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Sat Apr 24th, 2021 @ 6:15pm

Christina Hartley

Name Christina Jane Hartley

Position Civilian Adult

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 4/2360
Place of Birth Earth
Marital Status Divorced
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5"3
Weight 115lbs
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Whilst considered short by some people, CJ is also quite attractive. She keeps herself in shape, and maintains her shoulder length hair, making sure it doesn't go any longer. She will either wear it loosely or tie it up in a ponytail.

She has a scar on her back from an accident when she was a child, and a scar on her arm from when she once tried to take her own life. She kept the scars to remind her how fragile life is, and how precious it is.


Ex-Spouse/s Malcolm White
Children Amy Hartley (2)
Father Frank Hartley
Mother Melanie Hartley
Brother(s) Peter Hartley
Jack Hartley
Sister(s) None
Other Family Jessica Anderson (Adoptive Mother)
Brian Anderson (Adoptive Father)
Maria Anderson (Adoptive Sister)
Lisa Anderson (Adoptive Sister)
Jackson Anderson (Adoptive Grandfather)
Amelia Anderson (Adoptive Grandmother)

Personality & Traits

General Overview CJ is warm and friendly to most people she meets. She tries to see the good in people, because she knows how people can be quick to judge for any kind of mistake. She has an eidetic memory, which helps her with her profession. Anything she reads, she can recall within seconds. It's the only trait from her family she is grateful for.

Because of her knowledge, she has been known to come across as cocky and arrogant. Anyone who doesn't know her thinks that of her, as stated in a number of evaluations, but she prefers to call herself determined and confident. She will argue her point if she is right, or if she thinks she is right, but will accept she is wrong if presented with the facts.

She really doesn't like talking about her family, given the fact that they are wanted criminals. When she was adopted, she began to train in the art of Parkour. She had been abandoned by her family and ignored and treated poorly. She refused to let herself, or anyone else, be a victim if she could help it.

Off duty, she does prefer to be alone, training in Parkour and Martial Arts, playing the violin or reading. She will mingle at times, but not always. She was also born as Christopher but she doesn't like being reminded about that.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Eidetic Memory
+ Understanding of Engineering Principles, Spatial Harmonics, Subspace Propulsion, etc.
+ Parkour
+ Martial Arts

- Overconfident at times (If she thinks she is right, she will fight her corner unless there is evidence to the contrary)
- Known to get lost in her thoughts or designs when trying to invent something new or improve on something
- Still suffers from Anxiety, Depression and Complex PTSD, and sometimes has nightmares
- Suffers from a stutter at times, when exceptionally nervous
- Has anger issues, mostly when anyone tries to link her with her family. She has spent years making the name Hartley a good one, and gets angry when people try to make her out to be a criminal
Ambitions To settle down and provide for her daughter
Hobbies & Interests Cooking
Martial Arts
Playing the Violin
Languages Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History CJ's life started off very badly for her. She was born in 2360, as Christopher, to a family who were part of the Orion Syndicate, with their own criminal family. Christina was only conceived as part of a con, and so she wasn't loved, or even wanted. Even her own mother barely paid attention to her. She was the third child born to the Hartley family.

Christina born as Christopher. His family didn't want another child, and so he is given just enough attention to make sure he is alive, as his mother only got pregnant as part of a con to get money from a source.

At five years old, Christopher discovers an old bunker just beyond the family garden. He enters it, and finds a collection of old books, mostly on engineering principles from the 2250's, as well as some old technology such as Tricorders, PADD's and even some old phasers that were drained of power. He keeps the find hidden, but manages to sneak lights down from the house. He turns it into his hideout when his family are yelling, planning their next heist or when he just wants to be alone. He spends the next few months cleaning it up as best he can.

At the age of ten, Christopher's Eidetic memory has already allowed him to memorise all the books the bunker had, and had even gotten new ones. One day he is hiding there when Starfleet Security raid the house. When he goes to get lunch, he doesn't notice the officers as he is reading a PADD, and looks up to see phasers pointed at him. The senior investigator, Lt. Commander Jessica Anderson, orders the officers to stand down, and explains what has happened. Chris points out the basement that had been hidden, which is full of evidence. Jessica asks Chris to get his stuff, and he is led to the bunker. Seeing what kind of child he is, Jessica makes the decision to adopt him, with the blessing of her husband, Brian.

At his new home, Chris starts to study martial arts and Parkour, wanting to train his body as well as his mind. Chris also begins counselling, and is diagnosed with Complex PTSD, Anxiety and Depression.

Jessica officially adopts Chris. He does, however, choose to keep his last name, wanting his family name to have a least one good member. This is a decision supported by Jessica and Brian.

Chris suspended from school for fighting. He informs his adoptive family that he fought a bully who was picking on younger children. Jessica finds the evidence to support Chris, and withdraws her children from the school, as well as reporting it to the authorities. Jessica suggests Security as a future for him, but Chris knows he wants to go into Engineering.

Chris meets Amelia Williams, a transgender woman, and after spending time with her, understands who he is. He announces that he is transgender, and after counselling, he transitions and becomes Christina. She removes all traces of Christopher, and begins living fully as Cristina. She is encouraged by her adoptive family.

Christina applies for Starfleet Academy. She passes the entrance exam, but is rejected. At first, she doesn't understand why, but finds out it is because of her family name. She accuses Starfleet of being unfair, and a hearing is held. With the help of her friend and therapist, Brady Dering, the hearing rules in Christina's favour, but by the time it does, the new term had begun, so she is forced to wait a year.

Christina is admitted into Starfleet Academy, along with her younger sister Lisa. The two of them go into the field of Engineering. The two of them are inseparable at the academy, helping each other and watching out for one another.

Christina receives a formal reprimand at the academy for getting into a fight with a fellow cadet who claims she shouldn't be at the academy after the destruction of a civilian freighter is linked to her family. She isn't investigated because of her family, but she is ordered to undergo counselling, to help her come to terms with the fact that her family are criminals and causing problems.

Christina graduates from Starfleet Academy, and is assigned to the Nova Class USS Archimedes as an Engineering Officer, alongside Lisa. The two of them keep to themselves, not mingling with the crew much as neither wants to see a repeat of what happened at the Academy.

Lisa is promoted to Assistant Chief Engineer, and works closely with Christina, showing that the two of them are exceptional at their work. Together, they improve the efficiency of the engine room. However, they also develop a reputation for arrogance among the crew. Because of this, they request a transfer. However, they are transferred to different ships, and so Christina begins her tour of duty aboard the USS Solstice, an Intrepid Class vessel.

Aboard the Solstice, her reputation follows her, and as such, she is assigned to Deck 15, out of the way, although she still works on her own personal projects and stays out of the way. She keeps a diary, however, of anything wrong with the ship, and in most cases, fixes it herself when she isn't listened to, although she does make sure to get permission.

Solstice tests a new warp core out, and it looks like it is working. However, Christina notices a minor variance which the Chief Engineer dismisses as being within tolerance. However, Christina also notices a minor imbalance with the EPS Manifolds which isn't noticed, and orders a complete shutdown of the new core. The Chief Engineer demands to know why and refuses the order.

Going over the head of the Chief, Christina reroutes power and ensures the core is shut down. When threatened with a court martial, Christina presents all the evidence, and even the Chief Engineer concludes she was right to do what she did. He requests a transfer for himself, away from ship duty, accepting that he was wrong, and suggests Christina for his replacement.

Christina is promoted to Lt. JG, and named Chief Engineer of the Solstice. She is considered arrogant and cocky by some, but she is appreciated by the engineering crew, as well as the Captain.

The Solstice is damaged in battle, and is returned to Spacedock for repairs. During the repairs, Christina meets Malcolm White, an engineer, and begins a romance with him. She falls pregnant and Malcolm and Christina get married. Christina transfers from the Solstice to Utopia Planetia, in order to be able to raise her daughter with Malcolm.

Christina gives birth to a daughter, Amy. However, Malcolm, after seeing their daughter, becomes overwhelmed and leaves Christina. Depressed, Christina resigns from Starfleet as she begins to raise Amy alone.

Christina, keeping in touch with her former therapist and friend, Brady Dering, who recommends she moves to Serene Colony, as a chance for a fresh start. She considers the opportunity, and agrees to set up a cafe/diner there, giving her a safe place to raise her daughter.
Service Record 2378 - 2382: Starfleet Academy
2382 - 2383: USS Archimedes, Engineering Officer (Ensign)
2383 - 2384: USS Solstice, Engineering Officer (Ensign)
2384 - 2385: USS Solstice, Chief Engineering Officer (Lt. JG)
2385 - 2386: Utopia Planetia, Shipyard Engineer (Lt. JG)
2386 - 2388: Maternity Leave/Resigns from Starfleet
2388 - Present: Serene Colony, Cafe Owner
Major/s (Specialization/s) Engineering/Subspace Field Mechanics
Medical History Gender Dysphoria
Complex PTSD


Friends Brady Dering
Romance Malcolm White (Ex Husband)
Enemies and/or Rivals Hartley Family

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A