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Tue Jul 14th, 2020 @ 9:42pm

Commander Jae-Hwa Kwan

Name Jae-Hwa Kwan

Second Position Cultural Studies Dept Head

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Betazoid/Human
Age 41
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year August, 2347
Place of Birth Medara, Betazed
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description

Jae is a handsome man of Korean Asian descent, with a strongly defined facial structure. With well-defined arms and a broad chest, he has a lean and muscular frame, showing the effects of taking care of himself and/or many hours of working out at the gym.


Spouse Never been married.
Children None that he knows of.
Father Dae-jung Kwan, SF Lt.Cmdr, deceased.
Mother Adana Xerix
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Doctor Aleysha Xerix (PhD), half sister
Other Family Enaren Xerix, stepfather

Saxon McKinney, nephew

Various other relatives

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jaegeneraloverview
Jae-Hwa is a calm and observant man. He is very people-oriented, is nice and makes friends easily, yet is a bit reserved, private when it comes to his personal life. As far as romance, he has never been one for commitment, only having occasional casual affairs.

Strengths & Weaknesses

+ Empathic abilities
+ Thoughtful, deliberate and decisive in diplomatic/mission matters
+ Strong-willed
+ A strong leader, a team player
+ Has a sense of humor

- Phobia towards Jem Hadar
- Allergy to Romulan Giant Mollusk
- Intense attraction to strong emotion
Hobbies & Interests Jae's hobbies and interest include reading, cooking, holosports, and working out with both Tai Chi and Tae Kwon Do. He's a photographer and also loves painting. Enjoys playing trumpet jazz, and riding motorcycles when he gets the chance.
Languages Various languages

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level Beta-One
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Jae-Hwa was born on Betazed, and grew up in the city of Medara. His father, Dae-jung Kwan, a Starfleet officer and an engineer on the USS Carthage, was killed on an away mission when Jae was only five years old. His mother, Adana, a Betazoid physician remarried two years later to Enaren Xerix, a Betazoid diplomat. A year after that, Adana and Enaren had a daughter, Jae's half sister, Aleysha.

A quiet, yet confident child growing up in a loving home, Jae grew very close to his step-father, and was exposed to the world of politics, law, and diplomacy at a very young age. It sparked an interest in him and by the time he was a teen it was obvious he would be following in his step-father's footsteps.

Jae studied Interstellar Law and political science at the University of Betazed, and then entered the Betazed Diplomatic Service at the age of twenty-two, serving for many years and continuing his education whenever the opportunity was there, eventually becoming a member of the Federation Diplomatic Service.

In 2374, when he was twenty-seven, the Dominion invaded Betazed while the Starfleet 10th Fleet was on a training run.

The Dominion used Betazoid slave labor, Jae-Hwa among them, to construct Sentok Nor in orbit of Betazed. Sentok Nor was used as a Jem'Hadar breeding facility during the Dominion occupation. Betazed was liberated a year later, and Sentok Nor was destroyed.

The experience had an effect on Jae-Hwa that slowly grew over time. He always had some feelings of isolation and inadequacy in comparison to other Betazoids, and those feelings grew until finally feeling the pull of competing identities, he left for Earth, wanting to know the Korean side of him, of his father's life and culture.

Two years later he returned to the Diplomatic Service, eventually deciding to expand his responsibilities beyond diplomatic matters between Federation worlds. So he entered Starfleet Academy, and graduated with degrees in Law and Command.

Service Record * 2372 With degrees in Political Science and Interstellar Law, Jae-Hwa Kwan joined the Betazed Diplomatic Service.

* 2375 Became a member of the Federation Diplomatic Service.

* 2378-2380 Left the Diplomatic Service, lived on Earth, Korea; returning two years later.

* 2380-2384 Entered Starfleet Academy, graduated in 2383 as a Command and Law graduate, specialized in Federation Law, Xenobiology, and Languages.

* 2384-2385 Diplomat officer within the Ambassadorial Corps, coordinating new members of the Federation with their entry into the organization and assisting with early adjustment.

* 2386-2389 TBD - Nimitz Station.

* 2389-Present Diplomatic Officer, Cultural Studies Sub - Dept. Head


Friends Jae is a nice guy and makes friends easily.
Romance As far as romance, Jae has never been one for commitment, only having occasional casual affairs.

Right now he has an interest in Sonia Dalca.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A