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Tue Jan 19th, 2021 @ 2:02am

Commander Sonia Dalca

Name Sonia Elizabeta Dalca

Position Security/Tactical Operations Academic Dept. Head

Second Position Gateway Team Second-In-Command

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Allasomorph
Age 32
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9" (1.75 m)
Weight 145 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Graceful figure but very solid athletic build. Has great muscle tone but doesn't look as strong as she is. Tends to keep her hair pulled back, out of her way but not vain. In wolf form she is a young adult just out her awkward phase, a black coat.


Father Julek (deceased)
Mother Alexandreina Dalca
Other Family Large extended family on her mothers side.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Note in the picture gallery 2 of them are pictures of Sonia and her two best friends from the Academy on a camping tour of Europe before leaving on their assignments.

Overview: She is a partial Allasomorph as such she has only one form, that of a black wolf.
She is a controlled person overall. She knows there's a lot she can't control but she can and will control herself. She is careful what she says, especially to new people and in fact talks as little as she can until she feels comfortable then people are more likely to get to know her and her odd sense of humor and mischievous, playful nature. All this control is due, in part to her nature and in part controlling her other form. Being helpless is one of the things that truly scares her. She has a protective streak a mile wide though. She is just as loyal and protective of anyone she considers part of her circle.
She is from Romania and tends to have a Russian like outlook on life in normal routine, a practical approach to change, she simply tries to adjust and move on with the minimum of fuss. She isn't very excitable and isn't prone to panic. The more crazy stuff gets the calmer she gets, usually as everyone has their off days. Downside is when she is in a blind rage, she's very calm, very cold mostly because she's trying not to rip someones throat out. She is a bit of an intellectual and loves anything that engages her.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She is dedicated and loyal. Exceedingly competent she will work at a task until complete. Boring or exciting she'll see it through. She's easy to work with and very likable. She has a will of iron though it is often encased in a glove, hence she can be under-estimated. Is quite knowledgeable about a number of histories and at least a basic understanding of many more. Her particular favorites are Earth, Bajoran, Vulcan and Klingon histories.

Weaknesses-Tends to get tunnel vision when working on something. Has to work hard at not getting caught in the details and missing the forest for the trees.
Her curiosity is both a strength and weakness. She is a very curious person by nature and has a hard time resisting a mystery or a puzzle. Can't swim well, forced to learn at the academy but not very well.
Ambitions Tends to focus on here and now to do her best job, her current goals are simply to do the best job possible. Whatever happens, happens.
Hobbies & Interests She loves puzzles and loves history, learning about something new is great fun. When not doing that she likes sailing on the holodeck or running. She loves old Earth movies and camping.
Is good at games of strategy. Enjoys Sculpting and painting. Is actually quite good, a few of her paintings and sculptures have sold under a pseudonym.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level BETA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Not much is known of her father's family. They were and not doubt still are very xenophobic so when their darling eldest Allasomorph fell in love with and married a human he met while exploring the galaxy, he was disowned. Of course this had the effect of not only cutting him and his new wife off but his daughter, born 2359 . He always said that Sonia was the little light of his life next to the her mother whom he referred to as 'the sun'. They were the centers of his world, he'd been a traveler before meeting Alexa. A 'space bum' as Sonia's maternal grandmother had once said, but now he was content. Even saddened by the loss of his family and his people, he still found great joy in his new life on Earth. Sonia's mother was an experienced security officer and was in great demand as a personal weapons instructor at the Academy. And so life went Alexa, as Sonia's mother is known to friends, would go to work and Julek would write his stories. He wrote under another name and was actually well known for his adventure stories, every one of which he ran by his audience of one first. They never failed to hold little Sonia rapt, which was not easy to do because her mind never shut off. It always seemed to be active and she was forever curious about one thing or another. They lived in the Prahova Valley in Romania on Earth near a majority of her mother's family. Who were all close knit, even those who lived off planet. They accepted the odd, quiet alien in their midst with a shrugging of shoulders. It was a popular story that when Alexa's father, never very talkative to begin with, first met and looked at Julek, he didn't say a word. He just stared at him, taking his measure then nodded and handed the man a homemade beer.

Every five years was great fun because it was the Dalca family reunion. Members would come from hundreds of light years away and take over the valley for two weeks of camping, fun, music, and stories. Her mother's family was always an odd lot. Fiercely loyal to each other they also had a strong sense of honor. That's actually how they got their name centuries ago. Back when horses were used in the time on earth known as 'middle ages'. They were riders and owners of the best horseflesh around, as such they took roles as leaders in the little village's militia. No bandits dared to attack a village under the protection of this family for it was said that they rode and killed at the speed of lightening. So they took that name, it becoming common to have last names and not merely so and so, son of such and such. So they became Dalca or 'lightening' as it is known in the old Romanian tongue.

And Sonia's life was happy, her family was close and her parents were happy to pass on what they knew. She would also pick up whatever she could from whomever she could. She was like a sponge and wasn't known for leaving a mystery if she could figure it out. Her mind was fairly ordered for a child, the ability to think logically always there. Children can be a lot more clever then they are given credit for and she kept her parents on their toes for sure and certain. It wasn't until she got a bit older she realized that her parents were waiting for something. And happen it did, she'd been twelve, only 2 years until the Dominion War, when she was running through the forest around her home. Something she often did, she always loved the sense of freedom and flying it gave her. Sometimes even running with her parents like now, they were racing, one of her favorite games. And she was determined to win but she started not to feel well, her skin was fevered, her throat tight. Heart throbbing in her ears even as her senses seemed to expanded. She stopped confused and tried not to panic. When her parents caught up they found a small, black wolf where their daughter had been. They shared an unreadable look as her mother picked up the now fully panic-stricken child.

Later they calmed her down and explained. She knew her father was different, he would change into things like cats and the like to entertain her but everyone was sure that it had not passed on. Her father spent as much time over the next few years as he could teaching her but the quiet, kind man who was her father decided that his adopted homeland needed him. So when war broke out with the Dominion he joined Starfleet Intelligence as a civilian operative. He was killed when his team infiltrated a Jem'Hadar base that made ships after a series of successful missions. If this base could be destroyed it would set them back months. He managed to confuse the response of the defenders to give his people time to finish their work and be away. He held the enemy control center until the very end the fireball that took his life, taking his enemies as well. His last thoughts were of his family and especially his daughter who was still learning so much. He was killed in the line of duty 2374, Sonia had been 15.
Her mother had also fought on the frontlines and during the war she found herself more and more in the keeping of her extended family. Still the fact that at least one parent came back from a war that took so many was something. And after the war Sonia and her mother, mourned and moved on as best they could. Alexa doing what she could to teach Sonia control with meditation and other techniques so that she could control when her wolf came.
She did other, normal things like she went to school and played sports like anyone else. With her protective streak and both inner natures in such agreement, security was a natural choice for her when she decided she wanted to join Starfleet and serve the Federation as her parents had done. When she brought this to her mother's attention there was a long series of talks. Mostly centered around did Sonia know all that would be expected and could she control the wolf well enough. Alexa worried about that control, even swallowed her pride when her husband died to write to his family about his death and their daughters need. She destroyed the response, no child should have to see herself referred to as ?That mistake of the son we don't have...?. Hence why she tried to train the young ? allasomorph herself. Fortunately she was a stubborn nature and would generally succeed due to sheer force of will, something Sonia in her own way inherited.

She got in Starfleet and did well at the Academy, she didn't make friends with everyone but seemed to well enough with a great, smaller circle of friends. She specialized in what she call 'cool stuff', items that would sit her well in special ops if she wanted to go that route. Not the least of which was her ability to analyze data to focus on the most important aspects. That was the most challenging part of the whole program. Eventually she graduated and was put on assignment. Her first assignment was he Federation DMZ Border Space Station, DS405 aka DS Citadel. Her career progressed from there. However it was when she was assigned to the dedicated science vessel USS Discovery that she really shone in her career track. The most notable part of her assignment there and the final reason why she was offered a promotion and position of Chief of Security on the USS Pathfinder. She was part of a small away team that was exploring underground temple ruins on Myposa IV. It was a rare and exciting find, especially as it was intact and unlooted. It had been under a small merchant waystation and because of interference had been missed in the light scans previously used. Unfortunately some space pirates disagreed on where the goods should be going and attacked the site. Apparently they'd been watching the team for some time. Sonia had dove behind a crate, trying to stay calm if she lost it she would tear someones throat out and she didn't want to do that. Unfortunately the other few security officers there were not going to hold them off forever and the USS Discovery wouldn't be back for another 5 hours. Sonia wouldn't learn until later that the distress call that had lured the Discovery away had been a false one by these self-same pirates. A pirate was going to stab and kill a fallen officer, a wounded security man when Sonia's, her mind clear and calm, mind tossed her an idea, as other pirates ordered her to stand up and surrender. She picked up a dropped phaser rifle, her own weapons having been destroyed by a random blast, and aimed at the nearby water tower but looking like she was trying to give up. And pulled the trigger, the shocked pirates were swept away by the miniflood, giving the other security time to stun them all.

She was given a commendation for that but she never told how close she came to killing them all herself. She'd been angry, angry that these short sighted, greedy, sorry excuse for sentients would destroy this irreplaceable piece of history for a few latinum and that they would kill a good man simply because he wanted to stop them from harming others. She never liked bullies and the dominion war to her was just some of the biggest ones getting together. It was the one thing she hated above all else that would come close to shattering her carefully won control. She accepted a new posting, eager for a change.

Her mother now commands the USS Athena and is on assignment in deep space. They keep in touch as much as possible.
Service Record *-Graduated from Starfleet Academy, DMZ Border Space Station, DS405 aka DS Citadel.
*-Transferred to USS Discovery. Promoted to Lt. Jg. Deputy Chief.
*-Completed SAR Training, Earth.
*-Assigned as Chief Security Officer on board the USS Pathfinder. Promoted to Lt.
*Promoted to Lt. Commander.
*Promoted to Commander and assigned to the Academy.
Medical History Medical:
Seems to not injure easily, nor has see been sick. Her ability to change shape is not well known as it remains hidden while in human form and as she has control and little interest in using her ability on a regular basis in Starfleet she sees no need for them to know. Though Is known to a few in command staff like the Dean and the Campus CMO as a highly restricted part of her record. Just in case.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A