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Tue Feb 28th, 2023 @ 2:53pm

Commander Paige O'Halloran

Name Paige Elizabeth O'Halloran "Banshee"

Position Security/Tactical Chief

Second Position SABRE Commander

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year June, 2356
Marital Status Married
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Dark Red
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Willowy figure but very solid athletic build. A few scars on her body from fights. Plus a tattoo on her left upper arm.


Spouse Ta'mas
Father Alex Eric O'Halloran
Mother Lilly Evelyn (D'Yer) O'Halloran
Sister(s) Evie
Other Family Aunts and Uncles on both sides, cousins etc

Personality & Traits

General Overview Firmly believes family and duty are of the most importance, personal safety comes second. Always willing to learn new things is considering taking a few courses in engineering when her time allows. Honest but not stupid, knows when to bend the truth just a bit but will never lie outright to anyone she respects. Loves history and learning Martial Arts of the different races of the universe, though her favorite is the ones from Earth. Her favorite thing she owns is an antique railroad watch given to her by her Grandfather O'Halloran still tells perfect time. She carries it in her pocket at all times and is never without it. Is usually of a curious nature, and enjoys being in space and the thrill of contact with other races. Though she does miss home sometimes, she hopes she may be useful. Has her own sense of justice she will never violate. Has high standards but is more likely to accept flaws in others than herself. Has an odd sense of humor, there is a reason why she doesn't normally tell people what she's thinking.
Was Unit Commander of the Merlin Sabres, a Special Tactics Unit based off of the 20th and 21st century S.W.A.T of Earth.
Her STU/Sabre Specialties are as Unit Commander, Sniper and Melee weapon combat. Also over the years refreshed on tactical certifications.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths-Loyal, dedicated, competent. Has firm sense of justice and will stick to it no matter what. An excellent shot and a fair pilot as well. Experience in certain forms of hand to hand, is always eager to learn more. Is quite knowledgeable about Law Enforcement History from Earth and a smattering of other races as well as Earth Medieval History.

Weaknesses-Tends to get tunnel vision when working on something. Has to work hard at not getting caught in the details and missing the forest for the trees.

Has a temper, she keeps it under a tight leash but can be exceedingly violent if it's set free.
Ambitions Tends to focus on here and now to do her best job, her current goals are simply to do the best job possible. Whatever happens, happens.
Hobbies & Interests In her off time she can sometimes be found reading, practicing her skills, or playing the flute. Loves also to dance but doesn't really tell anyone that part. Likes to experience as much of life as possible. Loves to hike, climb mountains, and ride motorcycles on the holodeck or anywhere else she can. Likes to explore nature.

She is secretly somewhat claustrophobic but keeps it under tight control. Does not interfere with her duties. Uses meditation and focus on duty to keep it under control. No one, not even Starfleet knows. She hides it well. Her view: one must face their fears head on and strangle them.
Languages Gaelic, Galactic Standard, smattering of Klingon, and is learning Bajoran

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level Beta-Two
Data Access Level LEVEL 4


Personal History Father has a civilian medical practice in Ireland, in BallyKissangel where the family owns land and has held a squire title there forever though the meaning has changed a bit, O'Hallorans still play a significant role in village life. Mother is the Master Chief Petty Officer and Bowsain (top noncom) as an instructor at Starfleet Academy. three siblings boy-Brian, girl-Nevie, girl-Kalen, Father's parents alive and retired in Ballykissangel, Earth. Mother's father is alive and works as part time gardener also lives and in San Francisco on Earth. Two aunts and an uncle on her mother's side and she has two uncles on her father's side. There are a number of cousins. Members of Paiges family have lived in Ireland as long as they've been able to track. Other members are in the North American continent with a number being scattered amongst the stars.

Her parents were both in the Dominion War, which confused Paige because her father wasn't in Stafleet. At least not that she ever knew. They don't talk about their experiences much.

Paige remembers the Raid on San Fransisco, was a survivor. She was found in the rubble near Starfleet Academy hours after the attack. That was one of the main experiences that drove her into Starfleet.

Education Background:

Ireland Schools until senior year of secondary then studied at a North American School as part of an exchange program.

Did very well at Starfleet Academy, excelling at Security Sciences and Piloting.

Paige has been to decent schools and has done well, studied like mad to get into the Academy and graduated despite rumors she was responsible for a number of pranks involving top brass and various instructors, and anyone unfortunate enough to cross her path. Not dumb enough to get caught.
Service Record After the Academy served as a Security Officer and then Watch Officer on board the USS Dublin.

Transferred to USS Merlin as Assistant Chief of Security, became USS Merlin's Chief of Security and Tactical.

Transferred to USS Pegasus as Chief of Security and Tactical. Promoted to Second Officer, USS Pegasus.

Chef of Security and Tactical at Serene Colony.
Medical History Spent a lot of time as a youth recovering from her injuries from the dominion attack.

Treated for knife wound gotten during a bar fight as a cadet. Self Defense. Wound location was lower left side. Its location suggested and was later confirmed as being constant with being attacked from the left and behind. Fully Recovered.

Also has been treated for numerous bruises, cuts, and other fight or recreational activity damage.


Romance Commander Ta'mas

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A