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Rabble Rousing and Carousing

Posted on Mon Jan 7th, 2019 @ 10:14pm by Lieutenant Cole Dering M.D., M.S. & Nicolas "Nick" Giordano

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Dev's Lounge
Timeline: 2388/08/25 1900 (August 25 2388 7:00pm)

It had been a long day for Security and everyone else on the campus and BJ practically ran from the Security offices the moment her duty was done for the day. It was bad enough that hundreds of male and a number of female cadets had ogled her, but she had to lay the verbal smack down on several of them who had gotten too friendly.

Once in her apartment, she shed her Security uniform like it was a snake that had bitten her several times and then hit on her like a lecherous cadet. Tossing it in the clothing processor, she jumped in the shower and luxuriated under the hot water for a half an hour until she felt clean again.

Getting out, she looked at her wardrobe and decided that she completely needed to shed the duty persona. Spotting a pair of black leather pants and matching corset top, she gave an evil grin and began to dress, topping it off with a pair of black leather boots that nearly reached her knees. Leaving her hair hanging loose, she gave herself an approving glance in the mirror and headed out to the Lounge that she had heard about.

BJ Outfit

Arriving, after a short jaunt across campus, into Magellan Station's promenade, she headed into Dev's Place and went up to the bar. "Long Island Ice Tea, and double up on all the booze, please," she requested of the bartender. Getting her drink, she turned in her seat and let her hazel eyes sweep the bar to see who was around.

The sound system engaged as she turned and You Give Me Fever began to play from the hidden speakers which produced a very slight bass vibration through the floor and into the patrons before the smoky voice of Peggy Lee was heard. Hearing the lyrics, BJ gave a sinister, seductive smile and knew that it was going to be one hell of a night.

Just outside the lounge, Cole Dering stood unsure if he should go inside. He didn't have a drinking problem like his brother, nor did he have a problem with drinking, but because of Brady he sometimes found himself hesitating before he did. With his hands tucked into the pockets of his blue jeans, he breathed in deeply and made a decision. After the long day he had at work with his boss, the enchanting Doctor Lilly Cavallo, he felt he needed a drink.

The song playing in the background released his usual charming smile. Glancing at the bar his eyes liked what he saw. Hell yeah he thought before heading over.

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BJ stood at the bar swaying her hips to the music with a drink in her hand that was as yet untouched. She caught a motion from the corner of her eye and turned in time to see a handsome man approaching her from the entrance way. Someone with some cajones, or looking for a drink where I happen to be standing?

Cole kept eye contact with her as he sat down a couple stools away and then looked away as Nick approached him from the other end of the bar.

"Hey, Cole." Nick greeted him, having just taken over as the previous bartender stepped away. "What can I get for you?"

"Hi, Nick," Cole replied with his usual easy grin, "I'll have a Tequila Sunrise, thank you."

"Coming right up." Nick smiled as he reached for a glass.

The eye contact was enough of an invitation for her to move over to stand beside of where he sat. "Is this seat taken?" She asked him, her hips still swaying to the music.

Watching her, Cole smiled. She was 'hot' and definitely a distraction. "It is now. " he motioned for her to sit. Then his smile widened. "That is, if you really feel like sitting."

"An officer and a gentleman?" She asked with a smile as she took the seat. "Or do you just like what you see?"

"What's there not to like?" He matched her smile, his eyes staring into hers. Looking between the two with a knowing expression, Nick placed Cole's drink down before him.

"Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air?" BJ laughed and took a sip of her drink. "I like that in a man."

Cole took a sip of his drink and then his smile returned, "Why, thank you....and you...well, you're enough to take a man's breath away."

Finishing her drink, she nodded to the bartender. "Another Aldorian Ale, please." Turning her attention back to Cole, BJ gave him a sultry smile and chuckled throatily "Training aside, I know over three dozen ways to take your breath away. How many ways do you know to take mine away?"

"I don't know exactly." Cole admitted, and he looked as if he was totally enjoying himself. "I lost count a long time ago. How about I show you and you can help me figure it out."

She raised an eyebrow as she accepted her drink from the bartender before looking him up and down deliberately. Running the tip of her tongue over the rim of her glass, she smiled and set it down on the bar. "A man of action as well, hmm?" She chuckled again and put the ball firmly in his court. A part of her rebelled and she shrugged it off mentally; she wasn't Lieutenant Reign - she was BJ and she fully planned on having fun. "Shall we see where the night takes us?"

"Sure." he grinned, "Where would you like to begin? I'm easy..." Then he laughed, slightly blushing, "Well, that came out wrong, maybe." And as if he was recovering, he gave her a charming smile.

"A dance would be a nice start," BJ said. "And knowing that you're easy is going to make this so much more fun."

Cole inwardly chuckled. "Well alright then." He finished his drink and placed his glass down as he stood. "Lead the way," he said looking down at her smiling, "I'm all yours."

BJ gave a throat chuckle and took his hand, leading him out onto the dance floor, her hips swaying to the music. Turning to face him, she smiled and began to move to the music, her body beginning a sinuous dance that started slow as she moved up to him. "That, I know."

Watching her, Cole couldn't help it; his eyes filled with lust. He put an arm around her waist and started to move with her. One eyebrow raised, "And you know exactly what you're doing."

She didn't miss the look in his eyes and resisted a smirk, raising an eyebrow instead as she continued to move her hips. "What might that be?" she asked him in an innocent a voice as she could muster.

"Driving me crazy," he said, "but in a oh so good way."

Laughing, she moved against him and smiled. "Then you're in luck, because I'm a good driver." Taking the lead, she swung around him and slid her arms up his abdomen and chest before moving around him again while maintaining body contact the entire time.

Moaning inside, Cole deliberately placed a hand on her lower back, just above her behind, and pulled her tightly to him as he leaned down. "Well, in that case, you can take me anywhere."

BJ smiled and looked up at him. "I'll keep that in mind," she said as she started to move them towards the door. "In fact, I have something in mind right now."

"Oh yeah?" Two lines had formed between Cole's eyebrows, as even with all the heavy flirting, he hadn't really been expecting this. With a slow charming smile and hungry eyes, he allowed her to lead him with great expectations of where she was taking him and what was to come.

"Mmhmm," BJ said with a mischievous grin as they neared the door, looking like a Cheshire Cat that was about to eat a canary.

Then BJ's combadge chirped. =^=McKinney to Lieutenant Reign.=^=

A sound that was a cross between a growl and a groan escaped BJ's lips as her combadge announced that the Dean was contacting her. Reaching into the cleavage of her outfit, she pulled the combadge out and tapped it with a minor look of annoyance that she kept out of her voice. =^=Go ahead, Doctor McKinney.=^=

=^=Lieutenant, please report to my office immediately.=^=

"Ohhh no.." Keeping hold of her other hand, Cole had switched places with her. Looking at her sideways, he urged her to go with him. He shook his head with an incredulous smile, and kept his voice low, "You're coming with me."

=^=Acknowledged=^= BJ said, tapping her combadge again before looking at Cole. "Do you want to explain to the Dean while I have you attached to my side, or shall I? If you're a good boy, I might return to you...if you give me reason to."

Cole took in a deep breath, giving in. He let go of her hand. "Okay" he gave a dry chuckle, then shook his head as he looked away. "Bad timing." he said quietly, looking back to her.

"So no reason to get me to come back, hmm?" She asked, sliding a finger up his chest. "A I thought you might be a keeper."

Cole's brow slightly furrowed. A small part of him felt guilty for wanting her as badly as he did. "Oh I have plenty of reasons." he whispered before capturing her mouth with his.

BJ moaned and crushed her body against his as she returned the kiss, her lips and tongue mobile against his. Reaching around, she grabbed his butt and gave a firm squeeze before releasing him and stepping back. "A nice start," she murmured. "That will have to do for now...but I expect you to get really creative later. By the you have a name? If I ask the computer to identify a stud, it might take all day."

His head tilted downwards, running two fingers across his bottom lip, he raised an eyebrow and smiled. His look a bit more intense. "Cole Dering. All I have is your last name, Lieutenant Reign."

"Cole, hmm? Call me BJ," she said with a smile as she turned, looking over her shoulder. "I'll let you wonder what it means. Later, Mister Stud." Laughing, she sauntered out swaying her hips as she did so and Dazed and Confused began to play, leaving him undoubtedly feeling the same.


Doctor Cole Dering
Assistant CMO
Magellan Campus


Lt Billie Jean Reign
Interim Asst. Chief of Security
Magellan Campus


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