
  • 2 Mission Posts

Commander Alexander McKinney

Name Alexander Fox McKinney

Position SCE Team XO/Second Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Place of Birth Shoalhaven, Australia, Earth
Marital Status It's...Complicated
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance


Ex-Spouse/s Aleysha Xerix
Children Saxon McKinney, son, age 6
Father Doctor Ross McKinney, age 74, Bio-medical Researcher
Mother Anna McKinney, age 63, Professor of Medicine
Brother(s) Captain Connor McKinney (Identical Twin), age 38, serving as Dean of Education, SF Academy Magellan Campus, Serene Colony, Sapientia.
Sister(s) Specialist Ivy McKinney, age 23, Botanical Engineer on Starbase Magellan.
Other Family Ciara McKinney, cousin, age 24, serving as a Professor of Arts, SF Academy Magellan Campus, Serene Colony, Sapientia.
Aiden McKinney, cousin, age 34

Various other relatives.

Personality & Traits

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)



Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A