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Thu Apr 28th, 2022 @ 9:14pm

Commander Kaelyth Solmarr

Name Kaelyth Solmarr

Position Chief of Operations

Second Position Gateway Team Commander

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Lessanthi / Cormerran
Age 58 Lessanthi (81.2 Terran Standard)
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year 04/2307
Place of Birth Sendell, Lessantha
Marital Status Widowed
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 5"
Weight 250 lbs.
Hair Color Red-Black
Eye Color Gold-Silver
Physical Description Physical Description: Powerfully built and well-honed. He carries himself with an air of confidence and approachability.

Preferred Attire (if any): When not in StarFleet uniform, he prefers loose-fitting clothing whose colors range in the deeper shades. Deep blues, burgandys, and the like.


Spouse Enyrra (Deceased)
Children Siyarra (Deceased)
Father Zedaen Solmarr
Mother Nyrra Solmarr
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Kaelyth has a well-defined sense of self, but not overdone. He knows exactly who he is and what he is capable of as well as knowing his limitations.

He is a determined, strong-minded individual who exactly what he wants from life. This is offset by a well-grounded sense of reality.

Kaelyth tends to be calm and collected, not going off half-cocked... ever. His uncanny ability to quickly assess his situation and surroundings gives him a serenity in most situations equalled only by most Vulcans.

He is very social, displaying highly-developed social skills. His demeanor is kind and gentle, offering those he speaks with a compassionate and understanding refuge for self-expression.

The loss of his wife seems to have been dealt with in a very healthy manner, though he still sometimes speaks of her. She held a very deep place in his heart, yet he does not allow his personal life to affect his work detrimentally.

Signed: Kethra Nellar, Resident Psychologist
StarFleet Headquarters
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: High tolerance for energy discharges, Compassionate and caring

Weaknesses: Dependence on the Shaelyth (the crystalline-metallic) to maintain DNA stability, Fear of storms (more accurately, fear of hurting someone else in one)
Ambitions Ambitions: One day, he would like to go home and mend the damage the Tower Sendell has done to his people. But in relation to Starfleet, he is not all that ambitious. He is doing what he wishes to do.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Playing harp, writing poetry, and collecting unique blades

Likes: Mint tea, quiet conversation, pretty much anything that engenders peace, tranquility, or at least comfort

Dislikes: coffee, rude people, prejudice of any kind, unnecessary violence
Languages Lessanthi, Vedarran, Cardassian, Romulan, Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level Beta-Two
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Lessanthi to Terran conversion: 1 Lessanthi year = 1.4 Terran years.

Age is written as Lessanthi/Terran

8/11.2 - First Fusing

9/12.6 - Second Fusing

10/14 - Third Fusing

10.5/14.7 - First Switch (4 boys)

11/15.4 - Fourth Fusing

12/16.8 - Fifth Fusing

13/18.2 - Sixth Fusing

13.5/18.9 - Second Switch (6 boys)

14/19.6 - Seventh Fusing

14.5/20.3 - Third Switch

15/21 - Left Lessantha

17/23.8 - Comes to Vedarr Prime

18/25.2 - Begins attendance at Technical Training Complex on Vedarr Prime

19/26.6 - Marries Enyrra

22/30.8 - Graduates from the Technical Training Complex. Siyarra born.

22-26/30.8-36.4 - Work as Advance Team

26/36.4 - Enyrra and Siyarra die on Ellerrann VI

29/40.6 - Enters the Federation and begins observations. Decides to stay eventually.

31.9/44.6 - Attends Starfleet Academy. Upon graduation is immediately snapped up by intel.
Service History 31.9-33/44.6-46.2 - Worked for Intel. Had a relationship with Taya of Vulcan. Leaves her on the planet of their current mission to chase the pirate ship that entered orbit back to its nest (they had come to this planet to stop pirates, and he suspected these were part of that group.).

33/46.2 - Pirate leads Iytha Rhaen into a trap. Once she is damaged, the pirates board her. Phoenix intervenes, cutting down most of the pirate ships. She also translocates some of them off the Iytha Rhaen. Kaelyth kills the rest then interrogates the one left for information on their base is. Phoenix tows Iytha Rhaen back to the planet he left Taya on to discover that the team has returned to base. Kaelyth returns to the base to find it deserted. Zedrann contacts him and tells him that Taya has gone to her home planet to have her memories of him purged because it was too painful for her, believing he was gone/dead. Kaelyth goes to her homeworld and tracks her through the desert and up a mountain, depleting his shaelyth in the process, to get her back. She uses the infuser and clips he always carries to fully infuse him again, and they leave her world aboard the Iytha Rhaen.

33.6-36.4/47-51 - Served on USS ShadowStryker. During one of their missions, Taya was killed while attempting to help some refugees onto one of the Stryker's shuttles. This happened two years into his service on this vessel.

36.4-39.3/51-55 - Reassigned to and served aboard the USS Atlantis. Had a relationship with Valerie Mason.

39.3-44.3/55-62 - When he is reassigned, he and Valerie part ways semi-amicably. Serves on USS Raven. Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade.

44.3-50.3/62-70.4 - Promoted to Lieutenant and served on the USS Cambridge as its Assistant Chief Operations Officer.

50.3-53.6/70.4-75 - Served aboard the USS Altair-C.
50.3/70.4 - Again promoted, this time to Lieutenant Commander and reassigned to the USS Altair-C as its Chief Operations Officer.

52.3/73.2 - When the Second Officer is killed on a mission, Kaelyth steps in to help. He is given the position temporarily.

53.3/74.6 - Starfleet makes the appointment official, making Kaelyth Second Officer of the Altair-C.

53.6-55/75-77 - Served on NX New Destiny/Dava Colony.
53.6/75 - Promoted to Commander. Send to the New Destiny as its Second Officer.

53.6-55/75-77 - When the Iconian Gate was destroyed and the crew found themselves stranded on Dava 4, Kaelyth becomes co-governor of the colony thus created.

55/77 - After the attempted coup on Dava colony, Kaelyth returns to the Alpha Quadrant. Takes a Leave of Absence to clear his head and find his center.

55-58/77-81.2 - Leave of Absence from Starfleet. During this time, he meets and has a relationship with Ashiyrra, a felinoid. At the end of this time, they part ways very amicably due to the fact that he is returning to Starfleet and she wishes to explore. Neither is aware at this time that she is pregnant.

58/81.2 - Returns to duty in Starfleet. Is reinstated at his former rank of Commander and sent to the new colony in the Delta Quadrant as their Chief of Station and Planetary Operations.
Service Record SFI Division 6
USS ShadowStryker
USS Atlantis
USS Raven
USS Altair-C
NX New Destiny/Dava Colony
Serene Colony - Current
Major/s (Specialization/s) Engineering, Starship Operations, computer programming, The Tower taught him to be Speaker, Technical Training Complex on Vedarr Prime, Starfleet Academy
Medical History Born with an incurable malady known as The Unraveling, Kaelyth's DNA is held together by a Crystalline-Metallic substance. This substance does "burn out" with daily activity, but infusions keep him in top form.

His left arm appears to be a prosthetic. There are biotech interfaces between it and the rest of his body. It does seem to funtion flawlessly, as if it had always been his. In and of itself, that is unusual, but nothing to worry about.

Beyond these two things, there is nothing to note medically. He has a very good immune system and excellent reflexes. His senses are sharp, as is his mind. All tests suggest that he is in excellent condition.

Signed: Nadia DeVayne; USS Altair-C


Friends Kiyanna - The AI of his ship, the Iytha Rhaen
Romance Valerie Mason - Separated for years. Rarely has contact.
Ashiyrra - Parted ways. Has not been in contact since (she has been unable to contact him).
Enyrra, Taya, and Amari - Deceased

Open to new.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A