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Sat Jul 25th, 2020 @ 5:58pm

Administrative Assistant Jinzle Pejaa

Name Jinzle Pejaa

Position Administrative Assistant

Rank Administrative Assistant

Character Information

Native Birth Name Bib'ux of House Shenara
Gender Hermaphrodite
Species Vorta x Klingon
Age 26
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 05/2362
Place of Birth Ganalda Space Station
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Other

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Milk Chocolate
Eye Color Amethyst
Physical Description Jinzle is exotic she has the typical ridges on her forehead but they were less pronounced than if she was full Klingon. The other oddity were her eyes they were a bright amethyst purple.

Jinzle has shoulder length milk chocolate curly hair which helps balance out her skin tone and her amethyst purple eyes.


Father Pafye Pejaa (adoptive/Trill)
Mother M’mesr (biological/Klingon) Nenoi Pejaa (adoptive/Trill)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jinzle is very much type A personality; competitiveness, time urgency and some times aggressiveness in handling certain situations. This has gotten her where she is today.

Unlike some type A people she is apologetic for her actions if it caused harm in her pursuit of her dreams.
Strengths & Weaknesses Jinzle struggles with personal relationships finding that they complicated and confused things. Also her type A personality also tended to get in the way this also included just making friends.

Jinzle was insanely goal orientated to the point where she becomes hyper focused and the world around her ceases to exists. As much as this is a strength it has become a extremely dangerous weakness.
Ambitions Running her own art gallery or a museum
Hobbies & Interests Art and the history of the art of all cultures is her primary interest
Languages Federation Standard, Klingon and Trill

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Jinzle was accident and not a happy accident. Jinzle was created in a lab by a embryologist; a specialist in the field of study that concerned embryos and their development. Doctor Elliam Baniora was the one that spliced Jinzle’s embryo with Vorta DNA.

How he got Vorta DNA is still a mystery why he did it again mystery. As soon as the embryo was planted into the mother he went into hiding but made sure the doctor would send him regular updates. The child was born without any complications.

It wasn’t until Jinzle turned 3 that her mother realized that her daughter Bib'ux wasn’t normal or fully Klingon like the doctor that delivered had said. 2 years later M’mesr was approached by a unknown female warning her that her child was in danger and she could help.

After seeing the evidence M’mesr believed this mystery women and with her help was able to smuggle her daughter to a Trill couple with fake papers which gave her a whole new identity. Her new parents were a Trill couple named Pafye and Nenoi.

From age 5 to present Bib’ux was raised as Jinzle. It took about 3 months for Bib’ux to realize how important it is for her to learn her new identity. During those 3 months she was kept inside and away from basically everyone. This did cause some developmental issues with engaging in social situations but this quickly disappeared when she was enrolled in school.

Jinzle excelled in school and when her adoptive parents enrolled in the Kem’alta Institute she excelled even more. Especially in her business courses along with her art history courses. After completing her primary business courses she stayed in school to get her masters in art history which led her to getting a job as an executive assistant to Lal Anavere the infamous art dealer.

Jinzle worked for Lal Anavere for 2 years when a bigger opportunity to be an administration assistant of a colony.
Service History Before coming to Serene Colony Jinzle was a personal assistant to Lal Anavere the art dealer who worked out of the Devritane Museum (2 years)
Service Record 2 years working for art dealer Lal Anavere
2 years working for the Devritane Museum

These both happened at the same time. For the Devritane Museum it was purchasing collections to be shown at the museum. And mostly individual pieces for Lal Anavere.
Major/s (Specialization/s) Business major and a Masters in Art History both from the Kem’alta Institute
Medical History Jinzle is healthy well she is alive. Jinzle has several bad tendencies. Like forgetting to eat lunch or dinner. Forgetting to sleep. Forgetting to stay hydrated. Jnzle has ended up several times in the hospital for exhaustion, dehydration and mild malnutrition.


Enemies and/or Rivals Several mostly people who she beat out purchasing art for Lal Anavere or the Devritane Museum

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A