Academy
21 - 24 yrs old - Starfleet Medical Academy
24 - 25 yrs old - Surgical Internship, Starfleet Medical, San Francisco
25 - 27 yrs old - Junior Medical Officer, USS Hood
27 - 30 yrs old - Medical Officer, USS Atlas
Medical History 14 yrs old - broken leg and concussion from a fall off a horse.
16 yrs old - Thelusian Flu - treated
27 yrs old - Delivered a stillborn daughter, Claire

-Highly allergic to strawberries


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A