Our Rating of 18+ Defined

Created by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Tue Jun 6th, 2017 @ 9:19pm

"It is important to note that while we allow 18+ content, this is not an Adult Game. We are about good story-telling first and foremost. We want to encourage freedom for our writers so we allow some adult content, but keep it reasonable/necessary to the story and mark the log with an 18+ or "Adult" in the subject, to make people aware before they read it that there is sex and/or graphic violence."

What our rating of 18+ means:

Language: I don't believe as a whole that Starfleet officers do a lot of swearing. They are trained to be more polite than that. I recall Kirk needing to explain to Spock what "colorful metaphors" were. So swearing is allowed, just not to the extreme, and I get it, some scenes it just seems appropriate. So basically, swearing is generally permitted, to a point. Basically, it's what's already been done here. It's here and there, but not extreme. Nothing Vulgar, no F this and F that. Use keyboard symbols, if you must.

Sex: You don't have to fade to black unless it's what you want. BUT, no explicit sexual scenes, absolutely no porn. I don't want the details. There are tasteful ways of writing love scenes without going into the details. Beautiful sexy ways. If you aren't sure what I am going to be allowing, ask me for examples, and I'll show you some. So, in a nut shell, sexual content is permitted, explicit narration is not allowed. When in a post, a warning must be placed at the top of a post. If forgotten more than once, well, then your post will be moderated (when you post, the system sends the post to me for approval) until you show you're going to remember.

Violence: Violence is allowed to be written as it fits into some scenarios and story lines, but not to such a detail extreme that we look like a slasher movie with all the guts and gory details.

Any questions, please ask.

Categories: Rules