Lieutenant Prisai

Name Prisai

Position Geologist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Native Birth Name Prisai
Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 35
Place of Birth Vulcan
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 170 cm (5’5”)
Weight 50 kg (110 lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Prisai has a slender build and delicate features. Her skin a lovely sun kissed tone which gives her lovely rosy cheeks. Prisai has very full lips and eyes that are slightly warmer than most Vulcan's.


Father Ditk
Mother Syypm

Personality & Traits

General Overview Annoyingly logical but like with Spock Prisai has learned how to restrain from just pure logic. Which has created some awkward moments of “was she trying to sarcastic or humorous or not?” As for Prisai picking up on sarcasm or humor it is a hit or miss.
Strengths & Weaknesses Environment and colonists always come over profit or raw material. For her this meant if the mining is hurting the environment or the colonists she’ll step in and make sure it doesn’t continue. Prisai struggles with balancing her logical-side and the showing and sharing of of her emotions.
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan, Klingon and Romulan

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Neither parent went down the scientific path like Prisai did. Their work did bring them into the scientific field but that was collecting intelligence for the V’Shar; a sub-department within the Vulcan Security Directorate.

After their Pon Farr Syypm became pregnant with Prisai during her pregnancy Syypm stayed on Vulcan still working for the V’Shar but as an analyst while her father was assigned to the USS Nightvale a Luna class reconnaissance vessel as their chief security officer but his main duty was that of a V’Shar agent.

After the birth Syypm continued to work as V’Shar analyst while also working within the science/technology directorate. Usually breaking down technology to see how it works and how it could progress and help Vulcan society. Her father had been promoted several times until he was commanding the ship he was assigned do when his wife Syypm became pregnant.

At the appropriate age Prisai was accepted into the Vulcan Science Academy. She excelled like most Vulcans but where she truly excelled was the life sciences. After finishing up at the Vulcan Science Academy she continued her education with Starfleet Academy. Sticking with the sciences adding chemistry and more specific life sciences like ecology and geography while finishing Starfleet’s general sciences that were a cakewalk for her.
Service Record Prisai’s younger and formative years were spent at the Vulcan Science Academy working on her Generalized science
Three years at Starfleet Academy for Generalized Sciences and then one more year to finish up her specialties; Chemistry and the Life Sciences; Ecology and Geography
Did several visits to different colonies to either help with terraforming or like she is doing on Serene Colony making sure any mining efforts do not harm the environment or the citizens that live in the colonies
Major/s (Specialization/s) Generalized science along with Chemistry, Life Sciences; such as Ecology and Geography.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A