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Sun Sep 5th, 2021 @ 3:32pm

Senior Captain Connor McKinney

Name Connor Blake McKinney M.D. PhD

Position Dean of Education

Second Position Future Medical Academy Dean/CMO

Rank Senior Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Terran Birth Date-Month/Year August, 2350
Place of Birth Shoalhaven, Australia, Earth
Marital Status In a Relationship
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 175
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Blue Hazel
Physical Description

Tall and athletically built, strong jaw, broad shoulders, dimpled chin, and tattoos on both shoulders/upper arms. Has naturally curly and wavy hair kept short.

He has a deep voice, with an Australian accent that has become mild over time.


Spouse Never been married
Father Doctor Ross McKinney, age 74, Bio-medical Researcher
Mother Anna McKinney, age 63, Professor of Medicine
Brother(s) Cmdr. Alexander McKinney (Identical Twin), age 38, serving as SCE Team XO/Second Officer/Damage Control Specialist on the USS Armstrong.
Sister(s) Ivy Rose McKinney, age 23, a civilian botanical engineer working for the Science Research Department at Magellan Station.
Other Family Nephew Saxon (Alex's son), age 6
Ciara McKinney, cousin, age 24
Aiden McKinney, cousin, age 34

Various other relatives.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Connor is usually quiet, occasionally moody, yet he is still sociable and generally friendly. He is pretty straightforward when he has something to say and doesn't hold back when pushed. A passionate man in all areas of his life. Has a slightly self-deprecating wit, and the occasional outburst of hyperactivity.
Strengths & Weaknesses Connor is very intelligent and a quick thinker. He has great organizational skills, is analytical and focused, and has a no-nonsense commanding presence when it comes to his skill, even when under pressure. Yet, his thoughts seem to run into each other when it comes to other matters. He battles Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and depression, is often moody, has a temper, and can be very stubborn.
Ambitions Basically right now he is just trying to start his life over, have a new beginning. But he does have a passion for the frontier areas of space.
Hobbies & Interests Is a natural athlete who enjoys the outdoors and loves mountain and rock climbing, swimming, and scuba diving. For personal pleasure, he writes and makes music on his guitar, something he collaborates with his identical twin brother, Alex. He also enjoys cooking, boxing, and martial arts. Was 6 years old when he started studying Shobukai karate with his brother. Reads to relax.
Languages Earth languages besides Standard Federation: Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin), Indonesian and French. Also knows some Vulcan and Andorian. A small amount of Bajoran and Cardassian. Is currently learning Puerto Rican Spanish.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level ALPHA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 4
Security Code McKinney-Delta-7-1-8-4


Personal History Of Irish and Scottish descent, Connor, along with his identical twin brother Alexander, was born to Ross and Anna McKinney in Shoalhaven, Australia on June 25th, in the year 2350...raised in Hyams Beach nearby. A biomedical researcher, and a secondary school history teacher, Ross and Anna learned during pregnancy that both boys carried a rare genetic type of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Connor's became active, while Alex has remained a carrier only.

At times their family felt dysfunctional with Connor's OCD issues. His symptoms were subtle in his early childhood but developed more and more as he entered his teen years. What began as an obsession of contamination, and needing symmetry and exactness (for fear of someone getting hurt if not done) changed to another type of OCD. He had the fear of harming others impulsively and would have violent and horrific mental images pop into his head unprovoked. Because of this, there was one time Connor barricaded himself in his room for several days.

Alex, who was the firstborn of the twins, took on the role of big brother and was very protective of Connor, always doing his best to look out for him, often down on himself when he felt as if he 'failed'. For the sake of the family, the McKinneys developed a family plan, an agreement, to be open and honest, and work out a solution together whenever there was a struggle in dealing with not just Connor's OCD but with anything. It wasn't always easy, but they made it work.

(there's more to come, including his relationship with his younger sister, and his triumphant learning on how to control his OCD)


In his early teen years, Connor could not cope among his peers, and so it was decided he would be home-schooled. This continued even when his coping in social situations improved. He completed his high school qualification at 16, already taking pre-college courses in his final year.

2371-Graduated 5 years of Medical at the University of Notre Dame in Sydney, Australia
2373-Graduated 2 years of specialist training at the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in Melbourne, Australia
Service Record *Entered Starfleet Medical Academy; because of his previous education, Connor enrolled in the three-year fast track course through SF Medical, undergoing orientation, officer training, and certain preparatory classes, instead of the six years normally required for medical cadets; and putting into practice his surgical skills at Starfleet Medical. He showed a major interest in Xenobiology, and took advantage of the engineering extension courses offered to Medical Academy students.

*Because of the Dominion War, Connor left immediately into the Chin'toka system as a field medic until near the end of 2375 when the Dominion regained the system.

*Post Dominion War-Assigned to the
(will finish)

*Commissioned as a Lieutenant jg upon completion of his Internship*

*Completed Command training.


*Resigned his Starfleet Commission and shortly after was presumed dead. Found alive a few weeks later, and eventually recommissioned. Details are in sealed files.

*Promoted to Captain, and assigned as Commandant of Starfleet Academy Magellan Campus.


*Rank of Fleet Captain:
According to Memory Alpha, Fleet Captain was a Starfleet title given to a senior captain with a different set of responsibilities than a starship captain. This may have been a higher rank than captain or even commodore, although it did not possess a permanent position in the rank hierarchy.

*Canon that in the late 24th century, Starfleet Medical Academy graduates entered the fleet with the rank of lieutenant junior grade.

*Fast track Course
Students who have already trained in equivalent levels of their specialism in a civilian university or facility may be enrolled on a two or three-year fast track course as appropriate. The fast track course focuses on the Officer training, Building Block modules, and application of their specialism to Starfleet. The provision is that the student will serve Starfleet in the same specialism as their civilian qualification.
For example, a student who already has a Medical degree from a university of Earth may be offered the chance of a three-year fast track course through the Medical Academy to serve as a Medical Officer.
Major/s (Specialization/s) Surgery, xenobiology, emergency medicine
Medical History In modern times, OCD sufferers were rare, the majority cured by medication or, in extreme cases, by surgery upon diagnosis. Connor had been resistant to either one, both as a child and as an adult, only responsive to a specific psychotherapy program.

Has been in counseling since his childhood.

Brain trauma - more to come


Friends Really doesn't have any, doesn't make them easily, on his end, as he just doesn't usually open himself to it.
Romance Madeline Sanchez - Currently in a relationship with.

Oralia Zeferino - Former girlfriend of two years. Although their relationship was always very dysfunctional, Connor had wanted to marry her. With all the problems they had, he was always feeling doubtful and could never get himself to ask her. They had broken up once and then gotten back together. It ended for good when it was believed he was dead. Oralia has married since then.

Catherina Belmont (Baracchi) - Serious, yet short, relationship in university.

Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A