Specialist Alora Jaenke

Name Alora Jaenke

Position Tactical Systems Specialist

Rank Specialist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Age 28
Marital Status It's...Complicated
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tall and athletic. Looks like she could be a dancer. Her hair is long and usually pulled back. She looks solid but graceful. Her eyes will appear to change from light brown to a golden green ish color depending on lighting and other factors.


Spouse None
Ex-Spouse/s None
Children None
Father Jolum Jaenke
Mother Nara Jaenke
Brother(s) Zeru Jaenke, Leeto Jaenke
Sister(s) Genna Jaenke
Other Family Usual aunts, uncles, cousins etc

Personality & Traits

General Overview Patient and stubborn, she tends to overcome challenges one way or another. Tends to be mellow and only as formal as she needs to be, has a personal code she will not break. Is very easy going and doesn't tend to get upset easily. Loyal to friends, she is also friendly and outgoing when she chooses to be. Will tend to treat everyone with respect until/if they prove they don't deserve it.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths & Weaknesses
+Has knowledge in Computers in regards to hacking and security

-Tends to get tunnel vision when working, has been known to forget to eat etc.
-Once she does sink her teeth into something does not like to let go.
-Can sometimes have a sense of humor that can be misunderstood.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, sailing, caving, and wood carving are among her interests. Also loves music and some history.

Languages Languages : Bajoran, Vulcan, Cardassian, and Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Born in July 31, 2358, she was only 11 years old when the occupation of her world ended. That didn't stop her from being given a weapon to help defend the younger children in the caves where the noncombatants would hide, those connected to resistance members as it wasn't safe for them elsewhere. She helped a lot with those in the caves in regards to equipment as well. She was fascinated by how things worked and was always looked over their shoulders while they worked to repair their phasers or some other item until finally they let her help. She had just started to be brought on missions, during that time you grew up fast or not at all, the Occupation ended.

So basically before the age of 11 her world was mostly the caves and some back and beyond places on Bajor. As her family was in the resistance, she was at least she was spared the camps but life on the run was no fun either. She remembers a lot of fear from that time, which explains why she tends to want to face what she fears. She hates the power it has over her. But also a lot of joy, she learned to take joy where she could find it. Also might explain why she feels so at home in caving systems and why its one of her favorite hobbies as she spent so much time in them. Like everyone she lost some family to the occupation but was lucky to keep her parents. Her siblings were not born until afterward. In addition to the memories of her family, her most treasured memory of her childhood was when the Emissary himself placed his hand in her head in a blessing as she stood in a row of other children. He seemed larger then life but oddly a little sad. She has made a study of her peoples history and those of the prophets especially in light of the past 20 years. And does what she can to live in a way that would bring honor to her family, her people, the Prophets and the Emissary.

After the war her father turned to farming as her mother turned to botany and they tried in their own ways to help rebuild their shattered world.
When she was 16 War broke out with the Dominion, a little older now she understood more of what went on around her and while she knew why her government had done what it did to avoid war she did not like the Dominion. She remembered the attitude of the Cardassians from before and in the way of all alert children could sense a dormant threat. She was never comfortable around them when her parents would take her to the nearby main city for visits or business trips. And the resistance wasn't completely dead either, the Dominion had muscle they weren't afraid to use so some of the old timers had begun to dust off old skills including Alora's parents and once again she stepped into her old roles. Mostly what she did was, as she was pretty darn good at this, was help hack into computer systems to try to find out what they were up to, for example, in regards to whom they wanted to 'question' for Federation sympathies etc so the person could be warned and could hide. Sensor ghosts work just as well on Dominion troops they found. Now Dominion computers were harsh but they worked with local Bajoran police and Bajoran computers she could work around in her sleep.

Her parents did their best to give her a childhood but would not keep the world from her, they would spend hours discussing one topic or another and encourage their children to participate. It was very important to them that their children develop their minds and to think for themselves. They would often toss out a problem for one of the children to solve to help in part to teach self-reliance. Her upbringing wasn't wealthy and especially early on food wasn't always available but she was reasonably happy though is left with an uncanny ability to sense trouble. It comes from growing up in constant danger one learns to ID threats quickly or not at all.

After the Dominion War Anara continued to grow up, deciding when she was 18 that she would join Starfleet one day. If it was good enough for the Emissary it was good enough for her. However she decided to focus on her abilities and get educated as an engineer before that. She focused on Tactical Weapons Systems because she well knew no matter how good anything else if you couldn't get the bully off your back they wouldn't hold forever. And besides if her systems could ultimately save innocent lives that was worth it.
Service Record When she was ready she attended the Vulcan Engineering Academy then joined Starfleet to finish training at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. Her current assignment is as Tactical Weapons Specialist on the USS Armstrong. She specializes in offensive and defensive battle systems from an engineering perspective. She holds a Doctorate in Engineering with a specialization in Weapons Systems. And has received tactical department training.
Major/s (Specialization/s) Offensive and Defensive Battle Systems Engineering


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A