Commander Akoni Kapulé

Name Akoni Kapulé

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Risian
Age 35
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6 ft or 183 cm
Weight 190 pds or 86 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green Hazel
Physical Description


Akoni is tall and has a great athletic build (from a strict workout regimen). He usually has a heavy stubble beard. He wears a ja'risia, a small, gold-colored disk traditionally worn by Risians on their foreheads, much like a bindi in some Human cultures. He prefers to wear loose T-shirts over black cotton trousers, with a light leather jacket, weather permitting.


Spouse No
Children None
Father Dajol
Mother Nisa
Brother(s) Kalei
Sister(s) Keao

Personality & Traits

General Overview

Akoni is a reserved person who enjoys having fun and being around people but also has a natural inclination for reflection, making him an introvert. While he's excellent at living in the moment when focused, he sometimes struggles to balance that with considering the moment. Akoni is a thoughtful friend and a great listener, giving his full attention to the person he's talking to.

His habit of self-reflection helps him maintain a strong sense of self. He's always aware of his thoughts, moods, feelings, and bodily sensations, allowing him to be dedicated to whatever he does. Akoni is a practitioner of self-awareness, monitoring and adjusting himself as needed.

He may sometimes come off as brooding due to feeling drained from being around too many people or being lost in his thoughts. Because of this, he chooses social situations carefully. After a social event, he often needs to recharge through meditation or alone time to regain his energy.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Watchful -He has a keen eye for detail and is adept at picking up on subtle alterations in his environment.
+A forward-thinker - He has a talent for anticipating potential issues and considering them in a strategic manner. He prefers to research and investigate a problem from all possible angles thoroughly.
+Is a polyglot (multilingual) with speech imitation ability. - Is capable of quickly mastering many different languages and the accents that go with them.

-Needs to recharge - He can become mentally exhausted or socially overwhelmed if exposed to highly social situations for extended periods.
-Can seem aloof - He needs more time to warm up.
-Sensitive to outside stimuli - can become overstimulated.
Ambitions To someday destroy the Orion Syndicate.
Hobbies & Interests •meditation
•working out at the gym
•scuba diver
•paint on canvas
•cooking (Trying out new recipes)
•read books
•solve jigsaw puzzles

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Akoni was born in Nuvia, the capital city of the Risa. As a child, he got to see the full glory of living and working in such a diverse area. Thousands of visitors flowed through the market district where his parents own a tourist ocean art and souvenir shop. As the oldest, he always had his younger brother and sister on his heels. He complained at times but never failed to look out for them as they roamed around their parents' shop and the marketplace. All the other sellers knew them and, as their parents did for the other sellers, they looked out for the three children like they were their own.

During those times, Akoni gained a lot of knowledge through his favorite activity - people-watching. It allowed him to learn a great deal about negotiations and human behavior. Being exposed to various sights, sounds, and smells was a great opportunity for him to absorb information.

Since he was a child, Akoni has always been curious about the world around him. He would often ask his parents questions like, "Why are there so many stars?" and "What are other worlds like?" His parents, who were artists and merchants, encouraged his curiosity by focusing on his schooling and allowing his teachers to help answer his questions. Akoni excelled in all subjects, but his love for understanding nature made science his favorite subject. In addition, his parents' love for the ocean-influenced him greatly.

As he grew older, he realized that life can be tough and challenging. Despite his quiet demeanor, he often overheard adult conversations about off-world visitors, including the notorious Orion Syndicate. Over the years, rumors began to circulate that the Syndicate was regaining control of Risa's gambling establishments, surpassing their current control over the workers' unions and under-the-table business partnerships they had already established.

When Akoni was a young teenager, he once walked home from a friend's house on a deserted road. While walking, he noticed two men attempting to force another man into a hovering car. The man seemed frightened and resisted, but before they could succeed, two stun beams appeared out of nowhere and hit the two perpetrators. Three people dressed in black emerged from the shadows, followed by two Risian Police officers in their gear. One of the officers escorted the bewildered man away, while the other two in black restrained the kidnappers. Akoni, who had been hiding in the shadows, overheard a conversation between the remaining two and learned that they were Starfleet Intelligence, and the Risian police were grateful for their assistance. However, they were concerned about potential retaliation against Risian civilians. The Starfleet agents assured them that they would handle the situation, which was their responsibility.

Akoni was both stunned and intrigued by what he had witnessed and overheard. His mind was filled with questions as he hurried home. Eventually, these questions, coupled with a near-personal tragedy, led him to join Starfleet Academy at the age of 20. He was advised on where his strengths lay and what would put him on the path to Intel. As a result, Akoni studied Science as his Primary Degree, focusing on Exolinguistics, Xenology, and Biophysics. He also pursued a second degree in Communications/Ops.

Before attending the Academy, Akoni pursued a degree in Oceanography at the University of Risa. It was during this period that the Orions began to heavily depend on merchants for protection money, and they were largely successful in their endeavors. His father refused to pay and ended up hospitalized after taking a beating, and with no proof of who did it. Due to the situation, Akoni was almost driven to do something out of character. He was furious and had the urge to pursue those he believed were accountable. However, his mother and another vendor prevented him from leaving, which could have resulted in him and/or others being harmed.

Akoni made a decision to apply at the Academy in hopes of doing something effective to help his dad and others in the gray areas that normal law enforcement couldn't reach.
Service Record (going to edit)

• Attended Starfleet Academy at San Francisco, Earth. Primary Degree area in Science, specializing in Exolinguistics, Xenology, and Biophysics, minoring in Communication/Ops. Continued for another year in Communication/Ops, majoring, and went through Command school.
• USS Lakota (NCC-42768) as a Linguistic Officer
• Starfleet Intelligence training
• Tiberius Station as Language Specialist and Rookie Intelligence Officer
• Covert operations and technical support - classified (going to flesh out)
• ______as a Federation Special Operations Recon Team Infiltration Agent, SF rank of Lt. Commander.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A