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The Set Up

Posted on Wed Feb 6th, 2019 @ 1:46am by Covert S-31 Agent
Edited on on Wed Feb 6th, 2019 @ 3:27pm

Mission: The First Step...
Location: Classified
Timeline: 2388/08/29 1700 (Fri. August 29 2388 5:00pm)

ED1 Monday, 2388/08/25 to ED5 Friday, 2388/08/29, evening

It had taken weeks since his arrival on Magellan Campus, but the Section Thirty-One agent had gotten the last of the surveillance bugs set up. His guise as a civilian contractor with a high security clearance had paid off, gotten him into every nook and cranny that he needed to be in, and now all he had to do was wait. Thanks to the latest in technology, his bugs were untraceable and the extra micro-chargers would ensure that they would keep running more than the one hundred standard hours.

Keeping his cover as a contractor, he settled in to his quarters and activated his terminal. A series of scenes changed every ten seconds, going from the Campus administration building to Campus Security to flight hangars to Dev's Place on the station, as well as several other buildings on Campus. He watched with growing boredom as staff, students and Starfleet personnel went about their business with nothing of interest happening that would get his attention.

One thing that got his attention was the newly appointed big-jugged Interim Chief of Security called in a Security officer with even bigger jugs. "Entertainment at last!" he said as he watched, secretly hoping that they would rip each others clothes off in a lust-fueled lesbian frenzy, but was disappointed. The disappointment didn't last long when the other officer was made the Assistant Chief of Security, and he filed that information away with other tidbits that he was getting for his controller.

Deciding to follow her around where he was able to via the surveillance bugs, he was pleased to see her heading into Dev's place with the Security Chief and both of them were hot enough to make him want to kick a hole in the wall. Settling down to watch the jug twins, he grabbed a cold beer and sat back to see what came next. A while later, he watched Chief Jugs leave the bar while Assistant Chief Jugs headed up to approach two men who were sitting at the bar. Pulling up a file, he started to play a song and kicked back to watch the show.

While he watched and listened, he isolated the faces of the three people and learned that one was the Flight Instructor, a Commander Jacob Bannerman, the other was Commander Devin McCall, the Intelligence Instructor, and Assistant Chief Jugs was Lieutenant JG Joey Corwin. The Security Chief was Lieutenant Billie Jean Reign, whom he decided to refer to as Big Jugs Reign. "What kind of name is Joey for a woman like that? I shall call her Joey Jugs." Filing the information away, he watched Joey Jugs head out with the Flight Instructor and sat back for the rest of his evening to wait for something more exciting to happen until he was able to get surveillance devices set up in personal apartments.

Two days later, the agent once again checked the video feeds and was switching around the various feeds when he again spotted Commander Bannerman, but this time the Flight Instructor was with a short redhead. "Let's see what's going on here." A few minutes later, Joey Jugs came in while the redhead had left to do something. When the redhead returned, he was treated to the sight of a potential fight, but ended with Joey Jugs tossing a drink in Red's face and storming off.

"Does no one rip clothes off any more?" he muttered as he started to switch the feed again, but something caught his attention and he had the bug zoom in on Bannerman's face as something jogged in his memory. "You," he hissed as he recognized a face from his past. "So this is where you made it to, you sonofabitch...oh yes. I'm going to have some fun with you."

The next evening, the agent once again checked his surveillance feeds but saw nothing of interest at the lounge club. Switching around, he saw a flash of skin in a shuttle hangar and backed the feed up. Another gorgeous redhead was talking to Commander Bannerman and the agent watched with his mouth dropping open as the young woman stripped out of her uniform in front of the Flight Instructor. He was even more amazed when the infamous womanizer seemed reluctant to flip her on the nearest surface and have his way with her, but he wasn't given the chance when another man entered the hangar.

He backed the feed up again and thought about what he was watching and how best to use it. Finally, he had an idea, but didn't have an idea of how it would work out; clipping out a section of the video of the redhead grinding on Bannerman?s lap, he deleted the sound from it and saved it in a separate file. Something was missing, though, and that was a scapegoat to set up. He smiled as he remembered the fight between Joey Jugs, Bannerman and the redhead who he had since learned was the civilian owner of the White Lotus Salon and Spa. Joey Jugs would be perfect since people had seen the altercation between the three people.

Accessing several programs, he cracked Joey Jugs' Security code and slipped a bypass into her files, sending the clip from her terminal with a bit of finagling to Ms. Mackenzie Bergman. Satisfied, he withdrew from the system before his intrusion was noticed and sat back to wait for the real fun to begin.


Written by the player of
Commander Devin McCall
The Bad Guy
Magellan Campus


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