Cadet In-Character Rules & Behavior

Created by Ambassador Geminik Odar on Sun Jul 29th, 2018 @ 4:21pm

Cadets are generally regarded as being adults and for the most part will be treated as such. Even so, there are rules that cadets are expected to follow, and if broken, there may be consequences.

You are more than welcome to roleplay your characters breaking the rules if you are also willing to accept and roleplay the consequences. Depending on the severity of the infraction these can range from a mere warning to expulsion from the school. There is a little more on IC rules in the rules section of the main page. Obvious 'common sense' rules such as "though shall not kill thy fellow crewmates (cadets, teachers, etc)" will not be listed.

Uniforms: Uniforms must be worn (by cadets and staff) on campus during normal school hours. During evenings and weekends, cadets and personnel may wear their normal clothing with the exception of special weekend classes/class outings that may come up from time to time. Combadge will be worn or be near person at all times.

Curfew and Quiet Hours: For the first week as Freshman students are adjusting to their schedules curfew will be at 2300 hours. After the first week, curfew will be at midnight, 0000 hours aka Zero hours military time weeknights, no curfew on the weekends. After the first semester there is no curfew, but students are expected to keep the noise level down after 10pm aka 2200 hours on weeknights and 12am aka zero hours on weekends. A temporary curfew may be ordered under special/certain circumstances.

Dorms: There will be two cadets per room, same sex in each one. Hermaphrodites and non-gender species could have either a male or female roommate. There are a few three-cadets-per-room dorm rooms. Both synthehol and real alcohol are not allowed in dorms. Dorms are expected to be reasonably neat, but this is not highly policed unless there is a complaint.

Disorderly Conduct: Cadets are expected to conduct themselves as respectable adults while on campus. Complaints or charges that happen while a cadet is enrolled in Starfleet Academy can also go on their records or get them kicked out of the Academy.

Alco/synthehol: Coming.

Relationships: Starfleet certainly does not police relationships between cadets, but relationships between professors and students is strictly forbidden. This would have been among the rules presented to the cadets upon their orientation. Chapter Fourteen 'Relationships with officers of lower rank' Section Four, paragraph two just does not apply when it comes to this. As it's looked down upon in colleges and universities in the real world, some even have it in their rules, it is here too and for very good reasons. This doesn't mean that it doesn't happen, but it means there would be consequences if it was caught and/or reported. Be prepared to accept the consequences, what could possibly be harsh (especially if your cadet has a lousy attitude and talks with disrespect to their CO when confronted), for this role play if you choose to go there.

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