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Sat Nov 14th, 2020 @ 1:21pm

Mackenzie Bergman

Name Mackenzie Elizabeth Bergman

Position Owner of White Lotus Salon & Spa

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year June 17th
Place of Birth New Orleans, Louisiana; Earth
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'0"
Weight 103lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Long, silken, hair flows like a sea of fire, coming to rest at the small of her back. When on working, Mackenzie wears it up in a neat bun at the base of her skull to keep it out of the way. Eyes of blue, sparkling like the deepest ocean, sit on either side of a perfectly shaped nose. Beneath said nose, lies her cupid?s-bow shaped lips and a feminine jaw. Her only visible physical flaw is a small scar on her chin.

Despite her petite stature, it's clear that Mackenzie keeps herself in excellent shape. Not to the point of being manly; far from it, with her toned arms and legs - long and muscled like those of a runner, her flat stomach and the soft curves of her upper body. She exudes feminine virtues while keeping an edge that a man could not take for anything except a woman, maintaining her form through hard work and dedication.

When annoyed or angry, her light blue eyes begin to darken and become more prominent against her tanned features.

Mack has a tattoo of a lotus blossom between her shoulder blades.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Caleb Bergman
Mother Elsa Bergman
Brother(s) Commander Magnus Arynson (Half-Brother)
Caleb Bergman Jr.
Sister(s) Kristin Arynson (Sister-in-Law)
Other Family Kelly Khan - Cousin
Marek Arynson (3) - Nephew
Liekos - Wolfdog Puppy
Various Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Warm, caring, friendly, laid back, funny... those are only a few of many things people have said about her. Her sense of humor could rival any one's, and has in the past. She enjoys the occasional practical joke, something she learned from her siblings growing up. There is a huge soft spot in her heart for children and animals. Many consider these to be found as weakness, but she has the innate ability to go from the warm and bubbly person people come to love, to that of a viper at the drop of a hat.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:


Junk Food
Ambitions To open a White Lotus Salon/Spa in all four quadrants.
Hobbies & Interests - Cooking
- Yoga
- Swimming
- Running
- Working out
- Playing piano
- Star gazing
- Hiking
- Rock climbing
- Gymnastics

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)



Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A