Administrative Assistant Melayna Rhayne

Name Melayna Selene Rhayne

Position Administrative Assistant

Rank Administrative Assistant

Character Information

Native Birth Name Melayna Selene Rhayne
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 34
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 09/2354
Place of Birth Bakersfield, California; Earth
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Raven
Eye Color Milky white with ribbons of light blue
Physical Description Lean and well-toned, Melayna takes very good care of herself. She has long, raven hair that touches her waist when let free in the back. She usually wears it French braided to the nape of her neck, tied off there and the rest of its length free. She almost seems to glide rather than walk, giving an almost ethereal quality to her movement.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Jared Erik Rhayne
Mother Diana Syrena Rhayne
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Melayna is confident and strong, but always projects an air of gentle kindness. She carries herself with confidence, giving those she works with a feeling of security that she knows what she is doing and is good at it. She is very social, enjoying the company of other people, though she can also be very independent when people try to over-help. She is not afraid to seek help when she actually needs it, but in most cases likes to be very independent.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Independent
+ Strong-minded
+ Intelligent
+ Has a psychic gift that gives her knowledge of the objects around her (size, shape, direction and distance from her)
+ Has the gift of the Seer (precognition)

- Sometimes too independent when she feels someone is over-helping
- Blind
Ambitions Melayna isn't really ambitious. She is doing what she set out to do and is happy with her life as it is.
Hobbies & Interests Melayna loves music of many breeds, not all of them Human in origin. She plays keyboard and accoustic guitar and loves to sing. If she can, she will gather a group of like-minded people and share the music with them (typically called a "jam session"). She reads avidly, anything she can get her hands on in audio or in Braille (she prefers the latter and has quite a library of her own).
Languages Standard, Cardassian, Rihannsu, Klingon, Braille

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Melayna grew up in Bakersfield, California on Earth. She had loving parents and a good life. At school, she had several very good friends and was active in clubs. When she was thirteen, her Gift manifested itself. At first, it was difficult for her to adjust to and she often wished that she couldn't do it. But by the time she graduated high school, she had learned to cope with the sudden visions that could take her at any time and to channel her Seer Gift into a more constructive form. She learned to read tarot and to use a scrying crystal.

In her last year of high school, she entered a job-shadowing program. She was paired with a lady who was also blind and who performed the job of Administrative Assistant. It didn't sound glamorous, but then Melayna didn't really want glamorous, so she learned from the lady and, when the year was over, decided to pursue a career in the field.

She finished her Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at Bakersfield College in the normal two years and applied to many companies. As she had expected, some were reluctant to hire her unless she either got ocular implants or some other form of corrective device. She knew that such things were not needed, and she was happy with herself as she was, so she continued applying.

Finally, she got a job with Marsden Mineral Consortium as the Administrative Assistant to their Chief Financial Officer. She kept this job for fifteen years and was very happy with it. But then opportunity of another kind came knocking, and her father had always said that when Opportunity knocks, you should always open the door because it rarely knocks twice. This opportunity came in the form of a letter from a Starfleet admiral asking her to consider taking an Administrative Assistant position on their new colony at Serene. She had no idea why a Starfleet admiral would want her or how he found out about her, but this was too good to pass up.

She dreaded telling Steven Marsden, her direct boss, that she was leaving. But when she did, he smiled and said, "Ah, I see the admiral does still listen to my recommendations. Good. I know you will be exactly what they need, Melayna. Good luck." And that was that. She received her severence package, accepted the posting from Starfleet and left on the next ship heading into the wormhole for the Delta Quadrant.
Service Record 2373-2388 - Marsden Mineral Consortium - Administrative Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer
Medical History Melayna is blind but has been so from birth. Otherwise, she is in very good health. Her medical records show that she had the usual childhood illnesses but nothing beyond that.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A