Tactical Belt

Created by Senior Captain Connor McKinney M.D. PhD on Sat Sep 16th, 2017 @ 8:42pm

Tactical Belt

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The belt is commonly available with the following items already attached.

•Type-II Phaser
•Field Medkit
•1x Flash/Stun/Anesthetic Grenade
•Door Opener
•General Use Multi-Tool
•Handcuffs/Zip Ties

As Away Team missions are variable in their layout and parameters, the Tactical Belts can be modified to suit whatever the mission requirements may be:

•Type-I Phaser
•Sarium Krellide Power Cells
•Small slug thrower (for use if energy dampening fields are in use)
•Emergency Breathing Mask
•2x Isolinear Transporter Tags
•Photon Grenade
•Flash/Stun/Anesthetic Grenade

Credit: uss blackhawk

Categories: Security Equipment