Lieutenant Alexandra Barrows

Name Alexandra Elaine Barrows

Position Assistant Chief of Engineering Operations

Second Position SAR Technical Support

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Native Birth Name Alexandra Elaine Denning
Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 9/2359
Place of Birth Nevala III (Fringe Colony on the Klingon Border)
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 7 in.
Weight 130 lbs.
Hair Color Dark Brown with Golden Streaks
Eye Color Whiskey
Physical Description Lean and lithe, she is moderately graceful, though certainly no dancer. She keeps her body well-toned and flexible. She has one tattoo, a winged serpent whose tail coils down her left arm and whose wings wrap around her left bicep.


Spouse None... yet
Ex-Spouse/s Nicholas Barrows (Deceased)
Children None
Father Jordan Adam Denning (51)
Mother Leanna Elise Denning-Morrow (52)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Mary Anne Denning (cousin)
Jeffrey Gordon Morrow (cousin)
Lisa Denise Barrows (aunt)
Gary Jason Barrows (uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lexi is a quiet but strong woman. She is generally nice to most people, but she doesn't handle stupidity well and tends to get frustrated when she has to work with those who demonstrate it. She is outgoing and friendly, though generally not overzealously so.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Strong-minded
+ Pays attention to details
+ Excellent work ethic
+ Loyal to those she considers friends

- Sometimes too quiet
- Short fuse with people she perceives as acting stupid
Ambitions Her only real career goal is to one day be Chief Engineer somewhere. She has no interest in commanding a ship, preferring to get her hands dirty fixing things.
Hobbies & Interests Leanna
Hobbies: Sketching, working out to keep fit, designing new devices or improvements on current ones
Likes: Mint schnapps, raktajino, intelligent conversation, fixing things
Loves: Her cat Leanna (Leanna is pictured to the right)
Dislikes: Stupidity, rude people, coconut, peanut butter
Languages Federation Standard, Klingon

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Lexi was born on a fringe colony near the Klingon border. Life was not easy on these fringe worlds, but Lexi learned to survive. She also learned the love of fixing things from her mother who was the chief engineer of the colony. She would often tag along with her mother and watch her work, asking thousands of questions about how the things her mother was fixing worked. Eventually, as she got older, she began helping.

In high school, she met the young man she thought she would love forever, Nicholas Barrows. They dated all through high school and married right after. Unfortunately, this marriage was doomed. Just before Lexi left to join Starfleet, he died when a building collapsed. He had been trying to get those inside to safety, but had not made it out himself. She fell apart for several weeks, but in the end, she went on to Starfleet. He would have wanted her to pursue her dreams, she believed.
Service History After graduating from the Academy, she was sent to serve on the USS Tomahawk. for 4 years. At the end of that time, she was promoted, for exemplary performance, to Lieutenant Junior Grade and sent to the USS Solace. Just before she transferred, however, she adopted a kitten whom she named Leanna after a friend she'd had in the Academy. When word came down that the Solace was to be decommissioned. Lexi was given a choice of assitnments. She chose Serene.
Service Record USS Tomahawk -- Ensign, Engineering Officer, 4 years
USS Solace -- Lieutenant Junior Grade, Assistant Chief Engineer, 3 years
Major/s (Specialization/s) Engineering
Medical History Alexandra is in very good health. It can easily be seen that she makes an effort to keep herself so.


Friends Does her cat Leanna count?
Romance None, but very open to it!

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A