Lieutenant Commander Selyna Gates

Name Selyna Marryn Gates

Position Deputy Security/Tactical Chief

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human / Mynnatha
Age 31
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 11/2357
Place of Birth Fringe Colony
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 10 in.
Weight 150 lbs.
Hair Color Raven with Deep Blue Streaks
Eye Color Midnight
Physical Description Tall and leanly muscled, Selyna carries herself with the bearing of an officer. Her knee-length raven-streaked-with-deep-blue hair is kept in a tight braid while on duty. Off duty, she wears it French braided to her neck then free from there down. Her midnight eyes are piercing but gentle. She seems to miss nothing, and is always ready, even when relaxed.


Spouse None... yet.
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Jeffrey Alexander Gates
Mother Sylvina Sevallaeia
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family David Aaron Gates (Father's father), Marlena Ellen Gates (Father's mother), Dorran Sevallaeia (Mother's father), Torrei Sevallaeia (Mother's mother), Frederick Alan Gates (Father's brother), Jared Andrew Gates (Great Uncle)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Selyna is the classic military officer... to a certain extent. She has the classic hard exterior of a military officer and the stiff training of one. Her general demeanor is strong and unyielding when it comes to matters of importance to Federation security. She does; however, have a softer side... if one can draw it out.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Strong of mind and body
+ Protective
+ Vigilant and always ready
+ Intelligent

- Can be too strong-minded when she thinks she's right
- Tends toward self-sacrifice
- Has a hard time truly relaxing and letting people in
Ambitions Selyna is really doing what she loves, protecting the innocents. The fact that she gets to do it on an alien world so far away is just a bonus.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Battle Simulations, Fighter flying, Hand to hand combat, chess, plays a mean guitar (both electric and accoustic)
Likes: Raktajino (Klingon coffee), Romulan Ale, fast music
Dislikes: Ferengi, cowards, Kanar (Cardassian liquor)
Languages Federation Standard, Mynnatha (little bit)

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Selyna grew up in the schools and institutes to which all children of Starfleet parents went. Her father wanted her to be the best Starfleet officer the Federation had ever possessed. His dream... not hers.

Until her mother died... senselessly. Then she threw herself completely into her studies. She determined then (at the age of 12) that she would indeed become the best in the Fleet and protect the other families of the Federation from this same type of loss. This would have been enough to motivate her, but the universe wasn't done with her yet. When she was 14, her father's ship vanished -- literally vanished -- with all hands aboard. She became the ward of her uncle Frederick Gates.

Two years in, at 16, she ran away and went off the grid to avoid being caught by him until she was old enough to join Starfleet. He found her and made her pay for running. But just before she turned 18, she managed to run away again.
Service History When she turned 18, she followed her father's example and entered Starfleet, specializing in Ground Security as well as small unit tactics. After this, she was sent to serve aboard the USS ShadowStryker. She liked the work and was indeed very good at it.

She served here for the next five years, until May of 2380 when, during a battle with several Jem'Hadar ships, she was gravely injured. The ship had been boarded. Jem'Hadar soldiers seemed to never end in their numbers.

Selyna spotted a fellow crewman preparing to round a corner and face down a troop of them... and tried to stop the young man. But it was too late. The enemy soldiers coming down the opposite corridor spotted them both first... and fired.

Selyna, who had nudged the other officer out of the way, took the brunt of the shot. However, it was not enough to kill... only enough to throw her back several yards, rendering her unconscious and unable to avoid the falling bits of ship structure.

When the battle ended, the crews began pulling people out from under the fallen bits of the ship. The First Officer of the ship, a long-time friend of the Gates family, found her and had her removed to the Medical Ship that had, by that time, arrived to take survivors to the nearest Starbase.

Selyna was treated and granted medical leave by the physician at the Starbase. This leave and recovery time was to last for three years.

At the end of this time, in late 2383, she was again evaluated and deemed fit for duty once more. But because of the nature of the injuries, it was determined that she would not serve on starships any longer. She was, at that time assigned to ground base. Since this fit her chosen specialty, she fell into the role easily and has been doing it for the last four years. Recently, she was assigned again, this time to Sapientiia.
Service Record 2375-2380 - USS ShadowStryker
2380 - USS ShadowStryker, gravely injured
2380-2383 - Granted Extended Leave for Recovery
2388 - Serene Colony
Major/s (Specialization/s) Security: Small Unit Tactics/Ground Security
Medical History Mental Health:
Selyna has some amnesia from the damage she took in the war, but she doesn't let it stop her from moving forward. She really doesn't talk about it, though. Her mother's death was dealt with , but she still believes her father is out there somewhere, KNOWS it in her core.

Medical Information
Selyna is very healthy -- she insists on keeping herself on top form.


Enemies and/or Rivals Frederick Alan Gates (uncle)

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A