Ambassador Moreta

Name Moreta

Position Special Emissary

Rank Ambassador

Character Information

Native Birth Name Moreta
Gender Female
Species Maltosian (Talshanaar)
Age 56 (57.68 Terran)
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 11/2335
Place of Birth Maltosia
Marital Status Widowed
Sexual Orientation Other

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft. 1 in. (Council Mode), 5 ft. 7 in. (Personal Mode)
Weight 165 lbs. (Council Mode), 135 lbs. (Personal Mode)
Hair Color Black (Council Mode), Red-Brown (Personal Mode)
Eye Color Amber (unless mimicking someone who already exists)
Physical Description Lean and graceful in either mode, watching her move is like watching liquid slde across a surface. Her base state (what she is when she is not assuming a form) is a thick, creamy semi-liquid like thick hand cream. In her chosen forms, her eyes are always amber, though she can change them if mimicking something that already exists. Those eyes hold warmth and kindness, showing the healer she is at her core. But there is also a hard edge when needed.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s Durrell (Deceased), Brodell (Deceased)
Children Daughters: Varrista (37), Muraada (39)
Sons: Varrin (39), Merrann (Missing) (36)
Father Kolvann (Deceased)
Mother Myrrista (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandchildren by Varrista and Voraan: Dorvaal, Rydella, Lovaar, Brodann, Valora, Vyranna, Triesta, Alanna, Remara
Grandchildren by Myraada and Krodaan: Myrasta, Kelynda, Syrona, Pelynda, Merann

Personality & Traits

General Overview Being a Kiyalaar (Healer), Moreta tends toward a gentle and kind approach to most people. But being Chancellor of her people's Grand Council has also given her a strength of experience and leadership. Trust is not given away but earned.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Kind and gentle
+ Strong personality
+ Shape changer
+ Generally calm and rational in most situations

- Could possibly be led astray by promises of finding her son
- Must return to her natural state for two hours each day
Ambitions Beyond the fact that she wants to find her son, Moreta would, one day, like to return to Healing. But for now, she is happy in the diplomatic service.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Music, Voice; Flurett (instrument *similar* to a flute)
Likes: New languages; ice cream; hot cocoa; camping; watching the stars
Dislikes: Coffee, prejudice, stupidity, cruelty, higher life forms, marshmallows (don't ask)
Languages Federation Standard, Maltosian, Dallantran (modified from Maltosian), Velasian (what the Derevaar were actually called) Ferengi (from trading), Klingon, Cardassian

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level BETA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Moreta is the Chancellor of the world of Dallantra. She is a Talshanaar which means that she has the ability to alter her form to anything she chooses.

She was born in the Talshanaar fashion on Maltosia twenty-five years before the Great Crossing. Her parents held positions on the Grand Council, so, naturally, Moreta was trained in the ways of the Council.

She went to the special school to which all children of councilors went, but her father also taught his daughter at home. Moreta was taught the fundamentals of leadership by her father, and the school enhanced upon his teachings.

From her father, she also learned the talent of the shift. As she grew, she enhanced upon these teachings (which are given to every Talshanaar child) becoming more fluent by the day. By the time she was seven, Moreta was capable of choosing and holding any form of her choice to the discomfort of some of the members of the Council.

By the time she was ten, she had completely mastered the shift. She could now become anything she chose. At the age of fifteen, Moreta began studying the one thing she had always wanted to study... medicine. She graduated the school with high honors at the age of nineteen and began, with the help of her father, a medical practice of her own. She kept up this practice for two years until she was elected to the Grand Council.

At the age of twenty-one, Moreta was elected by the Council to the position of Chancellor. She became the youngest person ever to be elected to that position.

Although medicine was her first love, Moreta also found this work interesting and challenging. Or, at least, she did for two years until the Derevaar (Destroyers) came to Maltosia. The Maltosians and the other races which made up the Communion of Stars welcomed the newcomers into their midst... until their true intentions became clear. These newcomers systematically destroyed Maltosia and four other worlds in the Communion.

As Chancellor, Moreta went to the leader of the Derevaar to bargain for Maltosia against the protests of her husband Durrell, who insisted that he could get into their compound and find a way to get rid of them. To prove his point, he altered his form into that of a small rodent and attempted to go beyond the perimeter fence.

His efforts were rewarded by an electrical surge which killed him almost instantly. Moreta grieved for her husband -- and nearly followed him into death -- but calmer minds prevailed. These convinced her that she must still go and try to reason with the offworlders and let his death have meaning.

She and the Planetary Overseer reached an agreement. She could take 40,000 of her people in the Communion's largest ships and leave, but the planet was his. She hated this arrangement, but felt that saving some was better than losing all. So the Council selected, by lottery, who would go. Thus began the Great Crossing, when Moreta was twenty five.

Two years into the Crossing, Moreta married Brodell. Three years later, they had a child.

A year later, the Telanna Varise or Telvar (Quicksilver) was evacuated due to damage caused by an attack. Raiders were the commonly-blamed people, but Moreta suspected that the Derevaar (Destroyers, what her people called the people who had devastated their world) had thought better of their bargain and decided to rectify their "mistake". In the confusion, her youngest son, Merrann, was left behind. When Moreta discovered this, she requested the caravan to turn around and go back. When they flatly refused, she suggested that she would take a small shuttle and go back to search for him.

The Council refused stating that, as Chancellor, she was too valuable to risk unnecessarily. When she was caught trying to commandeer a shuttle and go back anyway, she was locked in her cabin and forced to stay there for the next two years, enough time, they thought, to prevent any possibility of her going back.

By the time they made planetfall on Dallantra (Hope or New Hope), the now 38,500 had rewritten the language and established the system of government which would be used on the new world. They landed, established the government, and got the new world off to a good start. They had even done some trade with people from the stars before Moreta stood before the Grand Council and asked for the refit and use of Redira Narat or Renar (Starfire) to go beyond the Passage that the Star Traders had told them about and chart the regions beyond.

When asked why she wanted to lead this expedition herself, Moreta's official answer was that, as Chancellor, she was also Ambassador to New Worlds. Her unofficial, and unspoken, answer was that she believed that, somewhere out there, she would find her son. Council flatly refused, and she waited...

When she was 47, the arrival of new Travelers changed everything. These were from something they called the United Federation of Planets, and they sought treaties and alliances with her world. As Chancellor (and therefore Ambassador), Moreta was sent to them. The Treaties were eventually signed, and she was requested by the Federation to be the Maltosians' permanent ambassador.

For the next nine years, Moreta served the Federation as diplomat on various missions and gained quite a reputation for being able to make peace between the most difficult of parties. Now she has been sent to Starbase Magellan to work her "magic" on the Delta Quadrant as well. Not having found her son within the Alpha or Beta Quadrants, she welcomes this assignment on a personal level as well as the professional.
Service Record Kiyalaara Aerra (Healing Hands, the name of her private medical practice)
Major/s (Specialization/s) Medicine, Diplomacy, Leadership
Medical History Being a shapeshifter means that many of the ailments that solid-state forms have she is immune to. Therefore, there is no medical history to speak of, though her current medical file was forwarded to Starbase MAgellan as per protocol.


Romance None currently but open to it!

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A