Cadet Freshman Grade Prriya Myrranti

Name Prriya Asharra Myrranti

Position Science Cadet

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Caitian
Age 18
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year June/2371
Place of Birth Cait
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Bisexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 4 in.
Weight 120 lbs.
Hair Color Deep, lush brown (fur and mane)
Eye Color Golden
Physical Description Lean and lithe, Prriya moves with grace and purpose.


Spouse N/A
Ex-Spouse/s N/A
Children N/A
Father Sstrrath, Jantrral, Valysst
Mother Arrassha, Ssherrissh, Kessarra
Brother(s) Ssarrysh, Kevrran, Morryst, Jessrran
Sister(s) Trryssta, Esstrra, Myrra, Kyrria
Other Family Too numerous to list

Personality & Traits

General Overview In most dealings, Prriya tends to be warm and kind. She does have an occasional kittenish streak though. Having her people’s love of comfort and beauty, she can often be found in places that exemplify that such as hydroponics and anywhere she can curl up and stare at the stars. She is social by nature and will often seek out company when not in classes or other required functions.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Quick learner
+ Heightened senses
+ Friendly

- Can get distracted easily
Ambitions To see as much of the universe as she can and to learn as much as she can about the various peoples of the many worlds she encounters.
Hobbies & Interests Prriya loves music and art in many forms. She plays several instruments, though instruments with extremely high-pitched frequencies are not among her favorites as they affect her sensitive hearing. She dances native dances. She has a lovely voice and sometimes can be heard humming as she moves through the corridors. She also loves to gather a small group of like-minded folks and combine their talents. She loves good conversation and kind people.
Languages Felinium, Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Prriya was born in the more tropical area of Cait. Her family was large but loving, each kitten receiving care and attention from all of the parents at different times. Her family has six parents, three of each gender, and she was therefore one of nine kittens. Not all of her siblings got along, but she tended to be the peacemaker among them. This did not go over well with one of her brothers who thought it was his right to be rough with the others as it taught them strength. Their parents agreed with her.

As she grew, she spent more and more time staring up into the night sky from the tall Arryssh tree in the front of their home. It was very obvious that she wanted to be out there, and so when she became old enough, she was sent by her family to the Academy testing facility nearest to Cait. Her scores were more than good enough to gain her entrance, and so she went.

Prriya is a serious student, but she also makes time for fun. She makes friends easily and will often be found spending time with them, both in fun and helping them study for whatever class they are fighting at the moment.
Service History N/A
Service Record N/.A
Major/s (Specialization/s) Science Major, Anthropology and Archaeology Specialties
Medical History Prriya is in excellent health.


Friends *** Will fill in later ***
Romance Not yet... ;)

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Science
Cadet's Secondary Degree Psychology (non-counseling)