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Sat Jan 9th, 2021 @ 3:22pm

Cadet Freshman Grade Catherine Wells

Name Catherine J Wells

Position Engineering Cadet

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 19
Place of Birth Earth
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 145lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tough figure, an athletic build but good muscle tone and flexible. Also longish hair that she keeps tied back and out of her way.


Father Vincent Wells, IV
Mother Evelyn Wells
Brother(s) Jake
Sister(s) Evie
Other Family Aunts and Uncles on both sides, cousins etc

Personality & Traits

General Overview Is very curious, has to fight the urge to push the big, red button or take something apart. Typical engineering mindset of always wondering, ?Well what happens if I do this?? or ?Can I improve this with a bit of tinkering? but isn?t foolish. Will take precautions when creating some new whatever the heck and would never knowingly hurt an innocent person. Tends to get tunnel vision when working and forget to eat etc but is oddly mother like when it comes to taking care of others in her charge. Prefers time to plan is however able to wing it in an emergency. Is sometimes surprised when something ?winged? worked out. Loyal to those obligations she takes on she will never betray a trust or a friend. Is overall friendly but won?t share truly personal stuff until she gets to know people.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-Loyal, dedicated, competent. Can approach a problem from different angles. An excellent horseback rider and a fair pilot as well. Likes history but is a huge fan of the 19th Century North American West time period.
Weaknesses-Tends to get tunnel vision when working on something. Has to work hard at not getting caught in the details and missing the forest for the trees.
Ambitions Tends to focus on here and now to do her best job, her current goals are simply to do the best job possible. Whatever happens, happens.
Hobbies & Interests In her off time she can sometimes be found reading, practicing her skills.. She loves puzzles and is a big fan of 20th and 21st century earth detective stories and poetry. Also loves horseback riding and motor cycling riding. Also likes to learn ancient methods of blacksmithing. And sailing.
Languages Vulcan, Galactic Standard, Klingon, modern Bajoran, smattering of Romulan

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History She grew up in the North American Midwest on on her family?s personal agricultural zone. Parents own an intergalactic agricultural business called Nature?s Bounty, Inc. they are quite successful selling safe and healthy foods to species across the galaxy with a sub specialty of difficult to grow items. They contract with Vetta Industries for shipping. Her mother, former lawyer, is CEO while her father is a College Professor of Literature. She was always curious and helpful but her interests lay more with tinkering with equipment than food. So though she loved growing up on her parent?s farm on earth she devoured all the information she could get on different technologies. Not just that but she was forever getting into things because her curiosity would lead her all over. Her family joked that she was ?the girl of a thousand questions? because they never seemed to stop. She even tried a few experiments including recalibrating the sonic showers to emit the opening to the Federation Pledge of Allegiance. Then couldn?t get it to stop, her parents while supportive were less than pleased sometimes with their born tinker?s precociousness. Finally her eagerness lead her to Starfleet, where she is allow to tinker to her hearts content?.mostly.
Medical History Catherine has been to decent schools and has done well, studied like mad to get into the Academy


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Engineering
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A