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Sat Feb 18th, 2023 @ 3:39pm

Lieutenant Commander Alexander Mundy

Name Alexander Mundy

Position Assistant Chief of Operations

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Native Birth Name Jack Quincy
Gender Male
Species Human
Age 32
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 6/15/2356
Place of Birth New Portland, Planet New Dawn, Gamma Quadrant, near the wormhole.
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 212 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Piercing blue eyes that helps frame his handsome face.
Taller than most average men.
Very muscular, keeps himself in peak condition by working out.


Father Commander (Dr) Martin Quincy, Chief Medical Officer USS James T. Kirk
Mother Lieutenant Commander Laura Quincy, Lead Botanist USS James T. Kirk
Brother(s) Liam, currently stationed at Station Melrose.
Dave, Professor Of Instellar Law, Starfleet Academy.
Sister(s) Lucy, Enrolled Starfleet Academy, Majoring in Science.
Other Family Louis Harold, uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jack, what his friends call him, has a very outgoing personality. He has a very humorous side at times, being known to play a joke or two on people.
Strengths & Weaknesses Very loyal to the senior officers in his command. He'll follow any order, as long as it is a legal order, then he will challenge that order.

Has a weakness for candy.
Hobbies & Interests Reading, enjoys a good novel.
Likes archery, working out and martial arts.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Jack was born on the planet New Dawn, in the city of New Portland, in the Gamma Quadrant, located near the Bajoran wormhole.

Life there was simple. People worked with their hands, Farmers used bison-like creatures to pull their plows. Artisans used fire fueled kilns to create works of art.

Martin Quincy his father, was the Chief Medical Officer in New Portland, overseeing over 250 patients, doctors and staff. His mother Laura, oversaw projects that were cataloging hundreds of new species of flora and fauna.

Jack was the oldest of 4 child. Liam was second, Lucy third and Dave pulled up the rear. The four of them played together, met the new child who's parents came to the planet. and explored the country side.

Seven teachers were brought in to teach the 97 children, various ages, in a makeshift school. After the colony gained 50 more pupils, a permanent structure was built.

The four Mundy children were good students, they had to be, their parents basically founded the colony.

The schools curriculum was geared to allow the children to learn at their own pace. Every child had a computer in their home to help them.

When Alex reached 18, he had decided to leave his home and apply to Starfleet Academy. His application to the Academy was endorsed by his parents, admirals, ship's captains and leading members of the colony.

He was, of course, accepted.
Service History Cadet Quincy arrived at the Academy, past his entrance physical and psyche evaluations, and received his housing and uniform allowance.

Cadet Quincy chose Command as his major, Operations as his second major and Flight Operations as his third.

At the beginning, Cadet Quincy fit right in among his other freshman class. Getting used to a new system of teaching that he was used to was hard, but with help of tutors, he adjusted.

First semester, his grades were among the top 7% of his class. His instructors were pleased to see how easily he fit in with the others. In time, Cadet Mundy helped tutor other students who were lagging behind...his instructors were impressed.
Because of his physical build, teams started trying to recruit him. Of all the choices, Cadet Quincy chose rugby, martial arts and track and field.
Over the course of the semester, Cadet Quincy led two of the three teams of a 3rd place finish.

Second semester, his grades kept getting better, his instructors placed letters of Commendation in his file.
His grades stayed among the top 6% of his class.
During a rugby match, he broke the leg of a member of the other team. Cadet Quincy stayed with the guy until medical arrived. Because of this accident, Cadet Quincy left the team. Without him, the team placed last, while his martial arts and track teams finished first and second, respectively.

Third semester, as part of his field training, Cadet Quincy was assigned to the USS Livingston, as a trainee. Under the command of Captain Jack Harvey, Cadet Mundy was assigned to every department, even medical, to observe and learn. It was challenging, and sometimes boring. The only good thing was that the Livingston, passed through the wormhole, and stopped at New Dawn, his home, where he had a chance to see his family and friends. This was then his parents told him that they would be leaving New Dawn for other assignments. He also received news of his brothers and sister, as they started their careers.
Even on field training, Cadet Quincy had to keep up with his Academy work.

Senior year.
This was it.
The end.
By the time the year was over, Cadet Quincy had been voted salutatorian of his graduating class.
Service Record Upon graduation, the now Ensign Quincy was assigned to:

The USS Paris, A medical ship. Ensign Quincy worked on the bridge, at Ops, mostly, or anywhere they needed him. He learned a lot while on the Paris. One time the Paris responded to a medical emergency, and Ensign Quincy was pressed into service as an orderly. He didn't complain, he just did his job.

After 2 years, he was reassigned to the USS Valley Forge, where he worked in Operations under the guidance of Commander Kyle. While on the Valley Forge, Ensign Quincy was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, receiving numerous commendations from his section chief, and the ship's first officer.
The Valley Forge, a Galaxy Class ship, was in an engagement against some Orions. In one incident, the ship was attacked by 3 Orion ships, causing severe damage to the Valley Forge. LtJg Quincy led a team against a raiding party of Orions. He suffered minor injuries, but his team captured the Orions, while the other ships fled.
He received a medal and commendation for his actions. And a promotion to Lieutenant.

Three years after that, he was assigned to the USS Truman, where he served as Assistant Operations Officer.
The Truman was an old ship, long past its time. The engineering teams struggled to keep the old girl running, but eventually, the old girl gave up the ghost, and the Truman was ordered to Starbase Echo for decommission.
Lieutenant Quincy served with honor on the Truman, helped try to keep things running, and for faithful service and honor, Lieutenant Quincy was promoted to Lieutenant Commander.
Captain Jack Western, called Quincy into his office and sat him down. He pasted a padd over and told Mundy, "This is where you would be the most useful and your career will benefit." On the padd was Serene Colony.
That night, Alex filled out the transfer request and sent it.
Medical History In very good shape.
No major surgeries, still has his appendix and tonsils.
Blood pressure normal. Blood sugar normal.
5% body fat.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A