Captain Callysta Morrigan

Name Callysta Rhiannon Morrigan

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 53
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Red-Blond
Eye Color Crystal Green
Physical Description Trim and graceful, Callysta is not overly tall or short. Her red-blond hair is curly and reaches to her hips when free of the tight updo she keeps it in on duty. Her movements are graceful yet deliberate.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Aaron Morrigan
Mother Rhiannon Morrigan
Brother(s) Aidan Morrigan
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Callysta is generally quiet but carries herself with purpose and strength. She is open and honest. She always leads by example, never asking those beneath her to do anything she is not willing to do. She keeps an open door policy, inviting those of her crew to come to her with whatever needs or complaints they may have.
Strengths & Weaknesses +/- Strong-willed
+ Quick learner
+ Determined
- Can push herself too hard at times
Ambitions Callysta has already reached where she wanted to be, captain of a starship. Though she hadn't intended that ship to be intel...
Hobbies & Interests Callysta likes to play music, both flute and harp. She has a lovely singing voice and has been known to get a karaoke night going on ships she is in command of. She also loves a good friendly card game and can hold her liquor very well as one of her former XOs can attest to.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History As the child of Starfleet parents, Callysta moved around a lot and attended many different schools. She grew up with a love for Starfleet and a desire to become a member when she was old enough. So when she turned eighteen, she entered the Starfleet Academy in the field of Operations and Command.

She graduated near the top of her class, though not the top (in the top five). At that time, she was sent to the USS Victorious to complete her Cadet Cruise. She stayed on as Ensign for another five years. At the end of that time, she was reassigned to the USS NightSabre, an intelligence-controlled ship as an Operations Officer. Here she served for the next ten years, the total of her time in the ranks of Lieutenant Junior Grade and full Lieutenant.

She liked the crew but was not at all fond of the Intel life. She requested to be reassigned back to the regular fleet. For their own reasons, Starfleet accepted this request. She was then sent to the USS ShadowStryker as its Assistant Chief of Operations. Here she served for another five years at the rank of Lieutenant Commander then was again reassigned as Commander and Executive Officer of the USS Falcon. She spent five years in that rank and on that ship before being promoted to Captain and being given her first ship. This was the USS Regent. She quickly became fond of the crew, but that did not last long.

The reason for Starfleet's "ease" in letting her go back to the regular fleet became apparent when she was assigned to the USS Starchaser. This was the most difficult crew Starfleet had, and they had chewed up six captains before her. In the next five years, she managed to not only earn their trust but their loyalty. Starfleet was pleased, and somewhat impressed. But now, they have again seen fit, in their infinite wisdom, to transfer her yet again. This time, Intel reacquired her and has given her command of the newly-constructed USS Glorious Heritage.
Service Record USS Victorious - Cadet-Ensign
USS NightSabre - Lieutenant Junior Grade-Lieutenant
USS ShadowStryker - Lieutenant Commander
USS Falcon - Commander
USS Regent - Captain
USS Starchaser - Captain
USS Glorious Heritage - Captain, current


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A