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Mon Apr 8th, 2019 @ 7:06pm

Samantha Fraiser-Odar

Name Samantha Fraiser-Odar

Position Civilian Adult

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 44
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year ,2348
Place of Birth Unknown
Marital Status Married
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 9 stone
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Average height and build she is unassuming size wise which made her an excellent bodyguard. Has a tattoo of a dragon over her left kidney on her back.


Spouse Geminik Odar
Children 5 and a half months pregnant, sex of child unknown by choice of both parents.
Father Unknown presumed Deceased
Mother Unknown presumed Deceased
Brother(s) Unknown if there are any biological siblings out there however she has made a family of choice and considers both Deveron Raziel and Greg Maddock brothers.

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Sam's strengths can also be her weaknesses, she is stubborn as a mule ... sometimes to a fault and she is tenacious when she wants something. Many would see her strong telepathy and empathic abilities as a strength but she would be happy not to have them most days as they are distracting and impressions often clash with body language.

Her friends nicknamed her Oscar the grouch as she gets grumpy when tired or in pain and becomes a little ironic in her sense of humour with it.
Ambitions She has pretty much reached the pinnacle of service for an Officer in Starfleet having achieved the rank of Admiral. She has turned her mind to other ambitions, including those of wife and mother. Her other ambition is to Gain her Doctorate in Xenobiology and Diplomacy through the new Magellan satelite campus. She has already completed undergraduate degrees in Political studies, Sociology, Xenobiology, and Federation Law since graduating. Diplomatic officers tend to have a lot of time on their hands.

Having taken on a station once agai,n Sam hopes to not have to move rooms again in a hurry .. at least while pregnant!
Hobbies & Interests Is talented in drawing and sketching, holds a 5th dan black belt in Tae kwon Do and a 3rd Dan black belt in Aikido, likes playing chess and uses it for strategy training, loves cartoons ... especially road runner and bugs bunny, and is happy to curl up in a window seat with a good book, preferably science fiction, horror, adventure or murder mystery.
Languages Vulcan, Betazoid, Standard, Trill, Andorian, Caitian, and several others that she would have to kill you if she told you

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level Alpha-Two
Data Access Level Level 5


Personal History Not much is known of Sam's early life before she ended up in the foster care sustem on Earth at the age of 5. She was found in a shuttle floating near Jupiter, the only survivor on a ship carrying over 100 people. Being found to have no memory of what had happened or even her own name, the crew of the rescue ship renamed her Samantha and brought her back to Earth.

Once on Earth she spent the next 12 years in and out of various foster homes and orphanages never able to stay in one place long because she didnt 'fit in' the way other children did. In order to find a place to fit she started acting out and getting into trouble with a street gang and would pull petty crimes like theft. It was also where she got her interesting tattoo, but at the age of 16 two things happened to make her re evaluate.

The first was the shooting of one of her few friends by someone she had thought she could trust. The second was a little more complicated and she wouldnt realise who she had seen for another 11 years. Sam snuck into an open air meeting between the Diplomat to Trill and the Diplomat to Betazed and instead of picking pockets like she was supposed to hid behind the seating and listened to the two men discussing with the audience different ideas that she had never even thought of before. Ideas that started opening her mind up to more possibilities than what she already had.

Making a decision that would have ripple effects even she couldnt foresee she applied for the next intake to the academy deciding that she wanted to protect men like the two she had seen talking, and maybe one day even get the chance to protect them. With that in mind she worked her tail off at the academy. Many of the students looked down on her because of her background but instead of using her fists she learnt to deal with the problems through applying herself to her work. It was to pay off in her achieving several prizes while at the academy and then getting a prestiguous posting on graduation.

Continuing the study Sam gained a Masters degree in Political Science, Close Protection and Criminal and Federation Law before spending a couple of years consolidating her training.

3 months ago she applied to and was accepted into the joint Masters/Doctoral programme in Xenobiology and Diplomacy through Magellan Academy.
Service Record 2364 - Entered Starfleet Academy majoring in Protection and Special Operations

2366 - Recieved highest mark of Junior year cadets in Diplomatic Security. Prize was spending a month at Summit on Jaxus IX under tutelage of the President's chief Bodyguard.

2368 - Graduated top of her class at the academy, commissioned at the rank of Lt JG and was sent to work security for the Ambassador to Delta V.

2368-2370 Worked as Junior security on the detail of the daughter of Ambassador K'Tras of Caitia.

2370-2372 Promoted to Lt and made Senior protection member, spent short term on Trill learning about the needs of joined Trills.

2372 Promoted to Lt Commander and made Detail Chief for all summits.

2382-2386 Promoted to Commodore and given a black ops job, officially she was teaching at the academy. Unofficially she was (need to finish?)

2386-2388 Admiral in charge of Zulu Base in Delta Quadrant with Geminik Odar as Ambassador

2388 - retired and was engaged to Ambassador Geminik Odar, based at the Magellan Academy

(needs updating)


Friends Nikki James - Tactics Instructor at Magellan Campus
Greg Maddox - SCE Admiral, incharge of Phoenix base and Starfleets foothold in DQ
Deveron Raziel - Former Psychologist for Starfleet.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A