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Mon Feb 14th, 2022 @ 5:48pm

Lieutenant Commander T'Prei Xan

Name T'Prei Xan

Position Ops Centre Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan / Trill
Age 60 / 296
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 11/2348
Place of Birth Shai'Kar, Vulcan
Marital Status Widowed
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight 179 lbs.
Hair Color Silky Jet Black / To her knees when free
Eye Color Deep Sapphire Blue
Physical Description Lean and lithe, T'Prei is tall and graceful. Her skin tone is somewhere between her two heritages, though it leans toward the Vulcan. She has a muted variant of the standard Trill markings, and her ears have a slight point to them. Her hair, when free, reaches to her knees, though she rarely wears it that free. It is typically in a tight, upswept style on duty. Off duty, she pulls most of it up on top of her head in a wrap-style, but leaves enough of it free to brush her waist.


Ex-Spouse/s Darrean Grey (Deceased, died at Wolf 359)
Children Aldyn (36)
Father Karvan, Scientist on temporary assignment to Vulcan (67)
Mother T’Nara, Instructor at the Vulcan Science Academy (74)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Grandparents:
Father's: Dorann
Mother's: T’Shaya
Father's: Marrya
Mother's: Valek

Personality & Traits

General Overview T’Prei tends toward a mixture of her two, vastly different heritages. In personal affairs, she tends toward the Trill emotionalism. But in Battle Situations, she tends to make use of the Vulcan stoicism for the advantages it offers her. The perfect balance of the two cultures... most of the time.
Strengths & Weaknesses Vulnerabilities:
• After first her husband leaving her and taking their son and then his death, she definitely has a fear of losing more family. This tends to make her reticent to begin new relationships that go beyond friendship. In these cases, she tends to fall back on the Vulcan stoicism to discourage such furthering of the relationship.
• She is afraid, this far from Trill, that if something happened to Xan, there would be no help for her, and she would die even though she, as the host, is still very healthy otherwise. This tends to make her very careful in unpredictable situations. She sometimes compensates for this fear by demonstrating a greater amount of confidence than she possesses, using logic to support her skewed viewpoint.
• She can sometimes, when she senses an emotion that she interprets as danger or as "too personal", retreat emotionally into her logical side.
• Sometimes, it is possible for her to "misread" someone because of her own personal filters.

• She can be very logical, leaning toward her Vulcan heritage. Mostly, it is her Duty Persona, offering her an objective viewpoint from which to assess a situation. Sometimes, however, it also serves as a shield.
• She is very outgoing when off duty, making friends fairly easily. This has occasionally led to difficulties when a few wanted to be more.
• Her Vulcan half gives her a High-grade Telepathy, Medium-grade Empathy, and a Low-grade Scanning ability. Her freer Trill side gives her a bit of a greater access to the old Vulcan ability to range those talents (meaning she does not necessarily have to TOUCH you to read you, but she DOES have to be close to you).
Ambitions In general, T'Prei is not overly ambitious. She is doing what she enjoys and just intends to keep doing it as long as Starfleet lets her.
Hobbies & Interests • Music: voice, lyrette, flute, piano, flurett
• Painting
• Sketching
Languages Vulcan, Trill, Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History T’Prei was born on Vulcan where she spent approximately half of her childhood. The rest she spent on Trill. Her father believed that their daughter should be taught that side of her heritage as well, and her mother agreed to the logic of it.

When she was on Trill, she learned several Trill instruments, a few from Earth, and several other worlds in the Federation. When she was 12, her father acquired a strange and beautiful instrument called a Flurett. It resembled a flute but had a much wider range of notes. She fell in love with this instrument and insisted that he teach her to play it.

He did, and she became very fluent in it. Several of his friends swore that she could “conjure worlds” with her playing of it.

But when she was 20, she applied to the Symbiosis Commission and was accepted. She was joined to the Xan symbiant and found a whole new world opened to her.

After this, she decided to leave Trill and experience StarFleet. From the memories of several of Xan’s hosts, she thought it might be exciting. She entered in the Operations Department and graduated with honors (real surprise for a Vulcan! :) ). She also met, fell in love with, and married Darrean Gray during this time. They had one child, a son whom he decided it was his duty to raise as she was spending so much time with her studies. They separated when she graduated, and he took their son.
Service History Following this, she was assigned to the USS Altair-C. She did her job and pretty much kept to herself, trying to work through the feelings of having Darrean leave and take their son.

After this, she was assigned to the USS Saratoga. It was during this 7-year tour (during the battle of Wolf 359) that her husband died. He had been assigned to the Melbourne, which fell at that fateful battle. She then requested a transfer and was sent to the USS Enterprise-D.

After spending 5 years aboard the Enterprise, she was going to be sent to the Voyager. But she declined the offer, instead electing to return to Starfleet Academy and teach. But after 12 years of that, she could no longer stand to fly a desk. She requested a ship assignment, but was instead sent to serve aboard the distant station of Deep Space Nine for 3 years.

And, for 6 months of the last year, she has served aboard the USS Valkyrie, which has truly gone where no one has gone before. She has found this crew to be extremely sharp and competent. And their travels have proven to be just as interesting and varied as those she was part of on the Enterprise.

Recently, she was reassigned to the Starbase on Sapientia. She looks forward to this assignment as this is truly new territory.
Service Record USS Altair-C -- 2352-2361
USS Saratoga – 2361-2368
USS Enterprise-D – 2368-2373
Starfleet Academy, Earth -- 2373-2385
Deep Space Nine – 2385-2388
USS Valkyrie – 2388-Current
Current – Magellan Station
Medical History T’Prei has no medical conditions worth note.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A