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Sat Nov 14th, 2020 @ 1:21pm

Commander Christopher SilverShadowMoon

Name Christopher SilverShadowMoon

Position Interim Chief Science Officer

Second Position Wildlife Xeno-Biologist

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Elliciean
Age 32
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year August, 2356
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 7'1
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description His skin is patterned with feline looks strips in various Brown/red, silver and black colourings. His hair on his head is silver/gray, with some stripes from the colors on his body.


Father Jonathan ShadowDance
Mother Maya AscendingFire
Sister(s) 2 sisters, raised by other family.
Other Family Uncle - TreeFlow

Niece - Charlie StarPocket, Freshman Cadet at the Academy

Personality & Traits

General Overview Christopher has a calm, and laid back persona. He is quiet most of the time, with a philosophical frame of mind, always thinking about how the universe and the people within it work.
Strengths & Weaknesses Level headed in a crisis, is good with languages and his naturally excellent hearing helps. Ambidextrous, is very detailed oriented. Species physical traits. Low level empath.

is Claustrophobic and can't handle zero G. His species way of thinking or instinctual nature has been known to occasionally get him into trouble.
Ambitions Does not have any particular ambition, is very curious and will go where that takes him.
Hobbies & Interests Racketball, Swimming, listening to different cultural music.
Languages Elliciean, Terran standard as well a number of earth languages, Klingon, Vulcan as a num

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level BETA - ONE
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Christopher grew up in Starfleet, mother was a Starfleet officer, father died in service when he was young. During his adolescent years had been kidnapped and has some memory loss from that time as well having developed claustrophobia from the event.

After a mission caused his mother to suffer health issues he was raised by relatives on Elliciea. Due to a lot of time among humans, Christopher speaks standard Terran better then most Ellicieans. Languages and science have been interests since a very young age.

He entered the academy at the age of 16 which for an Elliciean is comparable to the human age of 19. Having always stayed close to his mother he wanted to follow into Starfleet like his parents.

(More to add)

Species Data:
Elliciea Fanci (pronounced - eh-lee-see-ah fancy)
Species name: Elliciean

Elliciea is a lush tropical jungle and temperate forest planet. Pocketed with smaller oceans and lakes spread throughout forest and jungle. Elliciea is rich in both predatory plant and wild life, has violet coloured oceans and sky and is hot and humid for most of the planet. It is also a very windy planet prone to wind storms. Villages are often built off the ground in and around massive tree's and in cliff faces in order to add stability and protection from predators.

Only certain villages , which are more like the size of cities, have a technology allowance and only for what is really needed. Due to tourism, rescue and medical technology is allowed anywhere though not often used by the Ellicieans themselves.

Elliciea draws visitors for their hot springs, rugged and beautiful landscape.

Starfleet Medical is active on Elliciea in an attempt to solve the declining population problem.

Physiology of Elliciean's


Strength level in line with Andorians and Vulcans
Empath- able to sense emotions, which is more of subconscious act, used in the same way that hearing, sight, or smell are used. One example; may walk into a room full of people, and sense fear, but not know from whom it originated from.
Level of empathy varies between individuals and is strongest in females.

Excellent eyesight, hearing and smell, above that of humans.
Larger pointed Ears slightly higher on the side of head, tips of ears twitch and move with emotion. Have long strong prehensile tails which are important for relaying emotion and in conversing and social activities.
Have slightly larger hands with retractable claws, their faces look mostly human except for feline attributes, including noticeably sharp teeth.

Ellicieans, both male and female, range (average) in height from 6'7 to 7'8. Male and female alike are tall with lean muscular frames. Females only develop mammary after having children.

Ellicieans can live to be be around 200 years old, and like Vulcans, it can take quite a while to physically appear old.

They have secondary organs for all major functions, including heart, if the main organs fail. Have both a larger heart and lungs. Ellicieans have a second eyelid to protect their eyes from the consistent wind that blows across Elliciea.

A thick layer of short body fur, though it doesn't appear as such because it is so short. It feels like velvet and generally covers the body in stripped and or spotted patterns. They have long hair which is often braided, short hair is considered a sign of either mental illness or punishment.

The Elliciean language is complicated and often incorrectly translated by the universal translation system due to part of it is of ear tips, body language and tail position along with words. Their language is hard to speak because it uses a series of hissing and gruntal noises as well regular vowel and consonants sounds. Spoken properly, instead of one word at a time, a sentence will sound like one long word.

Ellicieans often learn standard Terran but tend to reverse syntax. Instead of saying "I will go there shortly" they would say "Shortly go there I will"

Socially Ellicieans are an age dominated society. Females are the hunters/warriors and the more aggressive gender, Males tend to instructing and creating. Family units are large and children are cared for by 'the village' mentality. Ellicieans live in large groups for both protection and socializing.

Ellicieans have a mating cycle called 'the burning' this takes affect once every year. In the burning an Elliciean is compelled to take part in the mating hunt, or seek their life partner.

The Burning takes place for all Ellicieans at either one of two times of the year, resulting in two birthing seasons. During the birthing seasons, fertile females can give birth to kits of 1-5 babies at a time. Females capable of producing large kits are expected to do so to increase the waning population. These females and their families gift, which is an intense honour, babies to families unable to have children of their own.

Ellicieans are omnivorous, however they need meat in their diet and hunting is an important part of their society. Hunters, mostly female, hunt in packs the many predators that live on Elliciea. The General Elliciean does not use 'technology' living off of what their world provides.

The Elliciean society as a general whole has degraded backwards; moving from what once was a technologically advanced space exploring culture to one that though welcomes visitor has no interest in exploring or in using technology. The average Elliciean is engrossed in both the hunt and daily surviving of hostile jungle planet. Though death can be common, especially for the young, they value life and enjoy celebrating. Anything from the start of a new season, to a successful hunt is a reason to party.

Elliciean's tend to be very spiritual but their beliefs are not well known and tend to worship at temples deep in their forest and jungles. Their art, architecture, homes, and even body paintings reflect much of their belief system. The obvious elements of their belief system are that they are to live for the good of the whole, their word is their Honor and honour is the highest form of personal and social worth. Though Ellicieans can and do lie, they often will simply not mention or bring something up then lie about it. There are numerous social rules and they have a complex view of when and how certain emotions can be displayed. They do not expect these behaviors from non Ellicieans but are strict amongst each other.

Light flirting is consider polite and complimentary, is expected from each other. Ellicieans have no clothing taboo's and wear clothing only as protection or ceremonial use on their own world. They are not preoccupied with sex,except for when experiencing 'the burning'. They are less inclined to experience it when off world and females struggle the most with the 'burning'.

Ellicieans can not drink alcohol or consume anything with caffeine, such as chocolate, but have a plant, Ulsh, that can be smoked, burnt like incense or even cooked with, that causes a pleasant relaxed feeling and has medicinal qualities. To non Ellicieans it tends to taste sweet.

Ulsh grain, it is safe for all ages and is addictive in the same sense as caffeine, but has very little effect on non-Ellicieans, except for its pain relieving properties. Has been known if not cured/treated properly Ulsh can cause a temporary psychosis state in the user. Thus Ellicieans tend to be very particular on how it is grown, stored, and treated.

Individuals who wish to leave Elliciea whether to join Star fleet or for any other reason must earn the right. When they return home they are however expected to leave technology behind.

Ellicieans earn their names. They are often given names, when babies, of physical characteristics or combination of parental names. Examples: Brownfoot, LittleHands, RedMoon. Then when they are about 14 they go on 'the walk' to earn their first name which is often chosen for them. This is a rite of passage into adulthood. Through out an Elliciean's life they may decide to change their name after a life changing event. Example: WalkTheFire.

Ellicieans who leave, often take a human or non-Elliciean name as a 'first' name. Example . Elsie StormNight.

Some Elliciean's are attached in a symbiotic relationship with a species of flying lizard, resembling that of a minature dragon, no bigger then about 1 foot high with a wing span of two feet. The Graken are hard to get a hold of and are coveted by hunters and any profession that travels. They provide constant mental and emotional company. They are an intelligent animal species that not only provides company but can be trained. A Graken will die when the Elliciean they are bonded to dies and those lucky enough to possess a graken can fall ill if the Graken becomes sick and or dies before they do. They are not considered a pet but an extension of the Elliciean themselves.
Service Record *Cross-trained in Science and Security, specializing in Xenobiology, zoology, xeno-wildlife field medicine, language, and planetary survival.

*Additional specialized training as a Starfleet Ranger.

*Temporary assignment on the USS Pegasus awaiting Ranger Assignment.

*Assigned to Ranger Team, escorting Colony department personnel to the newly gifted planet in the Delta Quadrant, assisting in mapping and survey expeditions, and patrolling the system, among other operations.

*Interim assignment as Serene Colony's Chief Science Officer.

*Offered position of Wildlife Xeno-Biologist for the UFP Department of Colonization's Natural Conservation Department on Sapientia, and he accepted.
Major/s (Specialization/s) Xenobiology, zoology, xeno-wildlife field medicine, language, and planetary survival.


Friends Ta'mas, Jaime

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A