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Tue Aug 11th, 2020 @ 5:00pm

Captain Brady Dering

Name Brady Joseph Dering M.D., PhD

Position Solace CO

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 43
Marital Status In a Relationship
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 175 lb
Hair Color Medium Brown
Eye Color Light Blue
Physical Description Tall and Handsome with a healthy athletic Build,


Father Admiral Jonathan Dering, Chief of Starfleet Operations, Starfleet Command
Mother Patricia Dering, deceased
Brother(s) Cole Dering M.D. - Assistant CMO and Surgeon at Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus, Serene Colony on Sapientia, Delta Quadrant.
Other Family Jordan Kelley, cousin

Personality & Traits

General Overview A caring and gentle man. A highly educated and experienced Psychiatrist, Brady specialized in PTSD evaluations and treatments, rarely on any one assignment for very long, transferring from one place to another, counseling those traumatized by their experiences, and working with those Starfleet officers that Starfleet didn't want to let go, to give up on. Feeling the need for a change, at a crossroad, Brady was promoted to Captain and assigned the USS Solace near late 2388.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Born in 2348, Brady was the eldest son of Jonathan and Patricia Dering and grew up mainly in San Francisco, Earth. He has a younger brother by nine years named Cole.

When Brady was 16, he and his mom were in a hovercar accident. Brady was the one driving, but the accident was not his fault. His mother died at the scene, and he was seriously injured. He ended up with survivor's guilt PTSD.

Their father had a hard time handling the boys, especially Brady. He had always been the type of man with a tight rein on his emotions. He didn't know how to deal with a teen going through what Brady was going through, as well as seven-year-old Cole, who was confused over the loss of his mother. Brady turned to alcohol, putting the family through even more hell. Eventually, they got through it all, yet not without scars.

Through counseling, Brady straightened himself out, though he struggled a bit through his premed years at Stanford University. He hasn't had an alcoholic drink in over 20 years.

Pre-service Education:
• 2366 - 2372: Stanford University, Earth first obtaining a bachelor of science degree, continuing into medical school, volunteering at a hospital's psychiatric dept while still in the University, obtaining a Doctor of Medicine medical degree.
Service History • 2371 - 2374: Starfleet Medical Academy -*Three-year fast track course for Medical. Taking an additional year as he Majored in both Addiction and Emergency psychiatry. Specialized in post-traumatic stress disorder. Psychology.

• 2374 - 2375: Furthered specialist training while interning at Starfleet Medical.

• 2375 - 2388: Specialized Fleet Psychiatrist, sent out on special assignments on starships, starbases, and colony worlds.
Major/s (Specialization/s) Specialised Counselor, Psychiatrist, Medical Doctor


Romance Captain Karyn Dallas - once had a relationship with, had fallen in love with, but she broke it off. The relationship ended sometime in 2384.

Doctor Zoe Eckhardt - Near the end of 2388, Brady had fallen in love with Zoe.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A