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Thu Jun 18th, 2020 @ 9:32pm

Cadet Freshman Grade Sadie Hawkins

Name Sadie Hawkins

Position Pre-Med Cadet/Biology

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 18
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 12-06/2370
Place of Birth Columbus, Ohio
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 115 lbs.
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Sadie's dark brown hair is nearly black. She wears it in various styles but tends to prefer it long and straight. She finds that long hair can often cover things that best are not seen in the light of day. Her eyes are a captivating blue. Beware the blue because the eyes could either be cold as ice or as warm as a sunny day. Sadie is svelte. She is shapely but has not necessarily grown fully into her womanhood yet.


Spouse none
Ex-Spouse/s none
Children none
Father Benjamin Hawkins
Mother Emily Hawkins
Brother(s) Richard Hawkins, age 30
James Hawkins, age 28
Sister(s) Sophia Hawkins, age 26

Personality & Traits

General Overview Sadie very much believes in working hard and then playing at least as hard. She is mischievous and will turn perceived slights against the people who have offended her with various pranks and hijinx. She enjoys playing up to her bad reputation of being loose and a tease. However, to date, despite her reputation, she has only been intimate with one boy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Strong willed, determined, intelligent, fighter

Weaknesses: easily provoked, stubborn, risk taker
Ambitions To discover something new in medicine and have it named for her.
Hobbies & Interests Tae Kwon Do, science books, anatomy books, medical books, spring ball,
Languages English, a little Latin, Spanish, Klingon

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Sadie was an unplanned bundled of joy, her mother liked to tell her. Her parents had always intended to stop having children after Sophia was born; however, when they learned they were pregnant once again, her parents continued the pregnancy.

As the baby child, Sadie often was given hand me downs from Sophia. Consequently, she cherished anything that was new or was "just hers." At 4, her brother, James, procured a book or Sadie on the human body. Sadie's parents thought that the book was too advanced for Sadie; however, not only did she master reading at this age, she mastered the book. Pretty soon, she was telling all of her parents' friends, her siblings' friends, and anyone who would listen facts from the book, such as the difference between veins and arteries, information on the five senses, and all about human muscles and ligaments. She even learned about basic bacteria and viruses.

A precocious child, Sadie took every opportunity to learn something new, especially if involved the human body or science. Something about unlocking the mysteries of the ways things worked appealed to her. Perhaps by understanding it, she could control it.

Ben and Emily were proud of their youngest child's achievements but kept her with her social peers for fear that older children would take advantage of her. Unfortunately, children are cruel regardless of age. Sadie bloomed into womanhood earlier than most of her peers. While most girls did not care, the boys noticed and teased her for it.

As the boys matured, most wanted to be the first to kiss her. Despite having physically bloomed early, she had little interest in boys until she was 15. The first kiss went to the pleasure of a 17 year old student in her high school named Steven Kramer. While the two dated for a few months, Steven eventually went into the Academy and the two lost touch.

Towards the end of her junior year in high school, Sadie started dating one of the most desired boys in school, a football player, a year older than her, named Bill Waterman. Bill made Sadie's knees weak. She never sacrificed her studies or grades for him but was always seen at his parties and wearing his jacket. Playing on the fact that he would be leaving in a month, Bill convinced Sadie to have sex with him. Sadie gave in and the two remained committed partners until Sadie's body had other ideas.

At the end of the year, Sadie had abdominal pains and collapsed in school. She was transported to an emergency hospital and eventually had her appendix removed. It was little conjecture that Sadie and Bill had been having sex, so her peers spread the rumor that Sadie had an emergency abortion. Sadie could not effectively counter this rumor as school ended before her return. Consequently, over the summer, Sadie's reputation became that of a girl who had loose morals.

Her senior year started with lots of whispers and people turning from her. She knew the rumors and also knew there was nothing she could do to counter them. Bill was gone and too much time had passed. Sadie determined that the only way to counter the whispering and talk behind her back was to adopt the persona she had been given. Within a month, she began to dress more provocatively and would frequently tease boys with blown kisses and winks. She ruined more than one relationship of catty girls by interfering with their boyfriends either by stealing a quick kiss with them in their presence or luring the boy somewhere for what was supposed to be an intimate meeting and leaving them in compromising positions.

Sadie enjoyed the power. However, her parents began to become worried about her conduct. Consequently, rather than having her go to a medical college, they strongly encouraged her to enroll in Starfleet to try and correct her newer wild ways.
Service History 2388 - Enter Starfleet Academy as a Cadet (pre-med/science)
Service Record 2388 - Enter Starfleet Academy as a Cadet (pre-med/science)
Major/s (Specialization/s) premed/science
Medical History appendectomy at age 17
no known allergies


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Pre-medical (fast-track)
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A
Major/s (Specialization/s) and/or Goals: Biology