
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Tue Oct 1st, 2019 @ 1:53am

Lieutenant Taryn Madison

Name Taryn Danielle Madison

Position Nurse

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 1.70m
Weight 76kg
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Thick scars cut across the bridge of her nose, through her left eyebrow to her forehead and under her left eye. Smaller scars but no less defined, trace from her right eye down to her chin. Where each scar ends at her hairline, there are patches of white hair within the red. The back of her left hand also bears intensive scarring. Her eyes are artificial, creating an odd emotionless look to her. Her auburn hair she keeps short and somewhat spiky, to accentuate the silver in it. Triply pierced ears, though she rarely wears more than studs in each one. A silver and blue dragon tattoo around her right ankle that extends down her right foot, while a scarlet and gold one wraps around her left ankle and foot.


Spouse None
Children Edward Douglas Roberts (1)
Father Lieutenant Colonel Laurence Edward Madison
Mother Cassandra Lee Springs-Madison
Brother(s) Adrian N. Madison (20)
Evan M. Madison (17)
Sister(s) Talia G. Madison-Van Kelder (34)
Lakia A. Madison(8)
Other Family Nephew: Pieter E. Van Kelder (5)
Nephew: Alexander J. Van Kelder (3)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Quiet but exudes an aura of confidence and calm that makes trusting her easy. She blends into the background, easily overlooked but observing everything.
Strengths & Weaknesses A very slight empathic ability, enhanced by touch.
Her ocular implants give her normal, even enhanced vision but have some conductivity issues that sometimes leave her blind, or with blinding headaches.
Her scarring leaves her somewhat insecure at times.
Ambitions To prove that her disability doesn't slow her down, but makes her better.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, Dancing, Drawing, Carving and Sculpture.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level DELTA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 3


Personal History The Madison family has traced its lineage back to the 5th president of the United States James Madison. Every member of her family has been in the Military Services and Starfleet for 7 generations. Her father Lieutenant Colonel Madison was in the Fleet Marine Corps, so she traveled all over the universe with his changes in position. Rarely did she travel with her mother, a Starfleet communications specialist. She and her identical twin sister were born a month early while they were on leave in North Carolina. Due to a Betazoid ancestor way back in their mother's lineage, the twins share a latent telepathic bond.

Attended whatever local school there was in the area of her father's posting. She always achieved high grades even if she was always a bit distracted in all her classes. Applied to Univeristy and graduated with honors in the Biological sciences with a minor in Art. However, during her Junior year at university, there was a major accident in the lab. Someone left a Acetylene valve on, and when Taryn came in to the lab and lit her burner, the lab station exploded into her face. She was severely burned, but somehow managed to survive due to the safety mechanisms in the lab, with the only loss being her sight.

Applied to Starfleet Academy at the age of 20 and graduated from Starfleet Medical's Counselling Program at the age of 24. She felt her trauma would put her in a unique position to help others. When her sister was pregnant with her first child, Taryn was asked to be present during the delivery. The experience made Taryn get both an emergency medical certification, and basic doula/midwifery certification. She maintains both certifications in case she is ever called upon again to use them.
Service Record USS Brighton- Junior Counselor
USS Genessee - Counselor
USS Vienna- Assistant Chief Counselor


Romance Doug Roberts

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A