
  • 7 Mission Posts

Last Post

Sun Jul 29th, 2018 @ 3:02pm

Commander Jessica Deloia

Name Jessica Deloia

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 31
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance


Personality & Traits

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level BETA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History (Shelley, I need you to work on this) :)
Service Record Notes:
(SF Medical academy training here)
(Postings prior to Solace)
*CO of the medical starship, USS Solace
*Assigned as CMO/Medical Dean at Phlox Medical, SF Academy Magellan Campus on Sapientia.
*One week later the CMO at Piper Medical on Magellan Station resigned due to a family tragedy, and left the quadrant. When it was known that Doctor Lily Cavallo was available, considering both hers and Jessica's area of expertise, that Jessica would transfer over to take over as the Starbase CMO, while Lily would replace her at the Academy.

(Shelley, I worded the above last part. How does it look to you? For me, this makes some sense. It will to everyone else when I explain soon some things about both Hospitals and the differences between them.)
Major/s (Specialization/s) (Shelly, make sure you fill this in)


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A