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Sun Sep 5th, 2021 @ 3:32pm

Captain Madeline Sanchez

Name Madeline Sanchez

Position Assistant Dean of Education

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 44
Place of Birth Puerto Rico
Marital Status In a Relationship
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 1.6m (5'3")
Weight 58kg (128lbs)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description Maddie has the fiery temperament and looks typical of her Spanish ancestry.


Ex-Spouse/s Thomas Cooper
Children None
Father Alejandro Sanchez
Mother Elizabeth Sanchez
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Estelle Sanchez

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maddie is generally a by the book officer but she isn't scared to fight for what she believes in and this can bring her into conflict with her orders once in a while.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - Reliable, dependable, passionate, makes friends for life.
Weaknesses - her temper and her ex husband
Ambitions After achieving her goal and becoming a Starfleet Captain, Maddie is now looking for another challenge but she doesn't know what it is yet.
Hobbies & Interests Fencing and participating in historical holodeck simulations which allow her to hone her fighting skills. She adores her home island of Puerto Rico on Earth and so loves to relax in the tropics anywhere when she gets the chance.
Languages Spanish
Federation Standard

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)

Security Clearance Level ALPHA - TWO
Data Access Level LEVEL 4
Security Code Sanchez-Beta-6-1-2-3-5


Personal History Maddie is the eldest daughter of Alejandro and Elizabeth. Her father is Puerto Rican and is a professor of archaeology and her mother is English and a professor of ancient history. She spent her childhood living in Puerto Rico on Earth. However, most of her childhood was spent in the care of her paternal grandparents as her parents spent a lot of time travelling on archaeological expeditions both on Earth and other planets. Despite their prolonged absences, Maddie has a close relationship with her parents but is estranged from her younger sister. When she was a child, Maddie observed how happy her parents were on their adventures and she dreamed of getting away from home and exploring the galaxy for herself. She joined Starfleet as soon as she was old enough to attend the Academy. It was there that she met and married Thomas Cooper. Different assignments on different ships meant that as time went on, they spent less and less time together and Maddie had been horrified when she discovered that Tom had been having an affair with her sister Estelle. This ruined her relationship with both her husband and her sister who subsequently married each other once Maddie's divorce was finalised.

After working her way up through the ranks, Maddie finally found herself offered her dream job as a Starfleet Captain and took control of her first command, the USS Minotaur. Sadly, the Minotaur was lost during Maddie's first mission when a ten thousand year old 'living' space station sucked the ship through a gravity well. Maddie managed to save all but a few dozen of her crew however, due to the enormity of what had happened, she was court martialed on the grounds that her inexperience had led to the loss of the ship and the loss of life.

After a very public trial, Maddie was found not guilty of her crime and exonerated of all responsibility. Starfleet command in fact, had so much faith in her that she was assigned to the USS Tomahawk, an Akira class vessel which was due to be launched shortly after the end of her trial.

After several uneventful missions, Maddie, who had never really gotten over the loss of her first ship began to look for a way out of her command having never really fully trusted her judgement ever again.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Majored in Flight control and graduated top of her class and minored in engineering.
USS Brunel - junior flight control officer
USS Sterling Bridge - Senior flight control officer and was eventually promoted to head of department.
USS Mandarin - Promoted to executive officer
USS Minotaur - Commanding Officer
USS Tomahawk - Commanding Officer
Medical History Maddie is fit and well.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree N/A
Cadet's Secondary Degree N/A