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Fri Jun 17th, 2022 @ 5:36pm

Lieutenant Commander Kelvenn Trevaen

Name Kelvenn Trevaen

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cormerrann
Age 60
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 10/2328
Place of Birth Cormerrann VII
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft. 7 in.
Weight 215 lbs.
Hair Color Blue-Black
Eye Color Black w/Multi-Colored Flecks
Physical Description Kelvenn is tall and lean, displaying a grace that is almost ethereal. His raven hair falls to just past his shoulders and is, most times, held back at the front and sides but left free in back. His clothing tends to range in the deeper colors, but is eclectic in its style.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Vedran Trevaen
Mother Samira Raal
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kelvenn is quiet and unassuming... but watchful. He is an observer who misses almost nothing. He has a keen “eye” for recognizing trouble of the emotional type and a gentle manner for aiding the distressed. He carries an aura of calm serenity about him, drawing the same out in those near him. He is a good listener... and a seemingly ancient Spirit.
Strengths & Weaknesses + kind and compassionate
+ Keen observer

- Does not know his past beyond 30 years ago.
- Tends to put everyone before himself
Ambitions Kelvenn is not terribly ambitious, seeking only to help those he can while he seeks his own answers.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Crystal Sculpting, painting, and people-watching

Likes: Good company, soft music, a mint beverage whose mixture remains known only to him (Like tea but not), and well-performed art

Dislikes: Coffee, rude people, most alcohol, and greed
Languages Cormerrann (though he doesn't have the name for it), Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Training: StarFleet... Psychology and Medicine. Non-StarFleet... Hand-to-hand Combat (learned from a Klingon during the academy).

Degrees: StarFleet... Psychology and Medicine. Counseling.

Special Abilities: Spirit Sight (This allows him to see things happening far from his location, but he MUST know what to focus on. It is NOT random.

Talents: He seems to draw people near him to a state of calm or serenity. Not on purpose. It seems to be innately part of his makeup.

Personal History & Notes

Most of Kelvenn’s history before he entered Federation Space is a Mystery... even to him. His entire memory begins when he awakened aboard an abandoned alien craft in unfamiliar territory.

Not knowing where he was or even who he was, he sent out many distress signals in hopes that some friendly ship would hear and help. For two months, no one did. Then a ship identifying its origins as the United Federation of Planets responded to his distress call and informed him that he was currently just inside the borders of something they called the Neutral Zone, and that they could not aid his vessel in that territory.

A second signal was also detected then... a ship claiming its origins as the Romulan Star Empire. It also stated that he was in the Neutral Zone and demanded to know what his purpose there was.

He told both ships that he was not certain what this Neutral Zone was nor why he was inside of it. The Romulans either did not understand or did not believe him. They commenced firing on the vessel as it was nearer to their borders.

To his shock -- and theirs -- the vessel took no damage from the Romulan Disruptors fired at it. The beams simply “reflected” harmlessly off of its black, mirrored surface. Startled, he commanded the alien ship to raise its shields to protect him. Strangely enough, it understood his words and did so. It then engaged its engines and backed itself away from the Romulan Warbirds, at the same time informing them that they had only one chance to cease their hostilities before it opened fire. Apparently, being fired at and having its shields ordered raised had activated some Security Protocol on the craft.

The Romulan vessel, being who they were, decided that this vessel was “inside their territory and therefore was theirs to take.” And so, they continued to fire on the strange craft.

While Kelvenn tried frantically to stop the interstellar Incident he and his strange ship were apparently about to cause, the ship opened its Weapons Ports and fired one single burst at the Warbird. A searing, blue-green energy bolt lanced out and touched the Romulan vessel. At first, nothing seemed to happen.

Then, from the same Port was discharged a white beam which seemed to snake around the blue-green one until it touched the same point on the Warbird that its counterpart was touching. And that was it. The Romulan vessel disappeared in a flash of blue-white. Not even StarDust remained where that craft had been.

Then Kelvenn’s ship shut down its Defenses and sat once more dead in space save for Life Support. It had completed its task, and now it awaited new orders.

Kelvenn sat back in the chair and closed his eyes. The image of that Romulan Warbird disintegrating would haunt his dreams for many years to come. And the Federation vessel... it had sat on its side of the border and watched this, sending the recordings from its sensors and external cameras back to Starfleet Headquarters for evaluation. And then... it left. Without another word, it simply turned and left.

Kelvenn chased it for three days before he finally gave up the chase and slowed to Sublight Speeds. Around him, the Federation spread itself out like a great tapestry. Hundreds of stars and worlds... waiting to be explored and understood. But where to begin?

As he slowed, three new ships approached him. These also identified themselves as Federation vessels and asked his purpose. But, he reflected, they were a lot more polite than the Romulans had been.

“To explore.” he had told them not knowing what else to say. They had cut communications while they considered this, then had answered.

“You are welcome in Federation space with only one stipulation. Do not turn your weapons against any of our ships or those of our member worlds. This would be considered an act of war and treated accordingly. Do you understand these terms?”

He had agreed, and had spent the next ten years exploring the vast reaches of the Federation. But something kept drawing him to the Fleet ships and stations... something for which he had no name.

And so, ten years after entering the Federation, he entered his application to the Starfleet Academy. Upon acceptance, he immersed himself in full courses in Medicine and Psychology. It was his hope that, through these fields, he might find that memory which had been lost to him these last ten years.

It was not, but upon graduation from the Academy, he was sent to serve on the USS Idris. Starfleet allowed him to keep his ship -- mostly because the damned thing would not let anyone else inside it much less command it -- which remained cloaked behind the Idris. He spent the next six years on that ship, the duration of his time in the rank of Ensign, as a junior counselor. He was then transferred to the USS Rosen where he spent the next ten yeard, the duration of his time in the ranks of Lieutenant Junior Grade and Lieutenant as Assistant Chief Counselor.

At that time, he felt the pull to something new. He requested, and was granted, a transfer to Magellan Station. As exploration went, this was the ultimate as this was the first Starfleet post in its quadrant of the galaxy. He took his ship and made the journey, arriving to find that he had been promoted again to Lieutenant Commander and given the position of Chief Counselor for the station.
Service History USS Idris - Ensign
USS Rosen - Lieutenant Junior Grade / Lieutenant
Magellan Station - Lieutenant Commander (Current)
Major/s (Specialization/s) Medicine, Psychology
Medical History Aside from the memory loss, Kelvenn is in perfect health. There appears to be no physiological cause for it, though there are a couple of anomalies in his brain scans.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A