
  • 4 Mission Posts

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Wed Dec 5th, 2018 @ 6:02pm

Attaché Elizabeth Walshingham

Name Elizabeth Margaret Walshingham

Position Diplomat's Aide

Rank Attaché

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 30
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9
Weight 140lbs
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Athletic build, usually wears hair tired back when working, down the rest of the time. Is solid but graceful.


Father Eric
Mother Sarah
Brother(s) John, Eric II
Sister(s) Willow, Janet, Barb
Other Family Usual Uncles, Aunts etc

Personality & Traits

General Overview Tends to be quiet when working, doesn't talk much until she's gotten a good handle on who she is dealing with. Over all the more comfortable she is the more she talks or more a person will see of her natural personality. If uncertain or uncomfortable tends to get formal and say as little as possible. Quietly persistent though. Can be very creative in finding ways around things, especially things she's not supposed to do. Tends to be a people person and is genuinely interested in others. Honorable to her own code of behavior, can seem a bit odd at times. Thinks emotion is important but one must not let it overcome ones intelligence. Is fair minded. Has a sometimes dry sense of humor and a friendly personality.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Creative
+People person
+Fair Minded.

-Tends to get tunnel vision when working, has been known to forget to eat etc.
-Once she does sink her teeth into something does not like to let go.
-When under threat tends to shut down emotions as a safety measure, can be seen as cold.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing, mountain climbing, and wood carving are among her interests. Sings well and plays the violin. Likes Gardening but mostly for growing her own tea leaves.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level DELTA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 2


Personal History Born in 2357, on Earth. Most exactly Devonshire, England. She comes from an ancient family that could trace its generations very far back. Her family's history was full of those in many professions but for the most part her people were intellectuals, builders, diplomats, explorers, teachers, and merchants. If it involved in creating something weither it be a building, knowledge, or a lasting peace a Walshingham was there somewhere. It was into this intellectual environment Lizzie had been born. Both her parents were Professors at Oxford University that still existed in England. And she had thought to follow in their footsteps until, after yet another time bringing peace to her fighting siblings, someone mentioned she should be a negotatior. She thought about it and over the years could see the benefit of that idea. She had gotten the nickname 'Peacemaker' in school for her ability to quiet fighting fellow students. And when people had a problem to be sorted they went to her first because of her fair mindedness and habit of not getting over emotional. She saw what the Dominion did to the Galaxy and decided to see if she could do her part in cutting down on the incidences of such tragedies.
Service Record She decided to go into service as a Diplomatic Officer, she served at the Embassy on Vulcan, and assisted with treaties, her home base being HQ. Her last post prior to this was the Embassy on Bajor. She requested transfer to the farthest point possible, affected by the old familiar wonderlust to explore and to learn and so ended up at Starbase Zulu, then transferring to Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A