
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 7:40pm

Lieutenant Francesca Grant

Name Francesca Cadence Grant M.D.

Position Family Medicine

Second Position SAR Medical Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year June 4, 2353
Place of Birth San Francisco, California, Earth
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 140 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s Michael Langford
Children None
Father Aidan Grant (adoptive)
Mother Lillian Fillman-Grant (adoptive)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Biological parents' whereabouts unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Francesca is intelligent, compassionate, and devoted to her work. Experience has forced her to confront some painful realities she never expected to face, and at times, she can seem pensive. Those who come to know her, however, see she has a great sense of humor and is an outgoing loyal friend. She is an ethical doctor but has been known to bend rules if they get in the way of proper patient care.
Strengths & Weaknesses Despite all she’s been through, Francesca has somehow managed to maintain a sense of optimism. She has tried to soldier on despite all she’s been through and is firmly committed to staying sober, but she is deeply ashamed of failing in her marriage. She is still quite maternal, and is driven to care for the most vulnerable people. Francesca is a perfectionist and has what some would consider OCD like tendencies. She attributes this to a desire to avoid the chaos of her childhood and her drinking days. Francesca doesn’t want to lose her sobriety and works on her sobriety daily to quell the fear of losing all she worked for.
Ambitions Francesca would love to be a mother someday, but is currently single.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Francesca is the only child of two drug-addicted parents born and raised in San Francisco, California on Earth. She was removed from their care at the age of two and placed with Lillian and Aidan Grant. They adopted her when she was five. Francesca recalls sporadic visits with her biological parents prior to the adoption, but all contact stopped by the time of her fifth birthday. She does not know where her parents are to this day, only that there are warrants out for their arrests in connection with an aggravated robbery.

From the age of two to the age of thirty, Francesca could have been considered a foster care success story. Social workers had intervened early enough that there were no “chronic behavioral or health concerns” and Francesca thrived in her new parents’ care. She was their only daughter and she was doted upon. Francesca was an excellent student and although she could be shy and insecure at times, she always had a close circle of friends. Friends considered her a confidante, but teased her about her maternal streak.

Francesca’s intelligence, ambition, and desire to help others made medical school the perfect fit. No stranger to hard work, Francesca buckled down and graduated a respectable summa cum laude, specializing in family medicine. She liked the idea of serving her community as a doctor for all issues of birth and death, and everything in between. Partly looking to be the doctor her biological parents never had and partly looking to maintain the family roots she was lucky to eventually find after her adoption, she expected to live her life happily ever after.

She met her future husband, Michael, at a rare evening out during medical school. He was a business major at the time and the two seemed to complement each other well. They found time to be together whenever they could and finally married a month after graduation, shortly before Francesca began her residency. Unfortunately, the life of a resident didn’t leave much time for anything else, and it was a huge strain on their marriage. It didn’t help matters that Michael was away on business much of the time. Despite Francesca’s promises that things would get better once she completed her residency, Michael’s resentment grew, and he began an affair with a colleague at work.

The day she completed her residency, Michael announced he no longer loved her and wanted a divorce. Francesca was devastated, as she hoped to one day have the marriage and stable family she had always dreamed of. Michael married his mistress a week after their divorce was final. With nothing except her work to occupy her, Francesca began to drink. What started as a glass of wine or two to unwind quickly became a full-blown addiction. Francesca hid her alcoholism well for awhile, but it soon became out of control. Unfortunately, her rock bottom came only after a mistake on the job nearly left one husband and father dead. While hung-over, she had misread the label on a bottle of medication.

That should have been the end of her career, but with the help of concerned bosses, she entered rehab and is happy to say she’s worked to remain sober ever since. Her newfound clarity, however, helped her realize she needed to do more with her life and could benefit from a change of scenery. A good friend from medical school who’d joined Starfleet suggested Francesca enlist. At first, Francesca rejected the idea, thinking she would never be fit for the quasi-military life. The more she thought about it, however, the more she realized it was an opportunity to help people on a bigger scale than she ever dreamed possible, and it would give her the fresh start she was looking for.

Even though her prior medical training shortened her transition into Starfleet, Francesca found the training she did receive plenty challenging. Older than many of her peers, at first, Grant feared she wouldn’t be able to keep up, but the discipline required helped her focus and reminded her who she was before her life took such a difficult turn and why she chose medicine to begin with. Family medicine would always be her first love and an asset to the Fleet, but Grant also quickly learned any medical officer in Starfleet had to be properly prepared for a variety of situations, including specialties that required her to act and think, “on the fly” as it were, including emergency and trauma medicine. To her surprise, she enjoyed the adrenaline rush just as much as the physical and mental discipline required.

Her selection to receive Search and Rescue training came as a welcome but surprising honor. The work reminded her of the best parts of her medical training, where team work and helping people were prioritized over politics, professional rivalries, and red tape. She welcomes her posting to Serene Colony as a family medicine physician and a member of the SAR team.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A