
  • 11 Mission Posts

Commander Lilly Cavallo

Name Lilly Eloxa Cavallo MD

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Denobulan/Human
Age 35
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 130
Hair Color White
Eye Color Variable but mostly Blue
Physical Description With one Denobulan Parent and one human parent, noone could have expected that the single gene for human albinism that was present in her mother would come forth in the children of the mating. Both she and her brother have a silvery sheen to their skin. Her facial ridges are less pronounced than the average Denobulan female, but still visible. She is short with moderate curves that hide a body that is much fitter than it appears. A series of puncture marks dot her left shoulder and she has a floral tattoo that encompasses all of them in a band that curls around her arm and onto her shoulder.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Devron Cavallo
Mother Kestrel Patterson-Cavallo
Brother(s) Richard Kayt Cavallo
Sister(s) Emma Jenra Cavallo
Other Family She has many aunts and uncles from her fathers side of the family and has lost count of how many cousins she has.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Vivacious with a zest for life and living. Energetic , imaginative with an aura of competence that causes people to trust her almost automatically. In her medical practice she treats everything as if it's a problem to be solved and nothing is too complicated to be solved. She is also refreshingly honest, as lying would serve no purpose and hurt feelings can be mended as all things can.
Strengths & Weaknesses -Inspires trust even in the hardest situations
-Being albino means having to pay careful attention to her sun exposure- she's almost obsessive about it at times.
-Sometimes treats illness as a personal enemy.
Ambitions To combine all that she's learned from various medical Masters into a dynamic to make her the best physician she can be.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Cooking and good food, glass crafting, Fantasy novels, History and the recreation of historical artifacts.

Interests: Genetics and gene therapy. Alternative and ancient medicine. History.
Languages Denobulan, Antaran, Federation Standard.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level BETA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4
Awards & Commendations Awarded over at the original Magellan Campus sim:

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Meritorious Newcomer Award, awarded Aug 28th, 2014 -
Although this award is given for those who have been in the simm for no more than four months, I had decided that Lilly was more than deserving way over a month ago, yet I never got around to giving her this. It's my pleasure to do so now, for her diving right into post, and giving this simm some pretty unique and interesting characters is so very much appreciated. Thank you!

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Academy Service Commendation -
Awarded for her loyalty and commitment to SF Academy Magellan Campus for over two years in a row.

Episode awards -
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My Place In This Universe

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The First Step...

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Ready For The Weekend!


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Post of the Month -
Well, it WAS a test for the month of July, 2014.


Personal History Born on Denobula in the north-east of the main continent. She was the product of a series of genetic engineering experiment to see if her Denobulan father and her Human mother could be inter fertile. They were a unique couple in many ways, and when he married her he limited himself to 2 wives, and she never took another husband, even though she would have been permitted to do so. When Lilly was born an albino, the Denobulan scientists were fascinated with her and the causation of the lack of coloring. They did several series of genetic tests and genetic experimentation before she herself tired of continuous prodding. The experiments left her with a series of scars on her shoulder and arm that she marked with tattoos when she came of age. When her brother was born also an albino, he too was subjected to the experimentation, the scientists seemed almost disappointed when her sister came along with normal coloration.

She decided to leave Denobula at 18 and apply to Starfleet Academy, following in the tale of the great Adventurer Phlox.
Service Record USS Triskele- MO
USS Utrecht- MO and Researcher
Starbase 174- MO and Chief Researcher
USS Pierce- ACMO
USS Agamemnon- CMO


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A