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Sat Jul 25th, 2020 @ 8:56pm

Lieutenant Suraya Gentry

Name Suraya Gentry

Position Medical Science Research Head

Second Position Medical Research Lead/Instructor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 35
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year Sept 2353
Place of Birth Betazed, Iscandar
Marital Status Married
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 115
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color brown/black
Physical Description Slender and toned, Rey is dedicated to keeping her body in good shape. As a medical professional, she knows that a healthy body is important and as a former Hazmat team member, she understands it is important to be in the best possible shape. She keeps her hair about shoulder length and wears it up and pulled back when she works. As a full Betazoid, her eyes are very dark and piercing.


Spouse Chase Gentry
Children Jacob - 12
Lily - 10
Father Rigel D'Anar
Mother Renee D'Anar

Personality & Traits

General Overview A sweet woman, smart in every sense of the word Rey is intelligent, quick and observant with a remarkable memory for detail, she is always on the ball. She can be introverted when she first meets people but that doesn't last long. People soon see the confident Officer, mother, and scientist that she is.
She's can be bull headed and passionate when treating patients and has no trouble pulling an officer from duty if she feels they need treatment.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rey can sometimes be too assertive if she thinks things should go another way. Her physical strength and the fact that she keeps in such good shape makes her an asset on any away team where emergency medical might be required. A qualified microbiologist, virologist, physician, and forensic anthropologist, Rey is a well rounded officer.

Not liking the process of meeting new people, she is often introverted and reserved during first meetings or when she feels like she is in over her head but she will recover herself quickly. She can be stubborn when she believes in something and doesn’t back down easily.
Ambitions Rey wants to raise her family and love her husband. She aspires to work as a CMO in a billet that will allow her to help others as much as possible
Hobbies & Interests A forensic anthropologist as a hobby, Suraya loves to read and keep up on the sciences. She loves to cook without the replicator using real foods, she sings a little and loves to dance. With her husband and children, she enjoys the beach, camping, and exploring.
Languages Betazoid, Federation Standard, French, some Romulan

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History An innate curiosity keeps Suraya's nose in medical books and practicing in the science of Xenobiology. She keeps in shape by practicing classical dance and swimming. She has an insatiable love for chocolate and often finds herself over indulging.

Personal History Born on Betazed to loving parents, Suraya was an only child and often found trouble in school. She kept her grades up mostly because her years in high school were spent on restriction at home. Her father believed that keeping her home was the way to tame the wild in her.

At eighteen, Suraya applied to and was accepted at Star FLeet Academy, where she excelled in her studies. In her first year at the Academy, she met and fell in love with Chase Gentry, a human from Texas. She called him, her cowboy. As soon as Chase graduated, the pair were married. Rey completed her courses at the Academy and went on to finish her schooling in Medical Sciences. She kept up with her classes, made a home for her husband, and bore two children.

After a two year internship on Starbase 743, she was promoted to Lieutenant JG and transferred aboard the USS Nightengale, a hospital transport where she treated emergency patients and pediatrics.

A Transfer to Starbase 326 put her in a research lab where she studied under her mentor, Dr Elizabeth Weir.

She was recently transferred to the USS Ares, given a position as the Chief Medical Officer, and promoted to Lieutenant. The Ares was not conducive to her children and she requested a transfer for personal reasons.

Service Record Star Fleet Academy - Medical Studies

Tri- Planetary Academy; College of Medical Sciences - Completed her medical training and residency.

Starbase 723; Lieutenant JG; Medical Officer

Starbase 326; Lieutenant JG; Research Assistant

USS Ares; Lieutenant; Chief Medical Officer in battle field situation [Requested hardship transfer]


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A