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Mon Feb 14th, 2022 @ 5:48pm

Commander Arlaena Torr

Name Arlaena Sherrean Torr

Position Starfighter Squadron Leader

Rank Commander

Character Information

Native Birth Name Arleina Sherrean Torr
Gender Female
Species Filra
Age 46
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 9/2355
Place of Birth Filra
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight 130 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Azure Blue
Physical Description Felinoid, she is lean and lithe. Her entire body is covered in soft, thick, black fur. She has a three-foot-long, prehensile tail which she tends to wrap around her waist when in crowded environments. In her eyes is a wisdom that speaks of age beyond her years and yet a playfulness that is more the hallmark of kittens. She carries herself with fluid grace.

When off duty, she tends to wear very little. What looks like a leather-and-metal harness that holds cloth over the appropriate places is the extent of the clothing. The leather blends with her fur, but the metal is usually of a silvery-blue color. Sometimes she adds a set of hair rings at intervals along the length of her butt-length black hair and another set at intervals along her tail, though this is more a dressy style. These rings appear to be made of the same metal as is on her "clothing", though they have rune-like etchings in them.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Delvaen Torr (68)
Mother Alairra Sherrean (70)
Brother(s) Devayne (46, twin), Emyrrin (43), Kelaen (41)
Sister(s) Analyrra (33), Maearra (36)
Other Family Unknown. The House of Torr was Sundered, and most were killed. What remained of them were scattered among the Houses that Sundered them as Servant Class.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Arleina tends toward a laid-back behavior when off duty. Her manner indicates that she is easily approached. But, like the cat that she is, it would not be wise to anger her. She is extremely protective of those she considers to be family.

On duty, she is all business. She carries herself with nobility and strong Command. She knows exactly who she is and what she can and cannot do. Limitations and strengths are both known to her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Strong-minded
+ Intelligent
+ Kind and caring
+ Protective of friends

- Strong-minded (sometimes too much)
- Sometimes cares for those she shouldn't
- Having been rendered to Servant Class, she finds it hard to tolerate certain attitudes (arrogance, narcissism, etc.) and may react before thinking, especially if those attitudes are harming someone whom she either cares for or someone who cannot protect themselves. This can get her into trouble.
Ambitions She isn't really all that ambitious. She loves to fly, and so is doing what she loves already.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Gymnastics, Playing Synthesizer and guitar (both acoustic and electric), Hand-to-Hand Combat
Likes: Good conversation, a well-played joke, people of sharp wit and high honor
Dislikes: People of no honor, prejudice of any kind, unearned arrogance
Languages FIlra, Standard, Klingon

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level DELTA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Arleina was born on Filra to one of the Noble Houses. And though they were only Minor Nobles, this entitled her to the best of schooling available on Filra.

At ten, like all Noble-born Filra, she was sent to the Testing Center nearest her home, and it was determined that her strongest skills lay in the fields of Physical Sciences, Astronavigation, and Diplomacy.

She was given a choice as to which of these three top skills she wanted to pursue. She chose Astronavigation and was put into the Training Complex for that field. This schooling lasted until she was approximately fifteen, at which time, she was allowed to serve on her father's ship for two years.

At the end of that time, upon their return to Filra from one of his Missions, they found their House had been Sundered and the remnants who survived rendered to Servant Class. Arleina was made to serve one of the higher Nobles named Treviul Arrkhada who was known, among the High Nobles to be a cruel and unjust Master. She served him, in any way he demanded but not without her small rebellions, for a year... until she found and managed to make use of an escape plan.

Once outside, she made her way to the Federation where, it was rumored, good pilots were in high demand. She applied to their Starfleet, with the sponsorship of Klingon captain by the name of Klor of the House of Koroth, and was granted entrance. Here, she pursued her major of Astronavigation with a minor in Astrophysics. On her own time, she also took the Academy's SAR training. She graduated the Academy with high honors and was assigned to serve aboard the USS RavenFlight.

Here she served for four years and was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade. She was then sent to serve aboard the USS Icarus for the next ten years... the duration of her stay in the ranks of Lieutenant Junior Grade and full Lieutenant. At the end of that time, she was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and transferred once more.

That assignment was classified by Starfleet Command, but by the end of that six years, she had reached the rank of Commander... and found a growing interest in Temporal Physics. She requested. at that time, and was granted a Leave Of Absence for four years during which time she studied for and acquired a degree in Temporal Physics. Now she is returning to active duty, this time on the far-distant Starbase Magellan. Her cat curiosity thrills to the excitement of this new assignment!
Service Record Filra Diplomatic Courier Fynestrra
USS RavenFlight
USS Icarus
Leave Of Absence
USS Avalon
Academy Refresher Courses (TransWarp)
Major/s (Specialization/s) Astrophysics, Astronavigation, Temporal Physics
Medical History Arleina is extremely healthy and shows remarkable resilience. There are vague signs of former physical abuse, but she seems to have recovered that nicely. These are also, it should be noted, older than her time in the Federation.

She has the enhanced physical senses of the feline as well as greater agility. She also seems to possess a greater strength, though that is accounted for by the fact that Filra has a higher than Earth-normal gravity. A mid-range telepathy and empathy were also of note as they are genetic qualities associated with the species as a whole.


Friends She didn't really have time for socializing while in the Academy due to her intensive classwork. Many of her friends from her various assignments she has lost contact with.
Romance None at this time but very open to it!
Enemies and/or Rivals None really. She seems to make friends easily.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A