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Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 3:22pm

Cadet Freshman Grade Teryn Sera

Name Teryn Sera

Position Engineering Cadet

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Native Birth Name Sera Teryn
Gender Female
Species Bajoran/Betazoid
Age 19
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 03/2348
Place of Birth Bajor
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 11 in.
Weight 160 lbs.
Hair Color Jet black
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Tall and lean, Teryn is lithe and graceful. She keeps her butt-length black hair in a tightly-woven braid most of the time. Storm gray eyes change hue with her mood, becoming darker when she is angry or distressed.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Merran Troi
Mother Sera Avani
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Despitte her background, Teryn displays a kindness and compassion. She normally keeps her considerable Empathic talent locked up behind mental walls, though those can begin to fail if overly stressed or physically exhausted.
Strengths & Weaknesses + strong minded and willed
+ empathic
+ intelligent
+ affinity for machines

- can be too strong-minded
- mental walls can fail if stressed or tired
Ambitions To one day serve on the Flagship of the Starfleet and run its Engineering department (The Prophets may have other ideas)
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Battle Simulations (She writes them), singing, playing guitar, and painting
Likes: Rak’t’gino (Klingon Coffee), hasprat (Hot), and good music
Dislikes: Rudeness, prejudice, and anyone who behaves with dishonor
Languages Betazoid, Bajoran, CArdassian, Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Sera Teryn grew up during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor. She watched them destroy all that she knew and loved... and decided that fighting was the only way to stop them. So she joined the Resistance. Having been a very astute observer while her mother worked on the machines in the house, Teryn easily found her way to help them. She hacked the Cardassian computers and used their own systems against them.

She was betrayed by a sympathizer and taken to Terok Nor. She expected to be executed or worse, but instead she was taken to Gul Dukat. Their conversation led to her remaining on the station with him, and traveling with him when he left it. For this, she is thought to be a traitor by most of those from the Resistance who survived, but she has no regrets; her reasons were honorable.

Two years before the end of the Occupation, she was forced off of Terok Nor, and she went to the only place that was safe for her now, Betazed... or that was the intention. She did not make it out of the Bajoran system, however. The Prophets had other plans for her and intercepted her, taking her to their Celestial Temple where she remained for a time indeterminate by her. They returned her in early 2388, sending her to the Federation where she applied to the Starfleet as directed by the Prophets. She was not sure why, but she followed the instructions. She was sent to the Magellan Campus for her education.

In the intervening months, she had drwams of a young man she could never quite see, but his voice was clear. She knew that she would know him when she heard that voice. She was not sure who he was or where he was, but she knew that she would meet him one day, that it was destined.
Service History N/A
Service Record Cadet - Magellan Campus - Current
Major/s (Specialization/s) Engineering
Medical History There is evidence of any number of injuries mended long ago that are assumed to have been inflicted during the Occupation. But generally, she is in good health, goes to effort to maintain it.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Engineering
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A
Sponsor (for non-Federation citizens) Captain Richard Blackstone