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Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 2:53pm

Commander Ta'mas

Name Ta'mas (pronounced with a short a sound, as Tä- mäs)

Position Chief Of Engineering Operations

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan, ¼ Human & ¼ Betazoid
Age 32
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year April 2356
Place of Birth Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico
Marital Status Married
Sexual Orientation Other

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 5"
Weight 240-ish lbs.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Ta'mas has slight Vulcan eyebrows and ears and is bulkier than the stereotypical Vulcan. A big, athletic man, he is heavier than he looks because of his Vulcan physiology of having denser bones.


Spouse Paige O'Halloran
Children none
Father Commander Tavor (missing, presumed deceased)
Mother Shaylan (deceased, died proceeding childbirth)
Other Family Paternal Grandfather: Sovak, Member of the Vulcan High Council, Commissioner of Vulcan Cultural Affairs.
Maternal Grandfather: Ambassador Subek
Maternal Grandmother: Liarase Drei
Commander Sotan (Great Uncle on Father's side)
Healer S'angla (second cousin on Father's side).
Lt Antonio Vazquez (cousin on Father's side).
Numerous other relatives on Vulcan, Betazed, and Earth.

Personality & Traits

General Overview His genetic mixture has not always been easy for him. Mostly, Ta'mas is a friendly, outgoing, and fun-loving person. He is very social and prefers not to be alone. He knows many Vulcan disciplines, techniques, and ways but does not practice them as he should. The exception is the need for meditation.

Ta'mas was promiscuous and considered himself omnisexual in his youth and early Starfleet Academy years. While he has calmed down, he is still a highly sexual individual. Despite his tendency to take risks, he takes his Starfleet career seriously.

He rarely speaks with contractions.
Strengths & Weaknesses Ta'mas is, in essence, a nice guy. He can be quite a charmer, although sometimes he puts his foot in his mouth. He is occasionally impulsive and has been described by some as arrogant. Despite his diagnosis of mild hyperactivity, he is very focused on his work; and dedicated. While exceptionally intelligent, he sometimes struggles with his self-confidence. He has high respect for authority and is considered trustworthy by those who know him well. He is a low-level empath, enhanced fully upon physical touch (a side effect of his Vulcan half), defining him as a full-touch empath and can send as well as receive. He is marginally skilled as a touch telepath. Because of his experience during the Battle of Betazed, he's cleisiophobic.

Cleisiophobia is the fear of closed spaces or being locked in an enclosed place.

Hobbies & Interests Ta'mas enjoys regular physical workouts and sports, especially Khaiya (Vulcan archery, two-time champion in his youth), rock climbing, racquetball, and hockey.
He relaxes by working on plane models and reading.
He enjoys poker and cooking, flying, and dancing, primarily classic Latin.

Languages While his primary language is Standard Federation, he is also fluent in Spanish, Betazoid, and Vulcan since his childhood. Learned Romulan in the Academy.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level Beta-Two
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Ta'mas, cha'Tavor heh Shaylan (child of Tavor and Shaylan) hei-Duveh (of the House Duveh), was born in the Chihuahuan Desert of New Mexico in the year 2357. Because of being alone out in the desert and complications during his birth, his mother died. At the time his father, Tavor, was a civilian pilot and ship designer, having taken over his maternal grandfather Gabriel Vasquez's business after his death, and was an adviser to Starfleet.

Diagnosed as mildly hyperactive, Ta'mas was always a handful. When he was five, his father enrolled in Starfleet Academy. This troubled young Ta'mas, unable to understand why he could not go with his father. At age seven, his father sent him to live with his paternal grandparents on Vulcan, people he hardly knew. As time passed, he became very close to his paternal grandfather, Sovak. He lived with his maternal grandparents on Betazed for his secondary education.

He was on Betazed at 15 when the Dominion forces conquered and occupied Betazed.

At 17, they accepted him into Starfleet Academy. At first, he was unsure of what he wanted to specialize in, but that quickly changed...

"I was unsure what I wanted to do when I first signed up for the Academy, torn between flight control and engineering. My family's tradition was to earn a pilot's license, and I wanted to follow that tradition. Based on my entrance exam, a counselor advised me to specialize in engineering, and he was right... He could see something in me I could not. But I listened and was immediately hooked. There are the usual reasons, putting things together, taking things apart, and having control over how something works. But for me, it is keeping my hands busy and making me think, being handed a problem, and finding the solution. The thrill of seeing the solution come to fruition by something I have done with my hands, I do not think I could do anything else."

During his senior year, the PTB had notified him that his father had disappeared while on a classified mission for Starfleet HQ.

While serving aboard the Pegasus, he had an emotional breakdown and was ordered to Vulcan by his commanding officer to undergo treatment. He remains under medical orders for regular follow-ups by a counselor.

(still have been filling in from simming history through the years, and so will be adding in more, including how he ended up taken by Q.)

Service Record *Enrolled into the Academy, making his primary degree Engineering, specializing in Propulsion Systems and Material Engineering, while getting a second degree in Flight Control.

*In his Senior year as an Intern and after graduating from the Academy, he furthered his education at the Warp Technologies Development Group, occasionally assisting at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards.

*Moved on to The Cochrane Institute of Alpha Centauri, performing independent research under supervision in the advanced study of warp propulsion, submitting his thesis, and receiving his Doctorate Degree, aka D.Eng. Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

*Accepted into the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and assigned to the USS da Vinci NCC-81623.

*An unexplained leaving of the SCE, assigned to the USS Merlin as Assistant Chief Engineering Officer.

*Promoted Chief of Engineering when the Merlin crew transferred to the USS Pegasus.

*Promoted to Commander and reassigned to Starbase Magellan and the Serene Colony as Chief of Engineering Operations and is the Lead of the Cerberus Station II Development Project.

Major/s (Specialization/s) Warp, Impulse, and Power Systems. Material Engineering
Medical History Much coming here



Friends Christopher SilverShadowMoon - met and became best friends at Starfleet Academy.

Alexander McKinney - served together on the USS da Vinci NCC-81623

Romance Totally adores and is hopelessly in love with his wife, Paige O'Halloran, Starbase Serene's Security Chief.

Had a one time fling with his cousin Antonio's wife Aleysha (now ex-wife). She miscarriaged their child a few months later. Complicated story, but he did not know it was his cousin's wife til after the deed had been done. It was one of two reasons the men, who were once like brothers, were estranged from each other for many years.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A