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Thu Jun 16th, 2022 @ 7:40pm

Lieutenant Commander Devaen Torr

Name Devaen Torr

Position Assistant Chief Medical Officer/Interim Chief

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Native Birth Name Devaen Torr
Gender Male
Species Filra
Age 46
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 9/2355
Place of Birth Filra
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft.
Weight 170 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Bright Azure
Physical Description Devaen is lean and well-toned. His movements are graceful, and he keeps his medium-length fur and long mane of hair clean and shiny. His bright azure eyes speak of intelligence and warm kindness. Generally, he keeps his three-foot-long prehensile tail wrapped around his waist to prevent it getting accidentally fouled. When not forced to wear Starfleet uniform, he prefers less covering. That consists of leather coverings that cover his private areas, held in place by black leather straps that clasp together with silver clasps. Sometimes he holds his mane behind him with three ornately-engraved silver hair rings. A second set of these is worn at intervals along his tail (the six are a set).


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Delvaen Torr (68)
Mother Alairra Sherrean (70)
Brother(s) Kelaen (46), Emyrrin (43)
Sister(s) Analyrra (33), Maearra (36), Arlaena (46)
Other Family None (See Personal History)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gentle and warm, Devaen approaches everyone with a warm smile and a kind word. The true Healer at his core, he does his best to give everyone under his care the best treatment it is possible for him to give. He has a soft spot for children and will often take extra time with them.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Top-notch physician/healer
+ Adaptable
+ Eager to try new things
+ Friendly
+ Loyal

- Sometimes too curious
- Can become too attached to his patients
- Resists anything he sees as sublimating him or subverting his will
Ambitions Devaen does what he loves. He had wanted to find his sister, but he has done that. So he is content.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: sketching, painting, Filra Ceremonial Dance (from their ancient times), singing
Likes: Rriysshla, good conversation, cozy spaces, soft music
Dislikes: Earth coffee, prejudice, anyone who harms children
Languages Filra, Federation Standard, Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Talents: Ambidextrous

Devaen was born on Filra to one of the Noble Houses. And though they were only Minor Nobles, this entitled him to the best of schooling available on Filra. At ten, he was sent to the Testing Center nearest his home, and it was determined that his strongest skills lay in the fields of Strategic Analysis, Infiltration and Medicine.

Like all Filra of noble birth, he was given a choice as to which of these three top skills he wanted to pursue. He chose Medicine and was put into the Training Complex for that field. This schooling lasted until he was approximately fifteen, at which time, he was placed at the city hospital. This only lasted two years, however, as at the end of that time, seven other Noble Houses conspired together and Sundered House Torr, rendering those who remained to Servant Class.

Devaen became the property of Maalarr Verydian, the Chief Diplomat. Maalarr was a decent master, but Devaen was not happy here. After a year, he heard that his sister Arlaena had stolen her master's yacht and run the border. He knew she had made it; he felt it in his heart. Also, he heard Maalarr telling his closest Servant, Katarria Malavakhrra, that he was secretly pleased that the girl had gotten away. This was only a few months after she had gone, and Devaen knew he had to find her.

He did not wish to endanger his master as Maalarr had been kind to him, so he plotted in secret, acquiring some 'medication' for a cargo runner in exchange for the man secreting him out in a crate of rrhethorra fruit. The fruit smelled so foul that most Filra border patrols when searching ships hauling them did not look too deeply into the crates. And so, buried under half a crate of these foul-smelling fruit, Devaen rode out of Filra, disembarking from that ship and working passage on ship after ship in search of his sister for approximately nine years before he got a lead that was trustworthy.

He heard that she was in the United Federation of Planets. So he made his way there and searched, eventually discovering that she had apparently joined their Starfleet. Not knowing how else to reach her, he joined as well, with the help of a Captain Richard Blackstone whose crew Devaen had assisted at one point. He entered the Academy under the dual specialization of Multi-Species Medicine and Surgery and graduated with honors.
Service History At that time, he was requested by Captain Blackstone and went to serve that man on the USS StormHawk. That service lasted for thirteen years total. But then he got a tip that she had been assigned to Magellan Station. He requested, and was granted, a transfer to Serene Colony and took a position at the colony Hospital.
Service Record House Verydian (1 year)
Various ships in Search (9 years)
USS StormHawk - Lt. JG/Lt./promoted to Lt. Cmdr.
Swrene Colony - Lt. Cmdr. - Current
Major/s (Specialization/s) Medicine, Filra; Medicine, Multi-Species; Medicine, Surgery
Medical History Devaen is extremely healthy and shows remarkable resilience. He has the enhanced physical senses of the feline as well as greater agility. He also seems to possess a greater strength, though that is accounted for by his statement that Filra has a higher than Earth-normal gravity.

Mental Health: He watched the Sundering of his House but could do nothing to stop it or save some of the family.


Friends Richard Blackstone
Romance None currently, but is open to it.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A