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Tue Sep 26th, 2017 @ 6:11pm

Cadet Freshman Grade Rachel Gallagher

Name Rachel Grace Gallagher

Rank Cadet Freshman Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 19
Place of Birth Dublin, Ireland
Marital Status Single
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft 6 in
Weight 125
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A slender, petite young woman with shoulder length wavy, auburn hair and dark green eyes. Her figure is well toned from excercise and she has light freckles across her nose and cheeks. She also has a small strawberry mark on her upper left shoulder that resembles a tiny heart which her mother refers to as an 'angels kiss'.


Father Commander Sean Gallagher
Mother Commander Claire Gallagher (Deceased)
Brother(s) Daniel (32), Aiden (27), Tomas (25)
Sister(s) Brighid (29) *name is the Irish form of Bridget)
Other Family Cousins on her mother's side: Michael Jr (38), Sean (35), Jacob (32), & Julianna (30)
Uncle Michael O'Brien & Aunt Anya O'Brien (her father's sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rachel is a very bright child, learning to read at the age of just 4 years old and like her cousin Julianna, was playing piano pieces like Mozart by the time she was 6 years old. She loves to read and prefers old fashioned hardback books to the more modern books on PADDs like other kids her age. She is a bit quiet when she meets someone new which can give the wrong impression of her being shy, but she warms up to people once she gets to know them. Is very much fond of performing gymnastics but also loves more aggressive sports such as parisess squares. It came as a shock when she was invited to take part in the pilot program of the Starfleet Magellen Campus in the Delta Quadrant.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Outgoing personality
+Photographic Memory
+Highly Intelligent

-Has a slightly rebellious streak that she struggles to keep under control
Ambitions Become Chief Medical, & to one day, marry and have a few children of her own. She also aspires to be the best she is able in the medical profession.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies-
Playing the Piano
Running -mostly cross country

Hardback 20th century books
Classical & Rock Music
Horseback Riding
Cross Country Running
Languages Irish (her native tongue & is fluent in), Federation Standard (English), French & German.

Official Information (Do not fill in, Official Use Only)


Personal History Rachel was born on a cold morning on January 9th, 2369. The youngest of five children, she was the surprise child and therefore was doted on upon her mother and adored by her father, sister and three older brothers. She was very bright from a young age, learning to read at just four years old. When she was just six years old, her mother found her sitting at the family's grand piano playing Canon in D and was astounded by her obviously natural talent, seeing as she'd had no formal training on the piano. She was evaluated by an instructor at the famous Julliard School in NYC and she was allowed to enroll there a full three years earlier than most pupils there. It was here she also receive private tutoring so that she wouldn't get behind in her schooling.
Medical History -Allergic to Penicillin and strawberries
-Fractured thigh bone during a fall from a horse when she was 15
-Had a congenital heart defect that was corrected at birth via surgery
-On birth control shots, as per regulation for all Starfleet Cadets.


Student Academics/Goals and Degrees (students only)

Cadet's Primary Degree Science
Cadet's Secondary Degree Pre-medical