
  • 6 Mission Posts

Specialist Ivy McKinney

Name Ivy Rose McKinney

Position Botanical Engineer

Second Position Botany Conservationist

Rank Specialist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23
Place of Birth Shoalhaven, Australia, Earth
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 164lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description A cascading wave of honey-brown hair frames a soft, oval face. Evenly spaced hazel eyes shine bright when she smiles. Her lips are not too full, but but maintain a perfect balance. A graceful neck curves into shoulders that seem capable of taking a load in a metaphysical sense. Her body is toned by countless hours of moving about, never any slack on any given day, but curvy without being considered out of proportion.

She has several tattoos located on various parts of her body. (To be listed at a later date.)


Spouse N/A
Ex-Spouse/s N/A
Father Ross McKinney
Mother Anna McKinney
Brother(s) Captain Connor McKinney; 37; Magellan Campus
Lieutenant Commander Alexander McKinney; 37; USS Armstrong
Sister(s) None
Other Family Nephew Saxon; 6; Nephew (Alex's Son)
Various relatives

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ivy is a fun loving kind of young woman, but she has a sassy side and isn't afraid to speak her mind. She doesn't take life too seriously, but isn't afraid to if the need arises.
Strengths & Weaknesses + confident
+ creative/imaginative
+ intelligent
+ eidetic memory
+ hard working

- adrenaline junkie
- compulsive
- restless
- protective (family, friends, and other loved ones)
Ambitions Her current ambition is to create 'Rufus' (An herbivorous plant.), and have it survive the infant stages.
Hobbies & Interests surfing, swimming, martial arts (Chin Na), camping, cooking, photography, painting, reading, cello, gardening, mountain climbing, scuba diving, plant biology

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level DELTA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 1


Personal History Botanical Engineer
Biological Systems Engineer
Plant Biology
Plant Sciences
Computer Science
Life Sciences
Environmental Horticulture
Environmental Science and Policy
Environmental Toxicology
Hydrologic Sciences
Soil Science
Biomedical Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Plant Physiology

** These are things that she would have studied in order to get her degree in Botanical Engineering. **


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A