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Tue Jan 19th, 2021 @ 2:02am

Cadet Freshman Grade James Corrigan

Name James Ferris Corrigan

Position Navigation Cadet

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 18
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 180 lbs.
Hair Color Sandy blonde
Eye Color Ice Blue
Physical Description James is slim but stronger than he looks. His hair is neat, as is his uniform, but his eyes speak of pain buried. When not in uniform, he favors blue jeans and light-colored t-shirts with walking shoes.


Father Jack Alexander Corrigan (41)
Mother Rachel Andrea O'Neill-Corrigan (40)
Sister(s) Katherine Elyse Corrigan (15)
Other Family Grandfather, James Andrew Corrigan; Grandmother, Elysa Anne Corrigan; Uncle, Jeffrey Damian Corrigan

Personality & Traits

General Overview James is quiet and unassuming. He shows only minor resistance to harsh authority figures but always gives the right amount of respect to not get into trouble. The rest he does not resist, and shows them a great deal of respect. Like most young people, he enjoys sports, hanging out with his friends, and the odd practical joke. But he is also a good student, studying equally hard.
Strengths & Weaknesses Weaknesses:

Balks at being "bull-dozed" by authority figures.
Sometimes too quiet, seems shy.
Doesn't like to talk about his family.


Good student, studies hard.
Eidetic memory
Friendly, warm
Ambitions To one day command his own ship and prove his worth to his father.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: Working out, sketching, reading old books, stunt-flying small craft (used to do it with the colony's shuttle when he got to take it out)
Likes: Sugary beverages, running, camping
Dislikes: Tea, hard-cases, his dad (he loves him; he just doesn't like him much)
Languages Federation Standard, Klingon

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Life on the fringe colonies is never easy, especially when most of them are Klingons and you are a quiet, slender Human. James learned very early where all the good hiding spots were to avoid the regular beatings that the Klingon boys said would "make him strong and bring out the warrior in him". James never wanted to be a warrior; he found no pleasure in killing, but in repairing. Not to mention that he got enough crap from his father; he didn't need to get it from the other boys too.

Occasionally, he would help his mother with repairs to the colony's systems, but that only made things worse. But James didn't care; he was in his element, stuffed up a conduit repairing some tiny bit of circuitry or half-buried in a crawlspace replacing a relay.

So when he was of age, James happily left for the Testing Center. He passed the test but was told that there were no spots open at the Earth campus. His mother thought he would be crushed and tried to console him, but James was not crushed; he was determined. He went to his Sponsor and told the man that he didn't care what campus it was as long as he got in. So the next time the wormhole was situated correctly for Starfleet to send more students through to Magellan Campus, James was on that ship.
Medical History James has no medical conditions of note. There is evidence, however, of several broken bones having been knitted previously. He has a minor allergy to mushrooms and no allergies to medications to his knowledge.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Helm/Navigation
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A
Major/s (Specialization/s) and/or Goals: Warp Mechanics, Astronavigation