Reboot Notes 1 - Layout of Sim Locations

Created by Ambassador Geminik Odar on Tue Aug 21st, 2018 @ 10:00pm

Originally posted Sept of 2016

Kim: First of all, thank you all for sticking with me here.

This is a partial reboot, meaning that most of our post and stories will be brought over here from the old site, yet changes are being made to the sim's premise.

In the old sim, we've had it that the colony was still in the future. Here we're going to have it that the colony began basically at the same time as the academy campus. Makes more sense to me. It was just an undertaking I didn't want to take on before.

Another huge change, Starbase Magellan will be a planetary ground base instead of a Celestial one in orbit. Operations, the center of the colony, with the colony (residential and buisnesses) expanding beyond and around the starbase, with the exception of the academy to one side of it. The Oceanic research buildings on the other side of the Academy, with some scattered residential areas in between. Magellan Station, Magellan Campus, and of course the Oceanic buildings all along the coastline of a continent yet to be named.

I'm open to suggestions with all of this, please believe me.

Also, a few characters will never have existed here, and for some, a few of their post won't be reposted either because of the other changes made. Some post may require editing, and so as each one is brought over and reposted, we'll go over it to see if it needs any editing done.

Originally posted 2-14-17

*Just a reminder, with a little extra, just in case because its been a while and we're not use to it:

That we have changed Starbase Magellan from a Celestial Starbase that hung in space to a Colonial-class Planetary Base on land, on the surface of the planet. But there is above the planet is Starbase Magellan Docking Station, where the large ships dock for either dropping off passengers and some cargo, to picking up passengers and some cargo, and for maintenance.

On the planet surface, on the outer edge of the Colonial-class Planetary Base there's a ground landing bay area on one outer edge of it, facing the ocean, for smaller vessels granted clearance. The Campus landing bay is only for those with clearance to land there.

In post reposted from the old academy site I have edited/added information where needed to reflect this.

Originally posted 2-17-18

Kim: Hey everyone. Another reboot decision: This has to do with the wormhole. It being closed for 6 months at a time was part of the premise for the old Zulubase sim, which is why I have had that be the case for both the Magellan Campus and Solace sims. It's always bothered me on some level as it has made the wormhole not completely stable, and personally, I can't see why Starfleet would take the chance.

So, I have decided that the wormhole won't be unstable, never has been since it's initial appearance. This is going to make a lot of things easier story and character-wise for most of you, I am sure. :)

I am pretty sure that all the post already posted here have not had a statement about the wormhole closing. As more post are moved over from the old site, any that do, will be edited.

Now, we have Starbase Unity (formally Zulu) and the Kotharian homeworld on this side of the wormhole, the Delta Quadrant side. One can see the wormhole from the starbase. There is another starbase not far from the wormhole on the Beta Quadrant side, a starbase I have yet to name. Suggestions would be awesome.

Anyways, so, Starfleet has an eye on traffic going through the wormhole both ways.

Categories: Reboot Notes