
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Sun Jan 17th, 2021 @ 3:36pm


Name Mitys

Position Owner of Gaia's Red Rose

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Orion (Muni x Erratic)
Age 19
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 04/2369
Place of Birth Nimbus III
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 152cm (5'0")
Hair Color Light Purple
Eye Color Dull Violet
Physical Description Mitys is short even for a Human standing 152 cm; five feet, Mitys is fit her hands are almost always covered in dirt or plant-material.

Mitys is also a unusual looking Orion as her skin tone was not the normal green tone instead it was a light pink. Then with her iris’s were a dull violet radically different why not her hair which she dyed a light purple.


Father Rerynr
Mother Minoa
Sister(s) Telaaa
Other Family Aunt Mehyla

Caj (family/clan) Hexis-Kyse

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mitys is a young, idealistic and passionate Orion but with her being a Muni x Erratic status did bring it’s own problems. The worst was being semi-ostracized within Orion society. Making friends keeping them was tough through her childhood.

This didn’t dampen her idealism and passion but it did hamper feeling like she belonged even within her own caj (family/clan). She knew she was loved and they would protect her but she could never really truly be a Hexis-Kyse.

Her primary passion was botany she loved everything related to the study of flora. The more bizarre the flora was the better. It wasn’t until she was 13 did she become interested in the medicinal side of potential plants.
Languages Federation Standard (semi-fluent)
Trade Tongue (Script)

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Growing up on Nimbus III was not easy. Between the insane sand storms and lack of basic supplies. And on top of all that there was the crime and limited job opportunities. Her mother was a waitress/bar-back in the Slag Pit a particularly nasty bar.

Her father a local thug for the local Syndicate mostly doing collections and some enforcement. When Mitys was born and her parents realized she was a muni x erratic her father pretty much ignored the idea that this was his child. Majority of the caj (family/clan) was the same way seeing as they were somehow connected with the local Syndicate.

So this left Mitys mother to watch, raise and protect her luckily the other females that had no ties to the Syndicate did help. Mitys aunt Mehyla was the one that taught her about Orion culture, history and their language. By her 15th birthday she was fluent in Traders Tongue and Script (the written form).

The next three years were more training in Orion ceremonies and teachings. This included the study of herbalism and the role that it played in Orion culture. With as much technology that the Orions used in a day to day basis they still had their roots in the more ancient ways and studies.

But things were getting dangerous and heating up on Nimbus III mostly from power shifts in all the local crime outfits. When Mitys was 19 the Bloody Bones gang made some big moves hitting several other gangs leadership all at the same time causing a major power vacuum.

After long talks Minoa agreed that it was best for both of her children to be sent off world for their protection. Her younger sister Telaaa was sent to live with some of caj on Ter’jas Mor while Mitys was sent to the Selenn freighter. Where she worked in the galley until it reached the Serene colony. Her aunt had made papers hopefully allowing her access to the colony and getting approved to be a colonist.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A